What's New 2004 to 2007 Archive
Mastering Landscape Photography
Second printing special offer
My book, Mastering Landscape Photography, is going into its 2nd printing this fall.
This is a notable event because the book has been in print less than a year.
To celebrate I will be offering a special offer
for the book plus a limited edition print.
The first 40 orders will receive a second print at no extra cost.
To register for this special offer simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com
With "Second Printing" in the subject line
December 31st
A new essay by Ralph Nordstrom, with an introduction by myself, is being published today. Titled What Constitutes a Fine Art Photograph? this essay explores many of the areas that I have been writing about over the past couple of years.
Tonight is new Year's Eve, and depending where you are in the world it may be already 2008 by the time you read this or you may still be counting the hours, and the minutes, until midnight. Wherever you are, Natalie and I wish you a very Happy New Year. May 2008 be the best year ever, in photography and in your life.
December 27th
1-Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD update
Answers to new marketing questions were posted to the Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD owner's page today. This page is accessible to all Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD owners with the password you received when you ordered the DVD.
If you do not have this extensive tutorial yet you can explore the contents on the Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD description page.
2-The next Briot's View essay will be emailed to subscribers tomorrow
This new essay is the introduction to a new series of essays that focuses on Photographic Composition. This series will feature 7 essays, as follows:
Part 1 - Introduction to composition - Emailed to subscribers this month
Part 2 - The Traditional rules of composition
Part 3 - The Non-Traditional rules of composition
Part 4 - Composing with color
Part 5 - Composing with light
Part 6 - Composing in black and white
Part 7 - The importance of the image borders
Part 8 - The importance of knowing your photographic locations
If you are not a Briot's View Subscriber yet, or if you have let your subscription expire, you can subscribe or re-subscribe at this link. We have 3 special offers available.
December 22nd
Natalie and I send our greetings and our best wishes for a Happy Holliday Season to all our readers.
The Home Page now features a photograph taken the morning after a snowstorm in North-Eastern Arizona this month.
A new Briot's View essay will be available soon as part of your subscription to Briot's View. This essay is the introduction to a new series that focuses on Composition, both from a traditional and from a non-traditional perspective. Not to be missed.
December 16th
The Home Page now features a photograph from the Painted Desert area of Arizona.
It is still not too late to take advantage of our Hollidays Special offers: order any Print of the Month at our special offer price and / or order the new 12 Master Files CD-2 at the special offer price.
We had a fantastic White Sands and Bosque del Apache workshop this past week and we want to thank all the participants who joined us for this unique photographic adventure. Photographs from the workshop will be featured on this site shortly. We had fantastic light for the entire workshop due to a series of storms that passed through Southern New Mexico during our travels.
December 2nd
I have 4 news of importance today:
1-The site is undergoing a presentation change, with the background and navigation buttons color scheme being changed to grey and red. This change is ongoing and will be completed in a couple of weeks if everything goes well.
2-The December Print of the month is being announced today. Visit this link to see which image I selected this month.
3- The December Print review is online. Click here to see whose image I am reviewing this month. The podcast version will be posted tomorrow.
4-The new Master Files CD-2 is now available. It was announced to members of the Pre-announcement list yesterday, but we still have a few copies available at the special offer price. Click here to see the contents of this new tutorial.
November 30th
The Master Files CD-2 will be announced today to members of the pre-announcement list. If you are not on this list yet, adding your name is very simple: just send me an email at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Master Files in the subject line. You will receive a personal email when the CD is released and you will have the opportunity to acquire it for the lowest price it will ever be offered.
This new Tutorial will feature 12 master files from my most popular images, plus a 1 hr HDR (High Dynamic Range) tutorial movie. The HDR tutorial is actually a double tutorial because it shows me working on two different HDR images. The master files for both HDR images are included on the CD, in addition to the 12 other master files. In effect you get 14 Master Files.
Each Master File shows all the layers I created to go from a straight scan, or Raw conversion, to a final image ready to print. If you are not familiar with the concept of Master File you can read my essay on the subject by clicking here.
A special offer will be made available to the first 20 orders. To be one of the first you need to add your name to the Master Files Pre-Announcement list (see above).
November 29th
New Home Page
The home page was given a new look today, a look that will be carried over to the rest of this site over the coming months.
November 28th
2007 Summit Photographs
A photograph from the 2007 Fine Art Summit now graces the home page. This image was created in Zion Canyon during the Summit. It is also my contribution to the Summit Book that will be published next month.
If you attended the Summit I want to remind you that you are entitled to have one of your photographs published in the Summit Book. The Deadline is December 1st at 5pm. For last minute submissions email Uwe Steinmueller at uwe@outbackphoto.com. If Uwe doesn't hear from you before the deadline your photograph will not be included in the book. The photograph size must be 2000 dpi in its longest dimmention.
Master Files CD-2
The Master Files CD-2 will be released shortly. This new Tutorial will feature 12 master files from my most popular images, plus a 1 hr HDR (High Dynamic Range) tutorial movie. The HDR tutorial is actually a double tutorial because it shows me working on two different HDR images. The master files for both HDR images are included on the CD, in addition to the 12 other master files. In effect you get 14 Master Files.
Each Master File shows all the layers I created to go from a straight scan, or Raw conversion, to a final image ready to print. If you are not familiar with the concept of Master File you can read my essay on the subject by clicking here.
A special offer will be made available to the first 20 orders. To be one of the first you need to add your name to the Master Files Pre-Announcement list. Doing so is very simple: just send me an email at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Master Files in the subject line. You will receive a personal email when the CD is released and you will have the opportunity to acquire it for the lowest price it will ever be offered.
November 19th
We are back from the 2007 Fine Art Digital Summit which took place in Zion National Park and we want to thank all the participants, as well as Charlie Cramer and Uwe Steinmueller, for making it a huge success. Zion is a fantastic place for photography, with endless possibilities, and the work created during the Summit reflects the beauty of Zion combined with the talent of the many photographers who participated in this yearly event.
We will soon start planning the 2008 Summit which will be announced in Spring 2008. If you want to be first notified about this event email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.comwith 2008 Summit in the subject line. You will receive notification over email ahead of everyone else when the 2008 Summit is first announced. 2008 will be the 6th year that we are offering the Fine Art Digital Summit.
During our absence we received a couple of cancellations for the White Sands and Bosque del Apache workshop this December. As a result, we have 2 openings for this exciting workshop. These will be filled first come, first served, so if you want to attend this event make sure to contact us ASAP. All the details of this event are on the workshop description page.
November 9th
The Master Files CD-2
The companion to the Master Files CD-1 will be available shortly. This new Tutorial will feature 12 master files from my most popular images, plus a 1 hr HDR (High Dynamic Range) tutorial movie. The HDR tutorial is actually a double tutorial because it shows me working on two different HDR images. The master files for both HDR images are included on the CD, in addition to the 12 other master files. In effect you get 14 Master Files.
Each Master File shows all the layers I created to go from a straight scan, or Raw conversion, to a final image ready to print. If you are not familiar with the concept of Master File you can read my essay on the subject by clicking here.
A special offer will be made available to the first 35 orders. To be one of the first you need to add your name to the Master Files Pre-Announcement list. Doing so is very simple: just send me an email at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Master Files in the subject line. You will receive a personal email when the CD is released and you will have the opportunity to acquire it for the lowest price it will ever be offered.
November 6th
Photography review
The first Fine Art Photography Review is now available on this website. The first photographer whose image I selected for review is Jason Keefe. You can watch the Quicktime Review movie at this link as well as read information on how to submit your own photographs for review.
November 4th
Print of the Month
The November Print of the Month is being announced today. Titled "Hoodoos" this image depicts a dynamic composition from one of my favorite subjects. You can find all the details at this link including an essay explaining how this image was created.
October 31st
New Essay
An essay on my work was published on the Photo to Movie website today. Photo to Movie is the software I used to create my Navajoland DVD. You can access this essay at this link.
The essay only has a short excerpt from my movie. A longer excerpt is available here.
You can also purchase the Navajoland DVD, which features the entire movie in full-size version by clicking here (I play it on my 60" television and it looks fantastic). This movie features my Navajoland Portfolio photographs combined with the Native American Flute Music of Travis Terry.
The Death Valley workshop is now sold out. The only field workshop with available seats is Navajoland in April 2008. It is also filling up quickly so if you are planning to attend you need to act now. We also have openings for the Printing, Composition and Marketing Mastery seminars in February 2008. The links to all 4 workshops and seminars are above.
October 27th
A new installment of my podcast is now available. This new episode is the introduction and description of my new, and free, print review program. You can access the podcast page at this link, and the podcast RSS feed at that link. My podcast is also available by subscription on Apple iTunes. Simply do a search for Alain Briot on iTunes to locate it then subscribe. Once subscribed you will be alerted automatically when a new episode is available.
October 26th
National Geographic has posted a very nice gallery of photographs from Death Valley. This gallery showcases many of the locations we will be visiting during the Death Valley Workshop next March. You can see the National Geographic Death Valley gallery at this link.
October 24th
Only 3 seats left for the Death Valley Workshop in March 2008. If you are considering attending, this is the time to register as it will soon be sold out. Click here to read all the details and see beautiful photographs of Death Valley.
New photographs from Death Valley were also added to the Death Valley portfolio page. Make sure to take a look.
Below are new testimonials we received this month. I decided to publish them all together. You can read more testimonials from our students and customers on the Testimonials page.
October 13th
NEW: The Alain Briot Fine Art Photography Review.
How this works: the Alain Briot Fine Art Photography Review is free and open to everyone. All you need to do to participate is email one of your photographs in jpeg format to alain@beautiful-landscape.com Your jpeg should be no more than 500 pixels maximum dimension. If your photograph is selected I may ask you for a larger size image if necessary.
Details of the program: detais of this new program are on the new Fine Art Photography Review page. Make sure to visit it before making your submission.
October 11th
Three new essays on composition are now available on this site. These essays are accessible to subscribers of my free newsletter, via the password which is emailed to you when you subscribe.
If you are not subscribed to my free newsletter, you can do so now by using the Subscribe to Alain's Newsletter Link at the top of this page. You will receive your password right away. You can unsubscribe at any time and we do not share your information with anyone.
If you are already a subscriber and cannot find your password, simply email me and I will email it to you: alain@beautiful-landscape.com
October 20th
I am very pleased to announce that my book, Mastering Landscape Photography, is going into a second printing this fall. A special offer will be available, and a pre-announcement list is opened. To join the list simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "Second Printing" in the subject line.
The first edition of the book sold out in less than a year, a notable event for a photography book.
The special offer will be for the book plus a limited edition print, 16x20 mat size (10x15 print size). The first 40 orders will get a second print of the same size free. This is an offer you do not want to miss!
Both prints will be totally different than the prints I offered last year when the book was first published. So, you can reorder this year, get two new prints, get a new copy of the book, and build your collection of my work at a very advantageous cost. You only need to be among the first 40 to order, something that you can guarantee by adding your name to the pre-release list now: alain@beautiful-landscape.com
October 15th
A new Portfolio titled Bagdad Cafe is now online.
If you did not check it out yet, make sure to take a look at the new Alain Briot Fine Art Photography Review. This is a free review opened to anyone. To participate, simply email me a jpeg of your work, 500 pixels maximum size. All the details are on the new Alain Briot Fine Art Photography Review page
We received numerous submissions already. I cannot respond to each of you individually, but if your work is selected for review you will receive a personal email from me before your review is posted to this site. In the meantime, thank you for submitting your work.
October 9th
New: The Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD.
Today marks the public announcement of my latest DVD tutorial: the Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD.
Studying how to market and sell your photographs with this new DVD is comparable to attending my Marketing Seminar in February 2008, except you do not need to travel --which saves you a lot of money-- and you can listen and study each presentation as many times as you want --instead of hearing each presentation once during the seminar. Finally, the Marketing Mastery DVD also comes with a recording of the 2007 marketing Seminar, as well as with marketing examples and more. Click here to read the detailed description.
A special offer for the first 40 orders is available. However, this offer was first sent to members of the Pre-Announcement list and, as a result, we only have a few DVD's left at the special offer price. But, the good news is that we still have some available and that one can be yours if you act now.
You can also ask that we charge the Marketing DVD to your card in several installments. Finally, you receive a $100 off coupon towards registration in any of our workshops.
All this is only available if you act now so that you get one of the remaining DVD's that are part of our Special Offer.
New Podcast episode
A new installment of my Podcast is now available. This installment focuses on learning how to sell your photographs and introduces my new Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD. You can access the podcast RSS Feed directly by clicking here. This is episode number 17 of my Podcast. You can also listen to the Podcast on iTunes and other Podcast readers. The links are here.
October 2nd
The October Print of the Month is now available. Click here to discover the image I selected for this month. As with each print of the month a special price is available if you order now. The price then goes up when the next print of the month is announced. The print of the month collection offers you prints at prices lower than my regular prices.
September 26th
New Image Gallery
A new image gallery showcasing photographs taken along Route 66 in Arizona is now available. If you like cars you will enjoy this gallery. Une fois n'est pas coutume. You can visit it at this link.
There are only 3 remaining openings for the May 2008 Antelope Canyon workshop. If you intend to attend this workshop, the time to register is now. We expect this exciting workshop to fill up this weekend. Click here to visit the Antelope Canyon workshop description page.
September 24th
New Essay on composition.
A new essay on composition titled Monument Valley Afternoon was published on this site today. This essay is part of my Thoughts and Photographs series. You can read the entire series here.
September 21st
I forgot something
I forgot to mention that the new Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD comes with a $100 off coupon for any of the workshops taught by Natalie and I. This coupon is mailed to you after you place your order. If you already placed your order, this coupon will be mailed to you shortly.
Also, some of you asked if we offer a payment plan for the DVD. Yes, we do.
We can charge the cost of the DVD in three separate installments. What we do is divide the cost of the DVD by three, charge one payment to your card when you order it, then charge the 2 other payments a month and two months later. We can also do 4 payments if this works better for you. The reason for the 3 payments is that this works great for most photographers.
If this is of interest and will work best for you let us know. There is no extra cost for this option and you get your DVD immediately. You don't have to wait until all 3 payments are made, we ship your DVD immediately after we receive your order.
Right now we have only a few Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD packages left at the special offer price. This may be your last chance to take advantage of our special pricing, so don't delay placing your order.
Right now the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD is offered to members of the Pre-Registration list. If you are not on the list and want to have a chance to benefit from this promotion email me with "Marketing DVD" in the subject line. My email address is alain@beautiful-landscape.com.
September 13th
The Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD is now available
The Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD was announced today to members of the Pre-Registration list. If you asked to be on this list and did not receive this announcement over email, simply email me and I will resend it. If you were not on the list and want to have a chance to benefit from this promotion email me with "Marketing DVD" in the subject line. My email address is above.
September 12th
Workshops update
The White Sands & Bosque del Apache workshop is sold out. The April 2008 Antelope Canyon is also sold out.
Regarding field workshops, we have openings available for the May 2008 Antelope workshop and for the March 2008 Death Valley workshop.
We also have 2 seats available for this month's Antelope Canyon Workshop (September 2007) due to cancellations.
We just returned from our Navajoland workshop. This was a fantastic workshop with great light and wonderful participants. Natalie and I say "thank you" to all of you who attended. I will have photographs from the workshop on this site's home page shortly.
My Marketing DVD is scheduled to be announced shortly as well, this week if everything goes well. If you have not added your name to the pre-announcement list yet you can still do so by emailing me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Marketing DVD in the subject line.
September 5th
Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD update
A list of frequently asked questions, together with answers to all these questions, plus a list of contents is now available for the Marketing Mastery DVD. The link to this list is available on the DVD description page. New content is being added to this page regularly so make sure to visit it.
The DVD is now complete and I plan to release it following our Navajoland Workshop which starts this Friday. I am very excited at the contents of the Marketing DVD because this content exceed my goals for the amount of materials I planned to include. I ended up including much more content and many more materials than I originally thought.
This resulted in a little delay but I am sure you will agree that it was worth it as this extra content really makes the DVD a comprehensive tutorial on learning how to sell your photography. It covers as many venues as are available today including galleries, stock photography, the web, your site, stores, representatives, wholesale, retail, consignement, you name it.
We have one seat available for the September Antelope Canyon workshop. The link is on the workshop page (top left of this page). Only one seat is left for he White Sands and Bosque del Apache (linked above).
September 2nd
Marketing Mastery Workshop on DVD update
I am in the process of editing the recordings for the DVD. This is taking me longer than expected due to the amounts of recordings I made (I have over 30 hours of recordings about how to sell your photographs). At this time I have about 10 hours of recordings left to edit and format.
The good news is that I continue to add new information that I did not think of including at first. For example I now have a section on Artist in Residence programs and on selling your work to National Park giftstores and bookstores, a process that is very specific to the parks and quite different from other wholesale sales.
If you have not emailed me yet to request that your name be placed on the pre-announcement list for this new DVD tutorial, doing so is easy: simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "Marketing DVD" in the subject line, and your name will be added to this list right away. There is no obligation to buy, you will simply be the first to be notified and you will benefit from a special offer, a lower price and other exciting opportunities that will be announced when the DVD is published. An upgrade path will be offered to Marketing CD owners as well.
If you have not read my description of the Marketing DVD, or my essay on Marketing, you can do so now by clicking on this link for the DVD description and this link for the Marketing essay.
OnlyAugust 28th
Only 2 seats left for the extended Antelope Canyon Workshop in April 2008.
This is a unique workshop with an extended itinerary. You can read a detailed description on this page.
August 27th
Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD update
I have now completed all the recordings for the DVD and I am working on editing and formatting the files. I plan to have the DVD ready before the Navajoland Workshop. The DVD will then ship either before or just after the workshop.
The contents are very exciting and I continue to add new material that I find to be indispensable. I have not totaled the length of the recordings yet but I believe that they are well in excess of 20 hours total. I will have a complete, detailed list of the Marketing DVD contents when it is officially announced.
I would like to thank both of you (Alain and Natalie) for the contributions you have made to my photography and printing. This week I took a first place at the Nevada County Fair in the photography competition in the Color – Seascapes, Scenics, and Landscapes division.
I was quite surprised to take a first because the competition was very stiff with some excellent images being shown. There were about 45 other images in the class, so I am pretty proud of the award.
David White, California
You can see David's winning image - Tufa Moonrise - by clicking here
and then selecting "David White" from the left menu
August 20th
We have 2 openings for the September Navajoland Workshop due to cancellations.
Update: Sold out
August 20th
Marketing Mastery DVD Update
I am about half-way done with the completion of the Marketing Mastery DVD. This is a huge project and I am very excited at the prospect of announcing it. I decided to include much more information that I planned at first on the DVD and this is making completing this project take longer than I expected. My goal is to offer you a course that enables you to study how to market your work in a way that is as complete and as comprehensive as I can make it. The good news is you will have a marketing course more thorough than anything else currently available. The goal of the DVD is to enable you to find all the information you need to sell your work by covering every aspect of being in business, of marketing and of selling photographs. All the venues you can use to sell your work are featured on the DVD and described in detail. Tips are included, based on my personal experience using these venues and based on my students' experience as well. These venues include the web, galleries, stock photography agencies, magazines, publishing and more. No stone is left unturned, and you benefit from the knowledge I amassed over the 10 years that I have run my photography business successfully, networking with professionals in the industry, teaching thousands of students, and learning from marketing professionals through 1 on 1 consulting, classes and conferences.
If all goes well I plan to have the Marketing DVD ready at the end of August or early in September. If you have signed up for my pre-announcement list, you will be notified the very day the DVD is available.
If you have not emailed me yet to request that your name be placed on the pre-announcement list for this new DVD tutorial, doing so is easy: simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "Marketing DVD" in the subject line, and your name will be added to this list right away. There is no obligation to buy, you will simply be the first to be notified and you will benefit from a special offer, a lower price and other exciting opportunities that will be announced when the DVD is published. An upgrade path will be offered to Marketing CD owners as well.
If you have not read my description of the Marketing DVD, or my essay on Marketing, you can do so now by clicking on this link for the DVD description and this link for the Marketing essay.
August 12th
The third installment of the audio version of my essay Being an Artist in now available on my podcast. You can listen to the podcast on any RSS reader or by subscribing to it through Apple iTunes. The Podcast page, with all the necessary links, is here.
The 4th essay in my ongoing series about The Artistic Process was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers today. Excerpts from the three previous installments are available at this page. Be sure to click on this link now to find out what this series is all about.
If you are not subscribed to Briot's view this is the perfect opportunity to do so. You will receive all 4 installments when you subscribe and you will continue receiving essays, all in PDF format, on a regularly basis. These essays are not otherwise available. The subscription page is here. Select 1 or 2 years subscription. Each subscription comes with Briot's View CD 1 and 2 or Briot's View CD-3. Each CD features an entire year worth of essays in PDF format organized in a practical manner that makes them easy to find and read.
August 9th
There are only 3 seats left on our White Sands and Bosque del Apache Workshop this December. You can find a detailed description of this exciting photographic adventure on this page. If you have been thinking of registering for this workshop this is decision time as the few remaining seats won't last long.
I want to say a big, “Thank you” to you and Natalie. I submitted three photographs to the Orange County fair and two won ribbons. Split Rock Lighthouse took 2nd place and Cholla Garden got an honorable mention. There were a total of 278 submissions in my division so I feel very excited to get selected much less win two awards.
This would not have happened without the two of you. Your inspiration, coaching and support directly influenced both the artistic and technical qualities of the works.
Even though art is very personal and reflects the artist, it also in a very large and real way reflects the artist’s mentors. I feel so fortunate to know both of you and to feel your influence on my life as an artist. Thank you so much. You share in this honor.
Ralph Nordstrom, California
July 30th
Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD limited-time special offer
Win a free 1 on 1 consulting call with Alain Briot
Purchase the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD during our limited-time special offer and your name will be automatically entered in a drawing to win a 1 hour consulting call with Alain Briot. Your call will be similar to Alain's paid consulting call, and you will be able to discuss any aspect of your work related to image processing, optimization and more. You can send in prints and/or image files prior to your call if you like. You do not pay for the phone call, no matter where you live in the world. Alain will call you at the number of your choice, at a time that works for both you and Alain. The winner will be announced in late August. This offer represents a $300 value, the regular cost of a 1 hour consulting call with Alain. Click here to visit the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD description page.
July 23rd
Only 4 seats left for the Extended Antelope Canyon Workshop in April 2008. One of these can be yours if you sign up now. This is a very unique expedition in which we will be exploring and photographing locations that we have not visited in a workshop until now.
July 22nd
Update: the Summit is sold out.
![](New Site.data/Summit-07/Summit-07-Logo.jpg)
Sold out
July 20th
New Podcast episode: part 2 of my ongoing Podcast series, Being an Artist, is now available on your podcast page. You can subscribe to this series through any RSS feed or on Apple iTunes.
July 15th
Only 3 Seats left for the Zion Summit this November as of today. Don't delay to sign up because the remaining seats will be sold out shortly. The Vision Field Workshop after the Summit is already sold out.
You can read a detailed description of the 2007 Summit by clicking here.
July 11th
The third essay in my four parts series on the artistic process was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers yesterday. If you are a subscriber and did not receive this essay make sure to email me. Also make sure to send me your new email address if it has changed.
These four essays are titled as follows:
1 - Finding Inspiration (available)
2 - Exercising your Creativity (available)
3 - Developing your Vision (delivered yesterday)
4 - Achieving your Personal Style (Scheduled for August 07 delivery)
Excerpts from this series of unique essays describing the entire artistic process and explaining how you can achieve your own personal style are avaible by clicking here.
July 8th
A new audio file was posted to my podcast today. This new posting consists of me reading one of my most popular essays: Being an Artist. This is a long essay --it occupies an entire chapter in my book Mastering Landscape Photography-- and the reading is over one hour long. I therefore decided to split it in three parts. Part one is available today. Parts 2 and 3 will be posted shortly.
Make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you do not miss parts 2 and 3. The podcast is available as an RSS feed as well as on iTunes. While you are on iTunes, make sure to check out Travis Terry's new Native Flute CD: Grand Canyon. Travis created the music in Grand Canyon to accompany my photographs.
July 7th
The Marketing Mastery DVD page was updated with a detailed story of how I started selling my work. Don't miss it.
July 6th
Photographs of Natalie and I were added to this site today. Get to know us better by visiting the new Photographs of Alain & Natalie Briot page now. If you took photographs of us during a workshop make sure to send them to us and I will add them to this page.
July 4th
The July 2007 Print of the Month is titled Antelope Swirls. As with all prints of the month it is offered at a unique price. Discover all the details on the July Print of the Month page.
A new essay describing how Antelope Swirls was created is also available in the context of the Thoughts & Photographs series. Don't miss it.
The Grand Canyon Music CD is available on iTunes. Purchase the entire CD, email me your receipt, and receive the Grand Canyon Commemorative Booklet FREE.
Happy 4th of July!
June 28th
Only 8 seats left for the 2007 Fine Art Printing Summit in Zion this November. The Summit field workshops are now sold out. If you are considering attending the Summit, you need to sign up now or run the chance this event is sold out and you have to wait until next year since the Summit is a yearly event. You can find all the details of this years Summit on this page.
June 24th
A new image now graces the home page and an essay describing how I created it is available. This essay focuses on how and why I composed this photograph the way I did. If you enjoyed reading it make sure to check out my other essays in the Thoughts and Photographs series. This series features over 60 different essays all available online now.
The Podcast was updated with 4 new entries:
1 - a Quicktime version of the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD sampler (previously available only in iPod format)
2 - a Quicktime version of the 12 Master Files CD-1 sampler (previously available only in iPod format)
3 - an audio sampler of all 13 songs on the new Grand Canyon CD by Travis Terry
4 - a new audio piece in which I talk about my approach to Raw conversion
June 22nd
I am pleased to announce that I will be soon be offering a comprehensive Photography Marketing DVD Tutorial. This tutorial will go much further than my current Marketing CD.
The Marketing CD was published over 4 years ago. It has proved extremely helpful to photographers because it contains valuable information on how to start selling your photographic work. However, for the past 3 years I have been working on a second marketing tutorial, with the goal of sharing everything that I do when I market my photographs. To this end, I devised a step by step process which, at this time, consists of 28 separate steps. Of these 28 steps, only 3 are covered in the Marketing CD. The 25 other steps contain information that I have presented only during my yearly Marketing Mastery Seminar. These 25 steps also contain information that I have not previously shared at all, information that I will be making available for the first time on this new DVD.
Additional information on this exciting new tutorial will be posted to this site regularly as the release date gets nearer. A Marketing Mastery DVD page will also be available shortly.
At this time I am opening a pre-registration list. To join this list simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Marketing DVD in the subject line.
Once on the list you will be first to be notified when the DVD is published and you will benefit from a unique special offer not available otherwise. There is of course no obligation to buy. If you already own the Marketing CD, please know that an upgrade path will be offered to all Marketing CD owners.
If you are new to Marketing Photography, or if you have not already done so, I recommend that you read my new essay titled Why Marketing your Photography is so Important. This essay focuses on why it is crucial that you market your work in order to be successful selling it.
June 10th
Today marks the release of Travis Terry's new CD: Grand Canyon. This is the second music CD that I have published as a music producer. The first one was Navajoland which was released in Spring 2006.
Grand Canyon features Travis playing the Native American flute. The CD contains 13 totally new compositions that were created specifically for this CD.
At this time Grand Canyon is being released only in digital version and is available on iTunes. The link will open in iTunes and features samples of all 13 songs. If you do not have iTunes it is available free on Apple.com. You can get it right now by clicking here.
Grand Canyon is released under my music label: Beaux Arts Music. It was recorded in April 2007. It takes 2 to 3 months to make it available on iTunes.
FREE GIFT: purchase Grand Canyon on iTunes and receive a free Commemorative Booklet, in PDF format, featuring a large version of the CD cover photograph plus a collection of unique photographs taken during the recording of Grand Canyon. All you need to do to receive this booklet is email me proof of purchase from iTunes (a copy of your email invoice will work) and you will receive the PDF by email. Please note that you must purchase the complete CD (not just 1 song) to qualify for the free Commemorative Booklet. The Commemorative Booklet is not available separately.
June 8th
Last month we released the Printing Mastery Seminar 2007 Audio CD. This CD replaces the 2006 Printing Mastery Seminar Audio CD and ships only with the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD tutorial.
We do however have a small quantity of 2006 Audio CDs left over. Since we no longer ship them with the DVD (they have been replaced by the 2007 CD) we are making them available by themselves for a reduced price. All the details of this limited time offer are at this page. Please note that this offer will end when the remaining 2006 CDs are sold out.
June 6th
Due to a cancellation we have 2 openings for the Navajoland Workshop this fall. You can find all the details on the workshop description page. Act quickly as these will not remain available long. Update: Sold Out
A new essay is now available on this site free. Titled Art, Elegance and the Fine Art Print this essay explores what is involved in the creation of a fine art print and how the concept of elegance plays out not only in photography but in the other arts as well.
June 2nd
The June Print of the Month is being announced today on this page
We constantly receive testimonials from our customers. I compiled some of the testimonials we received this Spring on this page.
May 31st
My latest essay, Excercising your Creativity, was sent to Briot's View Subscribers in PDF format yesterday.
If you are a subscriber and did not receive this essay let me know: alain@beautiful-landscape.com
Details about this new essay are below:
May 30th
Part 2 of my 4-part series on Vision and Personal style is now available and will be sent to Briot's View Subscribers this evening. If you are not a Briot's View Subscriber you can subscribe at this page. Notice that we have a special offer for Briot's View subscriptions at this time. Also note that subscribing to my free newsletter is not the same as subscribing to Briot's View. You need to subscribe to Briot's View to receive this essay.
About my latest essay:
If developing a personal style is one of your goals, then this essay is a must-read. So is part 1, inspiration, and the upcoming part 3 and 4 which are respectively on the topics of Vision and Personal Style.
This is the most in-depth writing about the subject of personal Style that I have ever done. It goes way beyond what I covered on the subject in my book. The book covers personal style in one chapter. This series would cover 4 chapters if it was in book format. Each essay is 20 pages long minimum. And, I use each page to present fresh material, not to rehash what I read elsewhere or recycle what I wrote before. This is the most complete work on the subject that I know of, and my source of information is my personal experience creating photographs and artwork for a lifetime and telling you not only what works, but what doesn't work as well. Click here to subscribe now.
May 23rd
Important - The second Briot's View CD-3 Audio file is now available
This second audio recording is provided free to Briot's View CD-3 owners. The essay I chose for this second recording is Just say Yes. This essay has gone around the world in regards to its reach and has been read by countless photographers. It continues to be relevant to the state of Fine Art Digital Photography today and I thought it was the perfect choice for this second audio recording of my essays.
Just say Yes audio version is available at the same link as the first audio file. This link was emailed to Briot's View CD-3 owners when you placed your order together with the password and username.
If you purchased Briot's View CD-3 and do not have this link simply email us and we will send it to you asap.
If you do not have Briot's View CD-3 this is the perfect time to order it because it is part of our 10 Years in Business Celebration Special Offer Part 2.
May 21st
Important - Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD Update
Complete recordings of the 2007 Printing Mastery Seminar are now available in audio CD format.
This new Audio CD is titled 2007 Printing Mastery Seminar CD. It features all the sessions from the 2007 Printing Mastery Seminar as well as the Seminar outline. It is like attending the seminar except you do not need to travel and you can listen to each session as many times as you like anywhere you please. The recordings are in mp3 format meaning you can listen to them in any mp3 device as well as in you car CD player or any CD player.
This new CD is only made available by itself to Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD owners and to Printing Mastery Seminar participants.
It otherwise available as part of the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD package. This package is part of our limited time 10 years Business Anniversary Special Offer - Part 2. The 2007 Printing Mastery Seminar Audio CD replaces the 2006 Printing Mastery Seminar audio CD.
An email was sent to all Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD owners and to Printing Mastery Seminar participants. If you are a Printing Mastery Workshp on DVD owner, or you attended the Printing Mastery Seminar, and did not receive this email just let us know: alain@beautiful-landscape.com • 800-949-7983 (USA) • 928-252-2466 (intl)
May 19th
Many of you asked us if we were going to extend our Ten Years in Business Special Offer to all our tutorial CDs and DVDs. We listened and we did it. Part 2 of our 10 years in business Special Offer now includes all our tutorial CDs and DVDs.
The free gift which accompanied Part 1 of our special offer - the Camera Poncho- has long been sold out. However, the first 10 orders for Part 2 will also receive a free gift. Discover what this new gift is, and find out all the details of this second offer, on the new 10 Years in Business Special Offer - Part 2.
May 16th
A new essay titled Marketing your Photographs is now available free in the context of my Craft & Techniques series
May 15th
New Workshops are being announced today. You can find all the details on the workshops Home Page by clicking here now.
If you have been waiting to sign up for a workshop don't delay as our workshops fill up quickly. If you have any questions, and to register over the phone, call us now at 800-949-7983 in the US and 928-252-2466 internationally. We look forward to hearing from you.
May 12th
A new photograph from Canyon de Chelly now graces the home page.
Michael Reichmann, with whom I work regularly, will have a show of his recent work at his new Luminous-Landscape Gallery. The opening reception is on May 18 from 6 to 9 pm. The Luminous-Landscape Gallery is located in downtown Toronto, Canada. Detailed information is available at this link.
Opening a gallery represents a significant challenge, for several reasons, and I both commend Michael on this endeavor and wish him continued success with his gallery.
May 11th
A new photograph from our just-completed Antelope Canyon Workshop now graces the home page. This image is titled Blue Antelope. As I often say, there is always a new way of seeing a location even when you have been there numerous times
We regularly receive enthusiastic testimonials from workshop participants. Below is one of them from Don Woods who attended the Antelope Canyon workshop:
May 7th
The Home Page photograph now features a location from our just-completed Antelope Canyon Workshop. This image is titled "Hoodoos".
The workshop was fantastic and Natalie and I extend a big Thank You to all the participants who made it such a success.
May 1st
The May print of the Month was announced today. Find out which image I selected by clicking here.
April 27th
Our Ten Years in Business Anniversary special offer was announced yesterday to members of the pre-registration list. At this time we are opening it to readers and visitors of my site. Visit the Special Offer page now and if you act now you will be able to benefit from this offer before it is closed.
April 24th
Those who follow my work know that I have a long-standing working history with the National Park Service. I have been Artist in Residence at two National Parks, I personally sold my work for over 5 years at Grand Canyon National Park, and I I have been selling my photographs through the National Park giftstores and bookstores since 1994.
My work is also regularly published in National Park brochures and publications. The latest one is this month's issue of National Park Magazine which features a full page version of Michigan Island Light, a digital collage that I created during my Artist in Residence stay in the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin.
Update: 10 Years in Business Special Offer to be announced imminently
Our Ten Years in Business Anniversary Special Offer will be announced this week. It will feature a unique offer for both Fine Art Prints and Tutorial CDs and DVDs. This offer will be limited to the first 40 orders and will be first announced to member of my pre-announcement list.
It is still not too late to join the pre-announcement list. To join simply send an email to alain@beautiful-landscape.com with the words Special Offer in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy, you will simply be the first to be notified. In addition to our special offer, a surprise (and practical) camera-related gift will be offered free to the first 20 orders. The special offer will be for both fine art prints and tutorial CDs and DVDs.
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NEW Briot's View essay:
Finding Inspiration
April 22nd
The home page now features a new photograph from our just-completed Navajoland Workshop. The workshop was a success and Natalie and I say "thank you" to all the participants. We were particularly fortunate to have unique light due to the storms that were moving accross Navajoland during the Workshop.
If you missed this workshop, or if you want to join us in our explorations of Navajoland, you need to join our workshop wait list. To do so simply email us at alain@beautiful-landscape.com. That way you will be the first notified when we announced our Spring 2008 Navajoland Workshop. Our next Navajoland Workshop, which takes place in September 2007, is sold out.
April 19th
The home page now features a new photograph from our most recent photographic expedition.
April 18th
A new essay by Scott Buttrick titled It's About the Art is now available in the Thoughts & Photographs Series. This is the 48th essay in this series.
Our Ten Years Anniversary Special Offer will be announced shortly to our pre-announcement list. It is not too late to join the pre-announcement list. To join simply send an email to alain@beautiful-landscape.com with the words Special Offer in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy, you will simply be the first to be notified. In addition to our special offer, a surprise camera-related gift will be offered free to the first 20 orders. The special offer will be for both fine art prints and tutorial CDs and DVDs.
April 11th
How do you find inspiration? And, more importantly, what is inspiration and why is it so important for your work?
How does inspiration tie-in with creativity, vision and personal style? What are the relationships between these four subjects?
Finally, how do you develop a personal style? How do you create a style, a look, a vision for your work that is uniquely yours, a look that nobody else has, a style that no one has seen before? How do you make your work stand alone, apart from everyone else, so that people instantly think of you when they see your images?
In my latest Briot's View essay, titled Finding Inspiration, essay which is being emailed to Briot's View Subscribers today, I give you the answer to these questions by describing in detail what inspiration is and by explaining how important it is in becoming a better photographer and eventually in developing a unique personal style and a vision for your work.
This essay is the first in a series of 4 essays that will be published this year. The title of these 4 essays is as follows:
1 - Finding Inspiration
2 - Exercising your Creativity
3 - Developing your Vision
4 -Achieving your Personal Style
These four essays are being published in the context of Briot's View, my email series which is sent to Briot's View Subscribers in PDF format. Each essay is over 20 pages long and includes examples from my own work -photographs- that demonstrate the points I am making. Each essay
If you are a Briot's View subscriber Finding Inspiration is being sent to you today. If for some reason you do not receive it email me.
If you are not yet a subscriber you can subscribe to Briot's View right now. Finding Inspiration will be emailed to you right away. Plus, you get a link to download Briot's View CD-3 now. Instant gratification is fun. You will be on your way to study an area of photography which is hardly ever addressed, and definitely was never addressed to this extent by any photographer that I know of.
Finally, my writings feature only original materials. All my essays are the outcome of my research, reflection and thinking on the subject of Photography and Art. They regularly address areas of photography that other photographers and writers do not address. My motivation for my writings come from my unique focus upon photography as an art form, from my perception of my work as art and from my perception of myself as an artist.
April 7th
Our Ten Years in Business Anniversary Special Offer will be announced later this month. It will feature a unique offer for both Fine Art Prints and Tutorial CDs and DVDs. This offer will be limited to the first 40 orders. To be first notified, simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Special Offer in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy. You will simply be the first to know when the offer is announced.
April 1st
The April Print of the Month is Playa Reflections 2. Read all about it at this link. The first 2 purchases get a surprise gift.
March 31st
A new Antelope Canyon workshop is being announced today. It takes place October 19th to 21st in Page, Arizona. All the details are available at this link. Several seats are already sold out to members of my pre-announcement email list. If you want to attend, don't delay as the remaining seats will not last long.
Ten Years in Business Celebration
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A short history
Ten Years ago, in March 1997, I founded Beaux Arts Photography. Little did I know at the time that it would take me to where I am now.
In 1997 I lived on the Navajo reservation and my experience selling fine art prints was minimal, not to say non-existent.
In 1997 digital was still coming of age. Epson was just coming out with their first semi-archival printers and Photoshop was at version 4.0 if I remember well. Most of the digital tools and software we enjoy today did not exist yet. Digital cameras, such as the Kodak DCS 560 which I reviewed at the time, cost a small fortune.
Ten years later things are very different. The web has become primordial in studying and sharing information about photography. Digital equipment and software are superb and in some ways exceed the expectations I had in 1997.
I feel that this has been an extraordinary journey. A journey that I describe in detail in my book, Mastering Landscape Photography, in the final chapters titled Being an Artist and Being an Artist in Business. If you are interested in learning the details of this journey, they are available in these two chapters.
A new approach
This was then and this is now. My outlook at this time is towards the future: towards creating new and exciting images and towards helping you create your own exciting photographs.
To foster this approach this site now features the heading Discover & Study Photography as Art at the top of each page. This heading describes, in a sentence, the photographic approach that I practice, teach and believe in: for me photography is an artistic medium just as important and powerful as all other artistic medium. It is a medium that needs to be approached the way any artistic medium is approached, with an equal emphasis on technique and on art, on craftsmanship and on inspiration. It is a right and left brain activity, not just one or the other.
A new series of essays focusing on this approach, and on photography as art in general, will appear on this site throughout the year. The first one will focus on Inspiration and will represent the first part of a detailed study of what inspiration is and of how it works in regards to developing the vision that leads to the creation of a personal style.
A Ten Years Anniversary Special Offer
In celebration of this Ten Years anniversary I will be offering a number of special offers. These offers will cover both fine art prints and photography tutorials, in order to respect the two main areas that I address.
These special offers will be limited and will first be announced by email. To make sure you are among those who will be notified about this special offer, simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Special Offer in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy, you will simply be the first to be notified.
Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD Updates
March 28: Updated Photoshop Lightroom Tutorial movies posted to the Mastery DVD Updates Page
March 26: Updated DXO 4.2 Tutorial Movies Postedto the Mastery DVD Updates Page
Briot's View CD-3 Audio FIles Update
Being an Artist, audio version, posted to the Briot's View CD-3 Updates Page
Briot's View CD-3
![](New Site.data/pdf files/Briots-View-CD3-100.jpg)
43 new essays in PDF Format
March 28th
A tutorial movie update featuring Photoshop Lightroom 1.0 was posted to the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD updates page today. This tutorial is an update from the Beta Version of Lightroom which is featured on the DVD, to the current version. This update is free to all Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD owners. The link to the update page is the same as was emailed to you when you ordered the DVD. This tutorial is approximately 1hr long.
If you own the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD but do not have the link simply email me and I will send it to you.
If you are not familiar with the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD you can read a detailed description by clicking here.
March 26th
The first of the 2 free audio files that are included with your order for Briot's View CD-3 was posted today to the Briot's View CD-3 page. This is a private page reserved to Briot's View CD-3 owners. An email was sent to all Briot's View CD-3 owners. If you did not receive this email let me know and I will resend it.
This audio file is 1 hour long and is provided in mp3 format.
This audio file is provided with Briot's View CD-3 orders for a little while longer.
March 25th
A tutorial movie featuring Dx0 4.2 was posted to the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD updates page today. This tutorial is an update from Dx0 3.5, which is featured on the DVD, to Dx0 4.2 which is the current version. This update is free to all Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD owners. The link to the update page is the same as was emailed to you when you ordered the DVD.
If you own the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD but do not have the link simply email me and I will send it to you.
If you are not familiar with the Printing Mastery Worshop on DVD you can read a detailed description by clicking here.
The next update to be posted will feature Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.0
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March 22nd
Uwe Steinmueller and I are pleased to announce the 2007 Fine Art Photography Summit. Now in its 5th year, the 2007 Summit takes place in Zion, Utah. Our guest speaker is Charlie Cramer. A fully detailed description of the Summit is available on the 2007 Summit Page.
If you are interested in attending this event we recommend you sign up now because space is limited and seats are selling out quickly. The Summit was announced 2 days ago to previous Summit Participants and to members of the Summit Pre-Announcement list. As a result the Summit is already partly full. Also, Fall (the Summit is in November) is the busy season in Zion because of the Fall colors for which the park is famous. There is limited lodging available, and rooms sell out quickly inside and outside of the Park. We have a number of rooms reserved for Summit participants at the Summit Hotel (the Zion Best Western) however these rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. The safest approach is to make your reservations now.
Don't hesitate to email or call if you have any questions or if you want to reserve over the phone. We are here to help you: alain@beautiful-landscape.com 800-949-7983 (USA) • 928-252-2466 (intl) We look forward to hearing from you.
March 20th
Briot's View CD-3 will ship tomorrow. If you ordered this new CD the 2 audio files will be provided to you via a download link on this site. The link will be sent to you over email. If you have not ordered this CD yet you can still do so at this link. This offer ends tomorrow.
March 19th
A new gallery of photographs from our 2006 White Sands & Bosque del Apache workshop is being published today. You can access this new and beautiful gallery at this link.
March 16th
Three new essays are being published today. First, my Review of PMA 2007 is now available. It consists of text and photographs depicting my impressions of this exciting convention. Second, two essays by Jeff Ball titled Two and Three-Quarter Years and What do you do? were also published today in the Thoughts & Photographs Series. Jeff's essays focus on the process of learning how to see. One of them is accompanied by a collection of my photographs from a single location. Not to be missed as it shows the variety of ways one can see the same location.
Because of the delay due to our busy schedule I am extending my special Briot's View CD-3 Promotion for a few more days. You can find all the details at this link.
March 14th
We just returned from our Death Valley Workshop and we want to thank all of you who attended for making this workshop a success. We had wonderful light and great photographic opportunities the whole time, and we also had a lot of fun, which is important.
I will have new photographs shortly as well as a personal report on PMA which we attended before going to Death Valley.
Our September Navajoland Workshop sold out while we were gone. We do have a few seats left in our December 2007 White Sands & Bosque del Apache Workshop which you can read about at this link. If you are planning to attend this workshop now is a good time to sign up.
March 5th
Briot's View CD-3, my third CD Collection of essays in PDF format, will be released later this month. Briot's View CD-3 is available for pre-order now at this link.
However, you may want to see one of the essays on the CD for yourself before placing your order. Not a problem. Simply send an email to alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Briot's View in the subject line and you will receive a FREE PDF file of one of the essays on the CD by return mail. There is no obligation to buy anything. This will simply enable you to enjoy one of my essays and to familiarize yourself with the subscription and essay delivery process. The free essay is yours to keep whether you decide to subscribe or not.
March 3rd
A new essay titled Collecting Fine Art Photographs was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers today. If you are a subscriber and did not receive this essay make sure to let me know so I can resend it. If you are not yet a subscriber this is the perfect opportunity to subscribe.
We currently have a special subscription offer in combination with the release of my third collection of essays: Briot's View CD-3. A special offer is available for the first 40 Briot's View CD-3 orders. Your subscription helps support this site and allows me to continue writing my series of essays.
March 2nd
A sample movie from the 12 Master Files Tutorial CD is now available on the 12 Master Files CD Page.
An update to the site's sidebar menus was performed today to make navigation easier. The most notable improvement is the search option now available in the left sidebar on each page of the site. With the ever-increasing contents of the site it was more than time to make a search page available. It will make finding what you are looking for easier and faster.
March 1st
The March Print of the Month is titled Monument Valley. The first 2 orders receive a free copy of Briot's View CD-3 as a gift. You also get free shipping, the Master File for this image on a CD, over 20% off from my regular print prices and an extra 10% off when you order this image this month because Print of the month prices are priced 10% lower the first month they are offered.
Discover this new image now on the 48th Print of the Month Page.
February 28th
Briot's View CD-3, the third CD collection of my essay series in PDF format, will be announced shortly on this site together with a special offer. Over 10 new and unpublished essays will be featured on the CD. An audio version of some of my most popular version will be announced as well as that time. Come back soon to make sure you do not miss it!
February 27th
We are now offering a limited selection of Navajo Jewelry. If you wonder why you are finding Jewelry on a photographer's website make sure to read my statement on our new Beautiful Navajo Jewelry page.
February 25th
Updated Raw conversion tutorials for DxO 4.0 and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom will be posted to the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD updates page soon. This page is a private page reserved for Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD owners. This link is emailed to you when you order the DVD.
Playa Reflections
The image that I describe the creation of in details in my new,
and never-before offered in any way shape or form,
video tutorial
February 23rd
There was a typo on the new Twelve Master Files CD page. This typo listed the regular price of this New Tutorial CD incorrectly. It has now been fixed. This changes nothing to the special offer price available to the first 40 orders. It only affects orders placed after this special offer is over.
If you already placed your order for the 12 Master Files CD there is nothing to worry about. You will get the special offer price.
If you have not placed your order yet, you can save $200 by placing your order now. Because of this typo we are extending this special offer to an additional 20 customers, thereby extending it a little bit longer. Don't delay, and make sure to read all the details on the Twelve Master Files CD page.
We received a lot of orders for this special offer, and we plan to ship all of them this coming Monday. All orders are shipped via US Priority Mail which take only a day or two for US destinations. Natalie and I want to thank all of you who placed an order for this new -- and very exciting-- Tutorial CD. We very much appreciate your business.
February 21st
The new Twelve Master Files CD is now available. Click here now to read all the details. This new Tutorial CD also includes a detailed video tutorial on how I Created Playa Reflections. A special offer is extended to the first 40 orders. As of right now (February 21st, 8pm) we still have a few special offers left.
We have only 3seats left for the Navajoland Workshop, September 7 to 11th.
Canon Just announced the Canon EOS-1D Mark 3 which features a 10.1 megapixel, APS-H size CMOS sensor. All the details are in the Canon Official Release Announcement. Also announced is a new EF 16-35mm f-2.8L II USM lens which, according to the release, is specifically designed for improved peripheral image quality, meaning that we should get much higher image quality in the corners of the photograph.
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February 19th
1-New Essay:
A new essay titled Personal Style and featuring the work of Michael Regnier is being published today in the context of the Thoughts & Photographs series. If you are working on developing a personal style, or doing so is one of your future goals, make sure to read this enlightening piece. It will certainly help you visualize what developing a personal style entails.
The Testimonials page was updated with recent testimonials about the many different exciting things we offer.
3-New Tutorial CD:
My new CD, titled 12 Master Files, will be announced tomorrow to members of the Pre-Announcement list. To Join this list simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Master File in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy, you will simply be first to be notified and will have maximum chances of being among the first 40 to benefit from the discounted price plus the unique special offer.
This new Tutorial CD contains, as the name implies, 12 of my Master Files. These Master Files are used to create my fine art prints. Many of the files in this CD are from images that are part of my Print of the Month Collection. Here is the detailed list of all 12 files:
1 - Zabriskie Point
2 - Upper Antelope Canyon
3 - Playa Reflections
4 - Canyons of the San Juan 1
5 - Mists of the San Juan
6 - Kyaatataypi Night
7 - Antelope Double Ray 2
8 - Monument Valley Formations
9 - Sierra Arch
10 - Sedona Vine
11 - Hoodoo Circle
12 - Sabino Trees
These Master Files were previously available only in combination with my Prints of the Month.
A substantial discount will be offered when ordering all 12 files at once on the Twelve Master Files CD.
In addition to this discount, a unique special offer will be available for the first 40 orders, making this offer even more unique.
If you are not familiar with the concept of Master File, make sure to read my essay titled What is a Master File.
You can see many of the prints created from the master files on the CD in my Print of the Month Collection.
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Mysterious Road
Michael Regnier
February 17th
An email with a link to the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD Updates page was sent to all Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD Owners yesterday. The DVD updates page is now accessible via a password-protected page. The previous page is no longer available.
If you did not receive this email make sure to read what follows. Same if you are a Briot's View Subscriber and you did not receive the Briot's View essay which was emailed to subscribers two days ago.
In regards to both the Printing Mastery DVD updates page and the new Briot's View essays, email announcements about both are now sent from a listserver rather than directly from my own email address as I did previously. To receive these emails you will have to make sure that your software is not deleting emails sent to this email address: alain@beautiful-landscape.com
This is important because these emails are not addressed to your email address. They are addressed to my email address, then copied to your email address as well as to all the addresses on my subscriber's list (sending individual emails would take weeks!).
Many spam filters will automatically delete emails not sent directly to your email address. You must therefore change the settings on your email software so that emails sent to alain@beautiful-landscape.com are not deleted. If you do not do so you will not be able to receive my emails. How to change these settings varies depending on which email software you are using. However, they are usually located in the "preferences" menu or in the "filters" menu.
If you have questions about all this, or if you need me to resend the emails, don't hesitate to contact me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com Natalie and I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your support and for your business.
February 15th
A new Briot's View essay, not available online, was emailed to Briot's View subscribers yesterday. This essay is titled WIld Rivers Interview. If you are a Briot's View subscriber and did not receive this essay email me and I will send it to you again. Also, make sure that we have your current email address on file.
If you are not yet a subscriber, or if your subscription has expired, you can renew on this page. If you already have the CD's that come with this special offer, we can ship you the Navajoland CD and/or DVD instead. Just let us know when you subscribe.
Important: remaining seats for our upcoming workshops
Only 1 seat left for the Antelope Workshop, scheduled for September 28 to 30th
Only 4 seats left for the Navajoland Workshop, scheduled for September 7 to 11th
Don't wait to register if these have your name on it as we expect these remaining seats to sell out quickly.
February 14th
1- Trilogy Mastery Seminars
The Trilogy Mastery Seminars --the Composition, Printing and Marketing Mastery Seminars-- were a huge success and featured the largest amount of knowledge I ever shared in a single week. Natalie and I want to say a big "Thank You!" to all of you who attended. It was a pleasure to meet you all, as well as a lot of fun. We wish you the best with your photography and hope to see you all again.
If you did not have a chance to attend, the Mastery Trilogy Seminars will be offered again next year in February 2008. Between now and then, the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD is available and contains all the materials we covered during the Printing Mastery Seminar.
I made audio recordings of all 3 seminars, and I will be making these available soon, starting with a new version of the Printing Mastery Audio CD featuring a live recording the 2007 Printing Mastery Seminar Sessions and replacing the 2006 Printing Seminar audio sessions that currently ships with the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD. I now use professional audio recording equipment to record my presentations and the sound quality is wonderful.
2- Free Adobe Lightroom Tutorial Movies available
Two free Adobe Lightroom Tutorial movies are now available in the context of my ongoing Craft and Technique Series. Don't miss them! These movies are a very small section of the total contents of the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD. If you are not familiar with this DVD, take a look at the Lightroom movies. There are over 200 tutorial movies on the DVD.
3- Coming soon to this website- Navajo Jewelry
Natalie and I collect Navajo Jewelry created by the finest jewelers living in Navajoland. Most of their creations are in such small quantity, often just a few pieces a year, that we have found it impossible for us to part with them. However, we recently purchased a small number of pieces that we feel we can part with. Each of these pieces is unique, hand-made, and guaranteed 100% Navajo Made in Navajoland. They are sterling silver with turquoise, coral, jade, garnet and many other stones. The colors are beautiful and the creativity expressed by the artist unique to Navajo Jewelry. I will have more information, as well as photographs and an order page, available in the coming days. in the meantime, if you are interested, make sure to email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com. We have no idea how fast the few pieces we have will sell, but if their beauty is a measure of their appeal, I fear they will sell out quite fast
4- The Master File CD will include a tutorial movie explaining why I use specific techniques
I am working on this tutorial as I speak. It will be a first and it will be the perfect complement to the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD. Many have already joined the pre-announcement list to benefit from the special offer which will be extended to the first 40 orders. If you haven't done so already it is not too late. Simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Master File in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy, you will simply be the first to be notified when the CD is released on February 20th (only 6 days left).
February 6th
A new tutorial CD will be released on February 20th. This new Tutorial CD is titled Twelve Master Files CD and contains, as the name implies, 12 of my Master Files. These Master Files are used to create my fine art prints. Many of the files in this CD are from images that are part of my Print of the Month Collection. Here is the detailed list of all 12 files:
1 - Zabriskie Point
2 - Upper Antelope Canyon
3 - Playa Reflections
4 - Canyons of the San Juan 1
5 - Mists of the San Juan
6 - Kyaatataypi Night
7 - Antelope Double Ray 2
8 - Monument Valley Formations
9 - Sierra Arch
10 - Sedona Vine
11 - Hoodoo Circle
12 - Sabino Trees
These Master Files were previously available only in combination with my Prints of the Month.
A substantial discount will be offered when ordering all 12 files at once on the Twelve Master Files CD.
In addition to this discount, a unique special offer will be available for the first 40 orders, making this offer even more unique.
At this time, as I have done in the past, I am opening a pre-release email list for the new 12 Master Files CD. To Join this list simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Master File in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy, you will simply be first to be notified and will have maximum chances of being among the first 40 to benefit from the discounted price plus the unique special offer.
If you are not familiar with the concept of Master File, make sure to read my essay titled What is a Master File.
You can see many of the prints created from the master files on the CD in my Print of the Month Collection.
February 2nd
A new essay titled: The Creative Process: New Lands Night, is now available. This essay is published in the context of the Craft & Technique series.
February 1st
The February 2007 Print of the Month is titled Sabino Trees. It comes with the Master File. All the details are on this page.
![](New Site.data/book/Book Cover.jpg)
Mastering Photography
January 30th
It is still not too late to register for the Printing Mastery Seminars this coming week. Simply call us or email the registration form to register. Natalie and I look forward to meeting all of you who registered for this unique and exciting event. We have a "brim-filled" schedule for you. I have spent the last 3 weeks preparing my teaching materials for this event.
The February Print of the Month will be announced Thursday morning. It will come with the master file, thereby allowing you to study exactly how I optimized the image to fullfill my vision for this stunning photograph.
I am in the process of recording my second music CD with Travis Terry this month. This new CD will be released before Summer 2007. If you are not familiar with my work I am a music producer in addition to being a photographer, writer, teacher and publisher. You can learn more about my Music Productions on the Navajoland CD & DVD page.
January 29th
Testimonials and reviews are now available for my new book Mastering Landscape Photography:
1- Michael Testi wrote a review of the book for BlogCritics Magazine
2-Reviews from individual readers are available at this link
3- I also have a new page for book testimonials t`at were emailed to me
Finally, if you have read the book and want to share your experience by writing a testimonial, the best is to post your testimonial on Amazon.com at this link. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and will help others make a decision.
January 23rd
Only 1 seat left for the Mastering Landscape Photography in February.
January 19th, 2007
From Natalie: Only 1 seats left for the Marketing Mastery Seminar in February.
----------------------Only 2 seats left for the Printing Mastery Seminar in February
January 13th, 2007
Only 2 seats left for the Marketing Seminar in February.
The Print of the Month Galleries have been updated to reflect our current print presentation. All photographs are now shipping with off-white, museum-hinged matting.
January 11th, 2007
New "Before and After" examples were added to the Printing Mastery Seminar page. One of the examples features an image never published before on this site. Can you find which one it is?
January 8th, 2007
The description of the Composition Mastery Seminar has been re-written and expanded. The new description is at this link. This is one of the most interesting Seminars I have taught.
My online gallery featuring my favorite images from 2006 has been updated. You can see this gallery at this link. A new 2007 Online Gallery will be started soon.
January 4th, 2007
The Trilogy Seminars have been renamed the Mastery Trilogy Seminars. Over one week in February this program features 3 different seminars: Printing Mastery, Composition Mastery and Marketing Mastery. I feel this new naming approach describes these seminars more accurately. A detailed description is available on the page for each workshop. Here are the links:
January 2nd, 2007
NEW: the Navajoland Music CD is now available for immediate download on itunes.
You need Apple iTunes software to open this link.
If you do not have it you can download it by clicking here.
itunes is Free for both Mac and Windows
January 1st, 2007
Natalie and I send you our best wishes for 2007, wishing you good health, prosperity and fantastic photographs.
![](New Site.data/2006 Images/Holly-R.jpg) |
Natalie and I send you our best wishes for 2007
Happy New Year! |
![](New Site.data/2006 Images/Holly-L.jpg) |
This is the perfect opportunity to introduce the January 2007 Print of the Month: White Sands Moonrise. You can find further details about the first print of the month of this new year on the 46th Print of the Month Page.
December 27th
We received numerous questions regarding my photograph of Spiderock with the Christmas tree. The tree grows on a ledge below the main Spiderock overlook and we decorated it for the photograph then removed the decorations. This photograph shows it best:
The tree grows there. We decorated it for the occasion.
It took us two days of efforts because the light did not cooperate on the first day.
December 21st
All book orders placed before today have been shipped.
All orders were shipped in the order they were received. The volume of orders for the book is very high and we thank all of you for your business and for your interest in my work.
If you have not listened to my FREE Podcast episode you can do so now at this link.
December 18th
Book Signing Event
I will be at NANPA's (North American Nature Photography Assotiation) 13th Annual Nature Photography Summit, in Palm Springs, California, to sign my new book on Thursday, January 18th from 2:30 to 3:30pm. NANPA is, in their own words, "the first and only association in North America committed solely to serving the field of nature photography."
NANPA Summit details are available at this link. If you live in Southern California, or if you are attending the NANPA Summit, I look forward to seeing you in Palm Springs. Because of my busy schedule, I will be driving to Palm Springs on January 18th and will be driving back on the 19th (it's a 4-5hr drive from Arizona, depending on whether I watch my speed or not ;-). At this time I am scheduling a get together on the evening of January 18th, for dinner, for all interested parties. If this is of interest to you email me at : alain@beautiful-landscape.com to let me know. I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you in Palm Springs.
December 15th
A new installment of my Podcast, number 8 to be precise, is now available. This pgdcast consists of a long interview --1hr30'- done by Jeff Ball over the phone. Jeff is one of my students and together we discuss my approach to teaching and my views on digital photography, among many other things. The podcast is available at this link.
The Death Valley Workshop in March 2007 is now sold out. Our currently opened workshops for Spring 2007 are the Expressive Print Seminar, The Vision and Composition Seminar and the Marketing Seminar. Only a few seats are available for the Marketing and Expressive print seminars. You can see our entire workshop listing at this link. Fall 2007 workshops still have seats available.
December 8th
A special offer for the bogk is available for the first 40 Master Set orders . This special offer was emailed to members of my pre-announcement list yesterday. At this time I am offering it to website visitors also. You can access the Book Special Offer page at this link.
December 7th
Great news
My new book, Mastering Landscape Photography, is now available. An email announcing my special offer for the book was sent to all the members of my pre-announcement list yesterday night. If you did not receive this email simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com and I will forward it to you right away. You can also order the book over the phone by calling us at 800-949-7983.
December 1st
My new book, Mastering Landscape Photography, will be available December 7th. Photographs of the actual book (I received the first copy yesterday) are now available on the Book Announcement Page.
The Special Email Offer will be send to all those who asked to be on my Pre-Announcement list on December 7th. If you are not on the list yet you can still add your name to it by emailing me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "Mastering Landscape Photography" in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy. An exciting special offer will be available for the first 40 orders. This offer will not be repeated.
December Print of the Month
The December Print of the Month is titled Sedona Vine. Find out all the details on the December 2006 Print of the Month Page. This is the 45th print of the month in my collection. The print of the month is the opportunity to collect my work at the most affordable price.
Because I am announcing the December Print of the Month a couple of days early, I have left the special offer for the November Print of the Month live for a few more days. That way, you can still order the November print of the month at the best price. You can see the entire list of my 45 Prints of the Month by clicking here.
Navajoland Portfolio
The Navajoland Portfolio Special Offer is now over. The cost of the Portfolio is now $3000 for the remaining copies. Thank you to all who placed their orders and benefited from this unique special offer.
Christmas Orders:
All orders placed at this time will be shipped before Christmas. Because this is a busy time of the year for us, we recommend that you place your orders now for Christmas delivery. Orders are filled and shipped in the order they are received (first come first served) and the sooner you place your order the most likely we will be able to ship it to you so you receive it before Christmas. This is even more important if you live overseas or in Canada, since delivery to international destinations takes longer than US deliveries
All companion prints are now matted:
All Navajoland CD's and DVD's now ship with a matted companion print. The companions prints are 5"x7" matted to 8"x10" in archival museum boards. All companion prints in future offers will follow this presentation. The current value of a 5x7 matted to 8x10 companion print is $40. They are not sold separately and are only available as part of the packages we offer. You can access the Navajoland CD and DVD page by clicking here.
Print Prices: good news
My print prices have been revised. Usually, changes in print pricing is bad news as it often means a price increase. Not this time. By discontinuing numbered editions in my regular print offerings, I was able to lower prices significantly. I think you will like the changes. The sizes I offer have also been simplified. Portfolio prints and other unique offers will continue to be numbered.
Finally, Workshop participants and previous customers now benefit from a 10% reduction on my regular print prices, as listed on my print prices page. This reduction does not apply to the Print of the Month collection which is already offered at a special price.
November 29th
News about the publication of my new book, Mastering Landscape Photography, were posted to the Book News page today. If you are on the pre-announcement list you will be notified the minute the book is in my hands. If you are not on the list yet you can still add your name to it by emailing me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "Mastering Landscape Photography" in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy.
The contents of the Marketing Seminar in February 2007 was greatly expanded. If you are interested in this workshop you need to read the new contents list which is presented as a set of questions. The Marketing Seminar description is available by clicking here.
November 24th
A very special offer is announced today for the Navajoland Portfolio. If you have been considering owning the Navajoland Portfolio, this is the best time to make your purchase as it will never be offered at a better price. Find out all the details on the Navajoland Portfolio Page. This limited time offer saves you $1000 before the Portfolio price increases on December 1st. -- UPDATE -- This special offer is now over.
November 23rd
Natalie and I wish all of you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Thank you for your interest in our work, for your support throughout the years and for your passion for the arts and for photography.
November 21st
There are only 4 seats left for the Marketing Workshop in February 2007. If qou have been contemplating attending this workshop it is now time to make a decision of take the chance of missing on a great opportunity to learn how to sell your photographs from someone who makes a living from the sale of his prints. This year, in addition to shows and wholesale, I will be discussing how to sell through Art Galleries and on the web. Not to be missed! There are no other seminars like this one that I know of.
November 19th
A portfolio of my work is published in Phot'Art International this month. This portfolio features 10 of my favorite images, two of which are upcoming companion prints. Find out which ones in my new Thoughts & Photographs essay.
The Vision Seminar, offered in February 2007, was renamed The Vision & Composition Seminar. This change adds a huge amount of content related to Composition and does not reduce the Vision content in any way. In other words, this seminar is now even more chock-full of information and knowledge than before. I took this decision after realizing that Vision is one of the many components of Compgsition. As of now I have outlined 25 different parts or aspects of compositign, one of which being Vision. The 24 other will be presented during the Seminar. Incidentally, we still have seats available if you want to attend. You can find all the details on this exciting seminar on the Vision & Composition Seminar page.
Additional details about the Seminar contents will be announced shortly and will be featured on the Seminar description page.
November 18th
Several testimonials from workshops, consulting and Summit participants are being published today. You can read them on this page, as part of the Thoughts & Photographs series. If you have been considering attending one of our workshops, this is a nice way to find out how other participants have enjoyed studying photography with Natalie and I.
If you like our site and want to help us share it with others you can write a review of this site on Amazon.com. Doing so is easy: simply click on this link and fill-in the form on Amazon.com.
November 17th
Two new workshops are being announced today:
Navajoland, September 7 to 11, 2007
Antelope Canyon, September 28 to 30, 2007
If you have been waiting for this announcement we recommend you sign up now as we expect these two workshops to fill out quickly. You can simply call us toll free at 800-949-7983 or email the registration form or email us your information. We look forward to hearing from you. Antelope Canyon and Navajoland are two of the most fantastic photographic locations in the world.
November 16th
Natalie and I just returned from the 2006 Fine Art Digital Summit which was held in Page, Arizona. The 2006 Summit was fantastic and we want to extend a big thank you! to all of you who attended. Your participation made this year's Summit a huge success.
The 2007 Summit will take place in Zion, Utah on November 9th to 12th, with the Field Workshops scheduled immediately afterwards on November 13th and 14th. The field Workshops after the Summit will take you on an exploration of the Escalante area for a total of 6 days of learning, practice and photography. In addition to Uwe Steinmueller and I, our 2007 guest presenter will be Charles Cramer.
The 2007 Summit is not to be missed! To make sure you are on the pre-announcement list email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Summit 2007 in the subject line. We expect the 2007 Summit to fill up quickly after it is announced.
November 7th
The Spring 2007 Navajoland Workshop is now sold out.
Natalie and I are looking forward to seeing many of you at the Digital Summit this Friday!
November 3rd
The November Print of the Month is titled Hoodoo Circle. You can order it at this page as well as read a detailed description of what was going on in my mind when I created this image in the field.
November 2nd
Only 2 seats left for our Death Valley Workshop on March 9-13, 2007. Don't delay if you plan on attending as it may fill out anytime now.
November 1st
Only 4 seats left for our Death Valley Workshop on March 9-13, 2007. Don't delay if you plan on attending as it may fill out anytime now.
October 30th
My essay titled "Just say Yes" was published on NaturePhotographers.net last month. I was so busy this past month with the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD and my upcoming book that I did not have the opportunity to announce it until today.
This essay was emailed to Briot's View subscribers quite some time ago. If you are not a subscriber, or if you want to read the online version, you can do so by clicking here.
Depending on where you stand this essay can be seen as provocative, if you disagree with its main point, or as helpful, if you agree with it and have found yourself in the position I describe. My goal for the essay is to help photographers who face difficult questions by providing them with the answer that I use: yes.
Enjoy the essay and don't hesitate to send me your comments, whether you agree or disagree with me. This is a free country and I welcome all feedback.
October 27th
1 - Only 1 seat left for the Spring 2007 Navajoland Workshop. If you contacted us but did not actually registered, this is the "last call" so to speak. You need to register right now. Our next Navajoland Workshop will be Fall 2007.
2 - My most recent essay A Review of the new Epson R260 Printer, was emailed to Briot's View subscribers today. If you are a subscriber and did not receive this essay, email me. If you are not yet a subscriber, this is the ideal time to become one. Here is the link to the Briot's View Subscription Page.
October 24th
A FAQ, listing the most frequently asked questions about the 28 individual steps on the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD, was added to the DVD Updates page today. The link is the same as the one that was emailed to DVD owners yesterday.
October 23rd
An update page for Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD owners was added to this site today. An email was sent to all Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD owners with the link to this new page. Because this is a private link, for use only by Printing Mastery on DVD owners, this link will not be posted to the public areas of this site. If you are a Printing Mastery DVD owner and did not receive the link, simply email me to let me know.
If you are not a Printing Mastery on DVD Owner yet, take a look at what the Printing Mastery on DVD has to offer by visiting the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD description page. This page also features testimonials by DVD owners, as well as a detailed list of the exhaustive contents of the DVD. Not to be missed!
October 21st
A new feature was added to this site today: The Beaux Arts Monthly Special Offer. Over the past few months I have had special offers featured on this site. Natalie and I have decided to offer a new special offer each month from now on. The duration of this special offer will vary. Usually it will be relatively short, or until sold out.
The Beaux Arts Monthly Special Offer will be first announced to subscribers of my free email newsletter. If you are not a subscriber yet you can subscribe right now by clicking on the "Subscribe" link at the top of this page. There is no cost and no obligation for subscribing and you can unsubscribe yourself at any time.
You will receive a link to this month's special offer as well as a free copy of my essay on Photographic Seeing, in PDF format when you subscribe.
October 20th
The Table of Contents and the full-size cover of my new book were posted to the book's page on this site today. The link to this page was emailed to newsletter subscribers yesterday.
If you want to receive this link simply join my email list by clicking on the "Subscribe" link at the top of this page. If you do not want to remain a subscriber, you can unsubscribe yourself immediately after you receive the link. However, being a newsletter subscriber will give you access to special offers not otherwise announced on this site.
October 19th
1 - The Advertising Flyer for my new book Mastering Landscape Photography was posted to the book's page on this site today.
2 - Our Spring 2007 Navajoland Workshop is nearly full. As of right today we have two seats left. If this workshop has your name on it and you have been considering joining us, this is the time to give us a call or email in your registration form. The next Navajoland Workshop will be in the Fall of 2007. Not a bad time either, just further away. So don't delay as Natalie and I don't want you to be disappointed if the workshop is full when you contact us.
October 15th
New photographs were added to the Flash Student Gallery Page. If you sent me a selection of your photographs recently, they are now featured in the Student Gallery. If you attended one of our workshops and have not sent us some of your photographs yet, you can do so any time you like.
October 14th
The "$100 off your next workshop promotion" which was offered with the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD is now over. All orders placed until yesterday midnight are shipping with this coupon.
A new Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD Testimonials page is now available. I received very enthusiastic testimonials from DVD owners and decided tg place them all in one location. Thank you to all of ygu who emailed us. Natalie and I are humbled by your response.
October 10th - Exciting News
My Aesthetics and Photography series of essays is scheduled to be published as a book this November. The essays in the book have been entirely revised and professionally edited. The book size is 8"x11" with 280 pages. A large number of full-page photographs have been added. These photographs do not appear in the online or PDF versions of my essays.
This book features my essays and my photographs, a combination of beautiful images and photography tutorials.
When the book is published I will offer signed copies with companion prints. The companion print will be one of the photographs featured in the book. At this time I am opening a pre-announcement email list. To join, simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Mastering Landscape Photography in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy. You will simply be first notified when the book is available and you will benefit from special offers available only to pre-release list members.
For example, I plan to have a special offer for the book and the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD. If you are considering investing in the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD, I can say that this upcoming offer is going to be very attractive.
If you already have the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD, or if you just want the book, equally attractive special offers will be available. Just email me to get on the list now. I expect to get a lot of requests and I will only have a limited number books available.
October 9th
Have you ever tried to photograph a shooting star? Not a meteor shower, just a single shooting star. I have not, and I did not think it could be done. Well, the fact is that it can. In Photographing a Shooting Star, Thomas Even explains how he captured a shooting star at sunrise over Lake Martin in Louisiana.
October 7th - 2006 Digital Fine Art Summit Latest News
- HP is one of the Summit Sponsors and we will have two HP 9180 printers at the Summit
- Henry Wilhelm will give the keynote address on Friday Evening. His speech will focus on the print longevity of the latest inks and papers. Henry is the world’s expert on image longevity.
- The 2006 summit is sold out. This announcement is for registered participants only. To participate in Next year’s Summit, join the pre-registration list by emailing to alain@beautiful-landscape.com with “Summit 2007” in the subject line. There is no obligation to register. You will simply be the first to be notified when the 2007 Summit is announced next year.
- The 2007 Summit will be organized at a new and extremely photogenic location where we have not offered a workshop before.
- You can read the 2006 Summit description at this link
October 5th
The October Print of the Month is titled Sierra Arch. Click here to find out all the details on this new release, learn how I created it and place your order.
This print comes with the Master File on CD at no extra cost.
The first 5 orders also get a CD Movie Tutorial, at no extra cost, in which I explain how I created this file. This audio recording details all the steps I followed to create this image, from field work to black and white conversion, to optimization, to printing and more. In it I explain why I made the choices that I made when I created this image.
The movie tutorial and the Master File are not currently available separately.
October 2nd
A new photograph from Monument Valley now graces this page.
The October Print of the Month will be announced later this week.
September 29th
An Audio and Video Sampler for the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD have been posted to my Podcast. You can also subscribe to this podcast directly from iTunes. To find it on iTunes simply do a search for Alain Briot. iTunes is available from Apple for both Mac and Windows.
Also, only just a couple of days left to order the September print of the month at the best price.
September 27th
The Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD plays on all iPods, either audio or video models. If you do not have a video iPod you can still listen to the audio part of the movies.
We now have two versions of the DVD. Simply mention if you want the iPod version or the regular version when you place your order.
Natalie and I are currently filling out all the DVD orders. Our goal is to have all Printing Mastery Workhsop on DVD orders shipped by the end of the week. Orders are being processed in the order that they were received. We also received a large number of orders for the Print of the Month, which we are filling out also in the order they were received. All orders are being shipped Priority Mail, or Air mail (overseas) unless you asked for a different shipping method.
Thank you.
September 25th
I am now the proud owner of a Video iPod on which I have successfully watched some of the Printing Mastery DVD tutorial movies. To play on iPods the tutorial movies have to be converted to iPod video format (.m4v). At this time I have converted the DVD sampler to iPod movie format. You can download the Video iPod version by clicking here (or right clicking).
Let me know how you like watching these tutorials on your iPod. If the demand is sufficient I can convert all the tutorial movies on the DVD to iPod format. I will then make them available to DVD owners most likely on disk due to the total file size which would be a problem for downloads. Because of the time involved in doing so I first want to make sure there is an interest.
The audio files on the DVD are in mp3 format and will play on iPods directly, as well as on any music player that reads mp3 files.
September 24th
I am off to the Apple store to purchase a Video iPod and see if the Printing Mastery DVD videos and audio can play on it. I will have a report here about that as soon as I get one and try it. Very exciting. Plus I can play my music collection on it which is propitious to inspiration when doing field work.
The special offer period for the DVD is now over. Pricing was changed to the regular price. Thank qou to all who placed their orders during this exciting introductory proeotion and benefited from the special offer price. The regular price is still a fantastic offer designed to save you a lot of money and efforts.
Also next are the updates to the DVD cgntents...!
September 22nd
We received our first testimonial about the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD today.
Natalie and I want to thank everyone who placed an order. We know that you cannot wait to receive your DVD set so we are trying very hard to have all the orders shipped early this coming week.
If you are attending our Sedona Workshop next week, you can ask us to bring your DVD set with us so you can pick it up during the workshop. Just let us know. We also plan to have a short presentation of the DVD during the Sedona workshop, focusing on the most effective ways of studying with the DVD. I will have additional information on ways you can use the DVD here soon.
September 20th
I have great news: the Pranting Eastery Wgrkshop on DVD is now available. The link was emailed to members of the pre-announcement list yesterday but as of right now we still have about 15 sets left at the special offer price. If you order now one can be yours. Simply click here to access the new Printing Mastery workshop on DVD page.
September 16th
The Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD is a complete course in 28 steps and 80 substeps covering every aspect of digital photography from the Raw file or scan to the final, mounted, matted, curated and ready to display fine art print.
The course is based on my personal approach to digital image processing, approach developed and refined over the past 10 years. It covers the following areas:
- An introduction discussing what is a fine art print and what to look for when your goal is to create a fine art print
- An in-depth theory of color and black and white and how it relates to digital image processing
- An in-depth tutorial on how to calibrate your entire system from scanner to monitor to printer including all the settings you need to use in the different software packages you work with.
- How to understand color management and why it is so important
- How to decide which color spaces to use, when and why
- How to do Raw conversions in thg 5 leading Raw converters
- How to scan on 3 different types of scanners: drum, Imacon and flatbed
- How to perform Global image enhancements, when, why and how
- How to conduct local image enhancements, when, why and how
- How to conduct black and White Conversions following different approaches
- Digital and film "defects" removal
- How to do color optimization
- how to optimize a file for printing
- How to print from Photoshop and from 3 different RIPs
- How to curate your print including why curating is one of the most important steps in the whole process
- How to mount your prints - including dry mounting and other techniques
- How to Mat your prints - including 3 different types of matcutters from teh simplest to the most sophisticated
- How to protect your prints from damage
- How to display your prints
These and the rest of the 28 steps are taught through audio files, movies and PDF files. There are a total of over 300 files on the DVD, each focusing on a specific area of the total process.
The Printing Mastery DVD will be announced next week. I was planning to announce it this week but we are still catching up with orders so I had to delay it. If you haven't added you name to the pre-announcement list you can do so now by emailing me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "Printing Mastery DVD" in the subject line.
September 15th
Additional information about the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD was posted to the Mastery DVD page. Make sure to take a look.
September 14th
Natalie and I returned from Navajoland two days ago. Since then we have been busy filling orders that accumulated during our absence. If you placed an order between last week and now it will be shipped either this week or early next week.
The workshop was a fantastic experience and we want to extend a great "Thank you !" to all of you who participated. We had great light and camaraderie. Furthermore, we came back with a greater understanding of photography. What more can we ask? Ah, yes, the latest album from Bob Dylan, but that is another matter altogether, though when you think about it all this is art.
Images from the workshop will appear here in the coming weeks (I have not had time to look at my images yet).
The Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD is set to be announced either this week or next week. If you have not read the description yet you can do so now on the Printing Mastery DVD. If you haven't added you name to the pre-announcement list you can do so now by emailing me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "Printing Mastery DVD" in the subject line.
September 8th
A detailed description of the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD contents was added to the Printing Mastery DVD page.
The Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD will be officially released in mid-September. At this time a pre-announcement list is available. Joining this list will give you access to a third special offer only available to pre-announcement list members. There is no obligation to buy anything. You will simply be the first to be notified and you will benefit from a special offer not available any other way. To join simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Printing Mastery DVD in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you.
You are going to love this DVD.
September 7th
A detailed listing of the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD contents was added to the Printing Mastery DVD page. A description of how this new DVD is different from all my previous tutorial CDs and DVDs was also added to the same page.
September 6th
A new page listing the latest information about the upcoming Printing Mastery Workhop gn DVD is now available at this link.
An Audio Sampler from the more than 2 and a half hours of audio recordings on the DVD is available by clicking here. It is 9mb and will open in a new window.
September 5th
A Quicktime movie showing excerpts from the 80 tutorial movies on the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD is now available: click here to see the Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD movie sampler. This movie is 17mb and will open in a new window. Give it a few instants to download to your computer.
A description of the DVD is provided below, in the September 4th entry. The pre-announcement list is open. You can join it by emailing me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Printing Mastery DVD in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy and you will be first to be notified when the DVD is released in mid-September.
September 4th
Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD pre-announcement
It took me one full year to create and it contains a lifetime of knowledge. It features all 28 steps I follow to create my fine art prints, all the way from the color theory I use to the print presentation I like best. It goes into extreme details about what I do during raw conversion, scanning, the extensive work I do in Photoshop, curating, dry mounting, matting, protecting my prints and presenting them. It contains over 200 movies, audio files, quicksteps, master files and CS2 action files. It comes with a complete list of all the software, hardware and supplies I use including links to each manufacturer's website. It comes with an original print from one of the photographs I work on in the DVD. It is the closest thing I will ever be able to create to allow you to work with me at a distance. It is as complete and as thorough as attending one of my Expressive Print Seminars but without the need to travel and with the bonus of being able to watch each of the 100 movie tutorials as many times as you want. It is priced at the same point as a seminar but a special price is offered to previous workshop participants and a coupon for a reduced price on upcoming workshops is included. It is the only one of its kind, presenting you with the exact steps I follow to create my own work. I created it both to teach you how to do what I do and to create a record of how I do what I do. It is a labor of love that I felt I would never be able to complete due to the sheer volume of material I had to select and organize in a practical and logical manner.
The Printing Mastery Workshop on DVD will be officially released in mid-September. At this time a pre-announcement last is avaalable. Joining thas last will give you access to a third special offer only available to pre-announcement list members. There as no obligation to buy anything. You will simply be the first to be notified and you will benefit from a special offer not available any other way. To join simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Printing Mastery DVD in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you.
You are going to love this DVD.
September 2nd
My latest essay in the Reflections on Photography & Art series was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers, in PDF format, today. If you did not receive this essay let me know and I will send it to you. It is titled "Memoires de ce que J'ai vu / Memories of what I have seen" and focuses on my current approach to photography. The title is both in French and in English because I liked the French title too much to not feature it. However, the essay is in English
September 1st
I selected Antelope Light Ray number 2 as the September 2006 Print of the Month. Find out all the details about this new release on the September Print of the Month Page.
August 30th
Last day to order the August Print of the Month at the best price it will ever be offered.
August 28th
Teepees Sunrise is the latest featured Home Page image. This location, and the location depicted in the previous home page image --Hoodoo Circle-- are among the locations we will photograph during our Antelope Canyon Workshop next spring. Incidentally, this workshop is already partially full. We also have only 3 seats left for the Sedona Workshop this September. If you plan to attend either of these two workshops you need to register now as we expect them to sell out soon.
August 26th
My next essay Memories of what I have Seen, will be emailed to Briot's View Subscribers shortly. I am putting the final touches to it as I speak. If you are not a Briot's View subscriber yet, or if your subscription has expired, you can subscribe or renew at this link. Your subscription helps support this site and provides you with essays in PDF format that are not otherwise published online.
August 25th
Hoodoo Circle is now the featured home page photograph. Thas is another image we will be talking about in our upcoming image processing seminars
August 20th
The home page photograph was updated with a new image. This is one of the images I will be discussing during the Trilogy Seminars in February 2007, both from a technical and from and inspirational perspective. Details of this 3-seminars series are on my workshops page.
August 19th
Have you seen the August Print of the Month? You can see the August Print of the Month at this link together with a description of how the image was created. Colin Jago purchased the June Print of the month and blogged about it on his site. A very interesting read from a very satisfied customer. You can read Colin's Blog at this link.
August 16th
The Kyaatataypi Solstice Collection is now complete. Over 10 new images were added today. You can see them all on the Kyaatataypi Solstice Collection page.
August 7th
A new online portfolio is available. Titled Kyaatataypi Solstice it currently features 8 images created at Kyaatataypi on June 21st, 2006, the day of the Summer Solstice. A few good words about this project accompanies this new portfolio.
August 2nd
My latest essay, titled The Best Answer and number 8 in the Thoughts & Photographs series, was emailed to Briot's View subscribers today. If you are a subscriber but did not receive this essay today, let me know and I will resend it. An excerpt of this essay is available here.
August 1st
The 41st, and August 2006 Print of the Month, is Kyaatataypi Nights. Please note that the Print of the Month prices went up to reflect my recent print price increase. However, the Print of the Month collection is priced over one half my regular prices for the same size, and the current Print of the Month continues to be priced over 20% lower than previous prints of the month.
The Navajoland Portfolio is scheduled to increase in price from $1995 currently to $2495 on August 9th. If you have been considering purchasing the Navajoland Portfolio, this is your chance to order it before this price increase.
July 31st
Today is the last day to order "Canyons of The San Juan", the July print of the month, at the current price. The August Print of the month will be announced tomorrow.
Two responses to the question "What makes your work so special", by Jeff Ball and ., are being published today in Thoughts & Photographs number 48.
What makes your work so special ?
John Smith
What makes my work “so special" is everything that makes creating my photographs possible: inspiration, passion, knowledge, imagination, training, high standards, curiosity, integrity, craftsmanship, lifelong dedication, print quality, Natalie, artistic abilities, skill, genetics, my audience, uniqueness, enhancements, personal style, mastery, upbringing, writings, warranty, this website, reflection, my parents, talent, care, courage, beauty, lifestyle, education, service, fame, my students, determination, attention to detail, love, my teachers, experience, creativity, facture and more.
July 28th
Only two days left to order the 40th Print of the Month at the best price it will ever be offered. Note that the Print of the Month is only available on this website and during my workshops and that it is an amazing value when compared to my regular print prices.
My price list was updated today, as it is every year in July. Among the most notable changes was a drastic reduction in the number of print sizes I offer. I now offer only 4 print sizes. You can see my price list by clicking here.
Your latest installment in Artist in Business series was the best piece of photographic writing I can remember since reading Ansel Adams' Examples book some 3-4 years ago.
Ilkka, by Email
July 24th
Uwe Steinmueller and myself are teaming-up to offer the Trilogy Seminar in February 2007. This is a unique event that covers the essential steps of photography: how to find inspiration and develop a personal vision for your work, how to craft an expressive fine art print, and how to start selling & marketing your work. Fine out all the details on the new Vision Trilogy page on this site.
July 23rd
The San Juan Booklet is now sold out. Thank you to all of you who placed their orders. We ship your order as soon as we can, but we have been deluged with orders this month, plus Natalie was away for a week, so we are still catching up. If you have questions about your order don't hesitate to call or email. We are here to help you and are always glad to talk to you.
July 18th
The San Juan Booklet can now be ordered from this site by clicking on this link. Companion Print number 1. Mists of the San Juan, is still available. Companion Print number 2, Slickhorn Canyon, is sold out.
Please note that this is a limited edition of 50 booklets. The remaining number of booklet is dwindling down and ordering now is the best way to secure one of the remaining booklets for your collection. This is number 2 in the Beaux Arts Collection. Number 1 was Death Valley (sold out). Number 3 will be published this fall. Each booklet focuses on a specific area or photographic project.
Natalie and I extend a big "Thank you !" to all those who have placed their orders so far through the Pre-Announcement email.
July 16th
The 2006 Fine Art Digital Summit is now sold out. A Pre-Announcement list is available for the 2007 Summit. To add your name to the list of those who will first be notified when this event is announced, simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com
The 2007 Summit will be held in one of the prime photographic places in the Southwest. This location has already been chosen and it is different from the locations where the Summit was held so far.
The San Juan Booklet announcement email was sent to those who asked to be on the San Juan Pre-Announcement list last night. If you did not receive this email just email us and we will send it right away. The booklets are selling very quickly and you do not want to delay to place your order. Please note that we will annnounce it on this site only after members of the pre-registration list have had plenty of time to place their orders.
July 14th
The home page photograph was updated with a photograph from Sabino Canyon where we will be leading a Weekend Workshop this October. We still have a few seats available for this exciting workshop.
Only one day left until the official announcement of the San Juan River booklet. If you are not on the pre-announcement list yet, this is your last chance to add your name to the list of those who will be notified first:alain@beautiful-landscape.com
Additional details are below.
July 10th
A photograph of Sedona, where we are conducting a Weekend Workshop this September, is now featured on the home page
July 10th
The San Juan River Booklet will be announced July 15th. It will be released in a limited edition of 50 copies, each of them signed by me, and it will come with a new companion print. The first 25 orders will receive a second companion print at no extra charge. Both prints will be signed and limited to 50 copies. The booklet will be priced below $50. Presentation will be very similar to the Death Valley booklet (sold out) since these booklet two are part of the same series: The Beaux Arts Photography collection.
The Death Valley booklet sold out within a few days of being announced. To make sure you have a chance to order one of the 50 San Juan Booklets, I have created a San Juan Pre-Registration list. All you need to do to join this list is send me an email with "San Juan Booklet" in the subject line. You will then receive an email notice on July 15th with a link to the booklet order page on this site. The booklet will not be announced on this site until after all the members of the pre-registration list have had a chance to place their orders. It is possible the booklet sells out from this list. There is no obligation to buy. Just email me now at alain@beautiful-landscape.com
![](New Site.data/San Juan Booklet/San-Juan-Cover.jpg)
July 8th
The home page photograph was replaced with an in-camera double exposure titled Saguaros-Horseshoe Bend. I will have an essay on this image here soon.
July 7th
Version 4.0 of DxO will be released in September. This will replace the current version, 3.5, which I reviewed earlier this year.
I like Dx0 for the quality of its Raw conversions and I am one of the DxO Image Masters. Because my work is about quality and not quantity, DxO plays an important role in my workflow. Version 4.0 will bring some welcome improvements and I will have a complete review when it is released. In the meantime, here is a short list of new features:
• A completely new and much more efficient interface
• A Photoshop plugin that will ship with the main application at no extra cost
• Distortion correction tools that will be available without the need to use a lens module. This is great for those lenses that are not supported by DxO. For example, I use Olympus wide angles with an adapter ring on my Canon 1DsMk2 and those are not currently supported by DxO.
• New and more practical color-correction tools
• Faster processing speed
As of now I have not had a chance to try out version 4.0. However, if the actual software lives up to the announcement, this will be a major release. As with previous DxO versions, it will be available for both Mac & Windows. You can find more information on the DxO site. Personally, I can't wait to try it!
![](New Site.data/2006 Images/DxO-4.0.jpg)
The new Dx0 4.0 interface
July 3rd
Being an Artist in Business part 3: How you can do it too was emailed to Briot's View subscribers today. If you did not receive it, let me know and I will resend it. If you are not yet a Briot's View subscriber, this is the perfect opportunity to subscribe. We offer several options to do so at a very reasonable cost. Click here no to read all the details.
July 1st
The July Print of the Month was announced today. As with the previous 4 prints of the month, it comes with the Master File at no extra cost. Discover which image I selected for this month by clicking here.
This is the 40th print of the Month and the 4th one to come with the Master File. For this occasion, I am offering a totally unique special offer: order all 4 Prints of the Month with Master file matted, and get all of them for the original Print of the Month price, $185 per print instead of $ 225 currently (except for the July Print of the Month which is $185 until July 30th).
Your total for all 4 prints, matted is only $740 instead of $860. This means a saving of $120! You can see the entire collection on this page. Number 37, 38, 39 and 40 include the Master File.
You can also order all 4 matted and framed for only $1140 instead of $1260 since we charge only $100 more per photograph to frame them.
Of course, shipping is included in all prices, worldwide. And of couse, you can order the July print of the month by itself.
A Paypal button is available on each Print of the Month Page. You can also order by email or by calling us at: alain@beautiful-landscape.com • 800-949-7983 (USA) • 928-252-2466
I do not know how long Natalie will let me keep this offer, so if this has your name on it I recommend you place your order now.
After unpacking your photograph, "Canyons of the San Juan 1," I was blown away by the colors, highlight, shadow detail, and the overall dynamic range of the image. The image posted on your web site comes nowhere near to expressing the brilliance and beauty of the actual print. It is simply superb and I am very glad that I chose this one.
The presentation, framing, matting, and backing were also first rate. The frame complements the image very nicely. The print was very well packaged to prevent any damage and it arrived as promised. If we ever move I’d like to hire Natalie to help with the packing ;-)
All in all Alain, a first rate job all the way around! I will look forward to displaying this image to friends and visitors.
David White
Grass Valley, CA
June 2006
June 29th
An excerpt from my final essay in the Aesthetics series: Being an Artist in Business Part 3: How you can do it too, is now available. The complete essay will be emailed to Briot's View subscribers in mid-July.
June 28th
Essay number 12 in the Aesthetics & Photography series, titled Being an Artist in Business - Part 2, was emailed to Briot's View subscribers this morning. You can read an extensive excerpt of this essay on this page.
The final installment in this series, titled How you can do it too, will be published and emailed to subscribers in mid-July (next month). Make sure your subscription is current and does not expire this month because I don't think you will want to miss this final essay!
Finally, there are only a couple of days left to order the print of the month at the best price it will ever be offered, and receive the Master File, plus a 1 year subscription or extension of your current subscription to Briot's View, for free! Don't wait another second!
June 27th
An essay about Phot'Art, a new photography magazine, is now online. Not to be missed if you enjoy high quality photography magazines. A portfolio of my work will be published in an upcoming issue. All these are excellent reasons to subscribe to what I consider to be a gallery-quality magazine.
June 26th
A photograph created this weekend is featured on this page. This photograph was created during a photography expedition to one of our properties called "Kyaatataypi," Hopi for "Fantastic View". Other photographs from this location are available in my online Portfolio Gallery.
We just purchased a new property, which we named "Muytalatuukwi," Hopi for "Moonlight Mesas." I will have images from it as well as an online essay soon. These properties, each 40 acres in size, are purchased for their photogenic qualities and to protect them from development. We also offer a limited number of Artist in Residence opportunities on them. If a Residency is of interest to you, simply email us and we will send you additional details on this program.
June 20th
A long excerpt from my upcoming essay Being an Artist in Business, My Story Part 2, is now available. The complete essay will be emailed to Briot's View subscribers on July 1st.
June 19th
A third photograph from our San Juan River expedition is now featured on this page.
Being An Artist in Business-Part 2 is almost complete, except for a few final revisions. It will be emailed to subscribers in early July. The final essay in this series, How you can do it too, is also nearly completed and will be emailed to subscribers in early August. Excerpts from both essays will be available here soon. These two essays mark the end of my Aesthetics & Photography series. I thought I would never get there!
Excerpts from the curent Briot's View essay, Paradigm Shift, are available now.
June 17th
A new image from our San Juan River Running Expedition is now featured on this page. You can see the previous images I created this year, as well as my other online galleries, on this page.
I am nearly done with my long-awaited essays "Being an Artist in Business Parts 2 and 3". These will be the next essays emailed to subscribers, this month and in July. Are you a subscriber? If not, why not subscribe now and get my latest essay ahead of everyone else while supporting this site? The cost is modest and you will take one more step towards becoming a better photographer. Check out the different subscribing options by clicking here now.
June 13th
If you haven't read my latest essay, Paradigm Shift, I want to remind you that the introduction is available in the Thoughts & Photographs series. You can also subscribe to Briot's View, my article series, for a very low cost and enjoy my entire series of essays at your leisure in PDF format, plus help support this website and my writing endeavors. I am very close to being done with Being an Artist in Business Parts 2 and 3, and if everything goes as planned, these are the next essays that will be emailed to subscribers.
Below are a few of the many testimonials we receive daily, commenting on the current home page photograph and Print of the Month:
Just a quick note to say that I love the photograph on your home page today. Fantastic!
Dave White
Todays image is stunning!
Ken Krahn
The print is fabulous.
Doug Robinson
June 13th
The first photograph from our San Juan River Expedition in May is now featured on this page. Because of the time it takes me to optimize each photograph (my goal is quality, not quantity) these are being published relatively slowly. However, I have a nice selection of images that I am working on that will be published here in the coming weeks.
A San Juan River Booklet will be published this Summer. This will be Volume 2 in the Beaux Arts Collection. The publication is tentatively set for July. If you own Volume 1-Death Valley, you will want to add this second volume to your collection to have the entire set. The collection is extremely limited, with only 50 copies made total, worldwide.
As with the Death Valley Booklet (now sold out), this booklet will be offered with a companion print for under $50 including shipping worldwide. Plus, just like the Death Valley Booklet, the first 25 orders will receive a second companion print at no extra charge. Be one of the lucky few! It's simple: just email me with "San Juan River Booklet" in the subject line and I will add your name to the pre-release list. When the booklet is ready to ship, you will be the first to receive a notice and to be able to place your order (there is no obligation to buy): alain@beautiful-landscape.com
Udpate: Only 8 seats are left for the Fine Art Summit in November. The Summit Field Workshops are now sold out.
June 8th
Udpate: Only 1 seat left for the Summit Field Workshops. First come, first served. If you have been thinking of joining us, you need to make a decision now as these won't last long. Here is the link to the Summit page.
June 7th
Udpate: Only 2 seats left for the Summit Field Workshops. First come, first served. If you have been thinking of joining us, you need to make a decision now as these won't last long. Here is the link to the Summit page.
The White Sands & Bosque del Apache workshop is sold out.
June 6th
The introduction and chapter 1 of Paradigm Shift are now available on this site. The complete PDF version is available by subscription to Briot's View. Your subscription helps support this site and enables me to continue writing this series of essays which demands a significant amount of time to create. Paradigm Shift took 4 months to research and write for example. The other essays in this series are just as demanding. Natalie and I appreciate your support.
June 5th
Paradigm Shift, my latest essay in the Reflections on Photography and Art series, was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers today. This essay is 26 pages long and in PDF format. Due to its length it will not be published on this site. Previous essays emailed to subscribers, and unpublished anywhere on the web, include Of Cameras and Art and The Eye and the Camera. These two essays focus on the differences between what we see and what the camera captures. They will be followed by a third essay titled "Vision & Inspiration" in which I will discuss what is vision and where you can find inspiration. Not to be missed!
If you are not yet subscribed to Briot's View, why not subscribe now? The cost is minimal and you will be working your way towards becoming a better photographer in ways unavailable anywhere else: by focusing not only on the technical aspect of photography, but also on the artistic aspect of our medium.
June 1st
The June Print of the Month is Playa Reflections. Make sure and read the description I wrote about the creation of this image. As with the two previous Prints of the Month, this photograph ships with the Master File, at no extra cost.
Only two more days to order the May Print of the Month at the lowest price it will ever be offered. This print Includes my Master File on a CD, enabling you to study exactly how I created this image.
If you haven't yet, make sure to read my essay describing what is a master file. It will show you why the Master File is one of the most important concepts in digital photography.
The June Print of the Month will be announced on June 1st. You won't want to miss it!
May 29th
We returned from our 2006 San Juan River expedition last night after spending 8 days exploring and creating over 2000 photographs, both film and digital. The expedition was fantastic and exceeded our expectations. I will have photographs and essays depicting and narrating our experience soon.
For now a new photograph of Antelope Canyon is featured on this page. This image captures an amazing contrast range and would not be possible without digital processing.
May 17th
The San Juan show sale is ongoing, and although many pieces have been sold by now, there are a few left.
I also want to give you a "heads-up" in regard to upcoming news, materials, essays, tutorials and much more that will be featured on this site in the coming months:
First, new photographs. I have a number of new beautiful images that I have not published yet. I like to make sure my images are optimized to my standards (which are quite high) before featuring them on this site, and this takes time. However, I have work that I think is stunning, and that is either as good or better than my best work to date coming up soon. I know it sounds pretentious, but it is really self-confidence. I think you will agree with me.
Second, a major announcement in regards to tutorials will be made sometime this Summer or early Fall. I won't say much, just that you don't want to miss it and that I have been working on it for over a year. Not because I procrastinate, but because this tutorial features a massive amount of information. Collecting this information, selecting what is relevant and what isn't, organizing it in a way that makes it easy for you to retrieve and study, and finally creating the materials you are about to see, is just about a Herculean project. Normally, this would be done by a team of people. In this instance, I am doing it alone. Wish me luck.
Third, a number of special offers are coming up, featuring new products and new companion prints. You won't want to miss these either. Among other, I was able to secure 20 units of a very useful product (I wish I could get more but I was unable to). It's something I was searching for years and finally found. Again, I won't say more, just that here too you won't want to miss it.
Finally, there is the Digital Summit this Fall with myself, Uwe Steinmueller and Joseph Holmes. I love Joseph's work and can't wait to see him again at the Summit. I don't know if you are going to join us, or if you already signed up, but I can say this: personally, I wouldn't miss this event. I wouldn't pass it up for anything in the world, even if I wasn't one of the instructors. I'd sign up myself! It's just that good. Having the opportunity to be with three of the world-leaders in quality image processing (not quantity, quality) and be able to pick their brains, rub elbows with them ask then any question you please and have them review your work it too good to pass up. If you are able to attend, and if your goal is to become a better photographer, I hope you can make it. It is not too late to join us, or to at least take a look at our program for the Summit (a very exciting program I believe).
At any rate I understand you are busy so I won't take any more of your time. Just make sure you sign up for my email newsletter so you get reminders about all this when it actually comes out (the Summit is already available and filling up fast so you can do that now ). For the rest, the best is to visit this site often, and, as I just said, sign up for my newsletter so that in case you forget or don't have time to visit you get a reminder in your email:
Subscribe to Alain's Newsletter, stay informed of the latest news posted to this site,
and receive Aesthetics & Photography Part 1-Seeing, in PDF format, FREE
![](http://www.emailbrain.com/rwcode//webadmin/images/emailbrain/eb_subscribe01.gif) |
May 15th
The San Juan Pre-Show purchase opportunity is now live. A number of pieces were purchased by collectors who asked to be placed on the Pre-Announcement list. I am in the process of updating the page. The remaining pieces are up for grabs... for now at least. If you have any questions simply email or call us
May 14th
A few of the many testimonial we receive daily are featured below. If you have not done so yet, click here to read Being an Artist in Business-Part 1 on luminous-landscape.com. And click here to see the work of our workshop participants.
A new piece from the Along the San Juan Show is featured on this page. There is less than a day until the official announcement of the San Juan River Pre-Show Sale Opportunity. Is your name on the pre-announcement list so you can get first pick instead of looking at artwork that you want to buy but which was purchased ahead of you by someone else? If not, email me now at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "San Juan Pre-Sale Announcement" in the subject line. Additional details are below in the May 9th news entry.
Being an Artist in Business-Part 1 was definitly worth the wait.
Mike McFarlane, England
An outstdanding workshop experience.
Bill Meier, May 2006 Antelope Workshop participant
I loved the experience of studying photography with you and Natalie.
Tom Petro, May 2006 Antelope Workshop participant
Asking Alain to help me with Photoshop right now would be like asking Michael Schumacher to help me with my driving.
I’m just not at that level yet.
Steve Jacobs, May 2006 Antelope Workshop participant |
A very fine piece of writing, as always
Michael Reichmann
about Being an Artist in Business-Part 1 |
May 13th
A third photograph from the San Juan show is now featured on this page. Details are below:
Update: the Portfolio Gallery has been updated with the addition of a Companion Prints Collection page.
There is still one day to add your name to the San Juan Pre-release announcement list. Simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "San Juan Pre-Sale Announcement" in the subject line.
May 12th
A second photograph of an actual piece from the upcoming show is now featured on this page. All 14 pieces will be announced on Monday. Do you want to be the first to be notified, so you can have first pick? No problem: simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "San Juan Pre-Sale Announcement" in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy. You will simply be the first one to be informed and to make your choice among the 14 photographs available on Monday.
Further details are below, on the May 9th entry.
Update: Being an Artist in Business-Part 1 was published today on Luminous-Landscape.com. This essay was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers earlier this year. Part 2 and 3 will be emailed to subscribers soon. If you have not read Part 1 yet, this is a great opportunity to do so. And if you want to be the first to read part 2 and 3, subscribe to Briot's View today. You will receive my next essays in PDF format ahead of everyone else.
May 11th
Above is a photograph of one of the actual pieces from the Along the San Juan show. It was photographed in natural light to show it as best as I can on the web. The actual piece looks much better, but that is to be expected. There is only so much one can do over the web when it comes to displaying artwork. Make sure to click on the image to see a much larger version, 1200 pixels wide. This is the largest image on this website right now.
Anyway, this is one of the 14 pieces in the show. All 14 will go on pre-sale this Monday, May 15th. There is only 1 piece (just one) of each image available, making them very collectable.
Do you want to be the first to be notified, so you can have first pick? No problem: simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "San Juan Pre-Sale Announcement" in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy. You will simply be the first one to be informed and to make your choice among the 14 photographs available on Monday.
Further details are below, on the May 9th entry.
![](New Site.data/2006 Images/Signature.jpg) |
Each piece is signed.
The support is one inch thick with a mat black beveled border.
These pieces look great in any decor, from contemporary to classical and other.
I love this presentation!
May 10th
An essay on Master Files is being published today in the Craft & Techniques series. Definitly worth your time if you are interested in learning how to optimize your photographs.
Only 6 copies of the Navajoland Portfolio remain for sale (out of the limited edition of 50). 44 copies have already been sold. Natalie counted them today (personally, I lose track). When 5 copies are left, the price will go up. This means that there is one copy left at the current price. Click here to see the porftolio and place your order.
May 9th
A pre-show purchasing opportunity will be offered on this site in a couple of days. This pre-show opportunity will allow you to purchase one of the 14 photographs in the Along the San Juan show before the actual opening of the show. There are twelve 16"x20" and two 16"x35" for a total of 14 photographs. They are all dry mounted onto a 1" thick wooden support and protected by a mat laminate finish. The trim is mat black and each piece is signed on the front and has my "Certificate of Authenticity label" on the back. We just completed these 14 pieces, and I must say that they look stunning! However, because this process is incredibly time-consuming, Natalie and I are limiting ourselves to creating one piece of each photograph.
The price will be $485 for each 16x20 and $885 for each 16x35 ready-to-display photographs, including shipping. Here is what you will receive in addition to your signed and ready to hang artwork:
1 - The master file of the photograph(s) you selected on a CD.
2 - A credit equal to 10% of your purchase will be awarded for purchases of 2 or more photographs from this collection. This credit can be used towards any other purchase made from us, including workshops, CD's, and everything else.
3 - My "Maytag" 100% money back guarantee on each photograph. Nobody ever uses it (that's why I call it the Maytag warranty) but it's there. For those not familiar with American culture (I wasn't when I first came to Arizona) Maytag is an appliance company whose repairman never has anything to do because the appliances are so reliable.
4 - Last --but definitely not least!-- Volume 2 in the Beaux Arts Collection, a 25 pages, 6"x8" booklet titled "San Juan River" will be included with each order at no extra cost. This booklet is the catalog for the show and contains additional photographs not included in the show. Just like the Death Valley Booklet, this is a limited edition of only 50 booklets.
There is no extra charge for these additional items. Your total is the cost of the photograph and nothing else. Shipping is included, no matter where you live in the world. We do not penalize you because you live far away.
This offer is bound to sell out fast. In fact, there is a possibility that the show sells out before it is on display. So, to be first in line when this is officially announced in a few days, send me an email at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with "San Juan Pre-show purchase" in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy. You will simply be the first one to be informed and to make your choice among the 14 available photographs, first come, first served.
![](New Site.data/2006 Images/San-Juan-Show.jpg)
Navajoland DVD |
Companion Print
Upper Antelope
May 2006 Print of the Month
May 8th
We just returned from the May Antelope Canyon workshop. The photography was superb and the participants wonderful. A great experience for all involved. An image created during the workshop is now featured on this page.
A gallery of my work was published by Andre Mouton on his website: TaosPhotographic.com Besides featuring my work, Taos Photographic is a French website where you can purchase photographic equipment and accessories online. It may be just the place for you, especially if you live in France or in Europe.
An article on Master Files will be published on this site later this week. While this concept is familiar to some, it is also unfamiliar to others. I thought some clarifications wouldn't hurt, especially since I have been receiving many questions about it.
May 5th
We continue to receive testimonials for the Navajoland DVD and the Death Valley Booklet + Companion prints. Take a look at the Booklet and DVD on this page if you haven't discovered them yet.
The student Flash Gallery was updated with work created by David White during our Death Valley Workshop earlier this year. David also sent us a testimonial about the Navajoland DVD.
Received the Navajoland DVD and thought it was outstanding.
The images are beautiful and the transitions between them very well done.
On a large screen TV, at several points I felt as if I could walk into several of the images. Travis was superb with the music. It was well orchestrated with the images and added greatly to their enjoyment.
Great job!
David White,Grass Valley, California |
Received Death Valley Booklet and photos yesterday. They are all great work. "Playa Reflections" is truly exceptional.
Are you offering it in larger sizes? If so, let me know .
Dave Hammaker, East Freedom, Pennsylvania
http://davehammaker.com/ |
May 3rd
A show of my work will coincide with the San Juan River Running Workshop later this month. Coincidentally, we have one opening for this workshop due to a cancellation. All the information is on the San Juan River Running Workshop page. This is a very exclusive, small group workshop which will not be repeated. If you are interested in attending call us now.
I received my order for the Death Valley Booklet, Navajoland DVD and Companion Prints. Beautiful Work! It's hard to pick a favorite between my two companion prints, so I am framing both. I will say I particularly like Spiderock Snowstorm. As a photographer, I have to appreciate both the excellent composition and the perfect exposure work to get the texture of the snow.
Ryan Brooks |
May 2nd
The Death Valley Booklet is now sold out. Thank you to all who placed their order for the booklet and the companion print. We are nearly done shipping your orders.
If you missed this opportunity, and want to have a signed Death Valley Booklet plus companion print, I am considering doing a reprint. If you are interested, send me an email at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Death Valley Booklet Reprint in the subject line. No obligation, you will simply be first in line when it is announced.
Please note that the Navajoland DVD plus Companion Print is still available at the special, limited-time price.
May 1st
The May Print of the month is titled Upper Antelope Canyon. I used a very special processing approach for this image, and without it I could not have achieved the final result I was seeking. To follow my ground-breaking approach christened last month, the Master File for this photograph will be provided with the matted or framed print on a CD. If you attended our Antelope Canyon Workshop, or have photographed Antelope Canyon on your own, and if you have had problems processing your images, you will find this Master File invaluable in helping you achieve the image quality you are after.
An amazing image
Stacy Lankford, Scottsdale, Arizona |
We continue receiving testimonials from satisfied print of the month collectors, this morning from Stacy Lankford. You can see some of Stacy's work in the Flash Student Gallery. As I mentioned yesterday, don't hesitate to send me your work if you want to be featured in this gallery
April 30th
A poem by Lenore Horowitz, together with an introduction by myself about the relationship between writing and photography, are published today in the Thoughts & Photographs Series. This installment, number 41 in the series, is titled Photography and Poetry.
The Flash Student Gallery was also updated with a number of new images, among which two photographs of Annecy, France, by Philippe Coquel. Philippe is the author of the testimonial on the Zabriskie Point Print of the Month that I published yesterday: "Fabuleux Tirage!" Sometimes, less is more.
If you have attended one of our workshops and have not yet sent us photographs, this is the time to do so: jpeg quality 7, 400 pixels and less than 100k max size. Your images will be featured in the Flash Student Gallery under your name.
Finally, today is the last day to order Zabriskie Point at the current price. You will still be able to order it afterwards, but for $40 more. Still lower than my regular prices but now is the best price you'll ever see for this stunning image. If you want to take advantage of this offer, you have roughly 24hrs left.
April 29th
A testimonial received this morning from Philippe Coquel in Annecy, France who just received his Print of the Month, Zabriskie Point. My aunt had a hotel in Annecy, and I feel a particular affinity to this beautiful town near the Alps built along the shore of the Lac d'Annecy. This quote is en Francais dans le texte as I did not feel a translation was necessary. Art is a universal language.
Fabuleux Tirage
Philippe Coquel, Annecy, France |
Click here to see Zabriskie Point, the April print of the month
You still have one day to order at the Print of the Month price.
Also take a look at our other prints of the month.
All print of the month prices are below my regular prices
April 28th
Only two days left to order the April Print of the Month -Zabriskie Point- at the introductory price. The May print of the Month will be announced Monday, May 1st. You won't want to miss it. It will also come with the master file, showing a very innovative way of optimizing the image.
We still have approximately 5 Death Valley Booklets left. Each comes with the Playa Reflections 5x7 Companion Print. Still not too late to place your order.
April 26th
The Tutorial CD's page has been updated with the addition of the Navajoland DVD. You can now order the DVD individually, or as part of our comprehensive, 8 CDs and DVDs package. If you don't have any of our CDs yet, this is a great way to get started studying photography and becoming a better photographer.
Incidentally, we still have a few Death Valley Booklets available, so if you have not placed your order yet it is not too late.
April 25th
Two new items are being officially introduced today: the Death Valley Booklet (of which we only have a handful left) and the Navajoland DVD. Both are available with a Companion Print as a special offer for a limited time. Click here to discover all the details.
April 24th
An email with the link to the Death Valley Booklet special offer was sent this morning (a few minutes ago) to everyone on the pre-order list. I had some problems with my email server, which apparently won't let me send BCC emails, so I had to address each email individually. I believe I emailed everyone, but just in case I made a mistake and you did not receive your email, just email me and you will receive the information right away: alain@beautiful-landscape.com Orders are coming in as I speak, but it is still not too late to take advantage of this offer. I will officially announce here, publicly, but by then it may be sold out.
Zabriski Point arrived this weekend, and, as usual, it is simply stunning.
The paper, the matting, very very professional and speaks "quality."
The photograph itself is much like the desert.
It speaks slowly, revealing itself over time. Very subtle and yet a very powerful force of nature.
An excellent work. The Master File is icing on the cake!
Bob Fields, Texas
Click here to see Zabriskie Point, the April print of the month |
April 21st
An essay by . on How to Calibrate Your monitor is being published today. This essay is part of a new series of articles titled Craft & Technique.
The name Death Valley Book was replaced by Death Valley Booklet which I believe more accurately describes this 6"x8", 25 pages publication. You still have a couple of days to add your name to the pre-order email list for what is shaping to be a very exciting announcement on Monday: simply email me with Death Valley Booklet in the title of your email at alain@beautiful-landscape.com
April 20th
The Death Valley Booklet Companion Print Playa Reflections is now featured on this page. This 6"x8" signed print will be shipped with each Booklet . It is printed on Crane's Museo Silver Rag and looks gorgeous.
A second 6x8 signed print will be shipped at no extra cost with the first 25 orders for the Booklet. This print will be announced on Monday, first to those who emailed and asked to be on the pre-order list, then on this site if any are left. These first 25 orders are most likely to be filled from the pre-order list, so if you want one make sure to email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Death Valley Booklet in the subject of your email. You will be the first to be notified, before the news are posted to this website on Monday. There is no obligation to buy.
And, a surprise announcement will be made at the same time the Booklet is offered for sale on Monday. Only 4 days to go...
April 19th
The Death Valley Booklet will be released Monday, April 24th. Only 5 days to go. As things turned out, it will be a double announcement. I won't say what the second announcement is, but it will be the Death Valley Booklet plus a second, entirely new item. A special offer for the Booklet, the "mystery" item, the two prints, and more will be made here on Monday, provided that some or all of it does not sell out directly via the Pre-Order list.
The first people to be notified are those who are on the pre-order email list. To be on this list, simply email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com with Death Valley Booklet in the subject of your email. You will be the first to be notified, before the news are posted to this website on Monday. It is possible the Booklet sells out this way, so don't take a chance. There is no obligation to buy and you won't be disappointed.
April 17th
I am in the process of printing Zabriskie Point and I have to say that the prints are nothing short of stunning. I am using Crane Museo Silver Rag on the Epson 4800 running under ImagePrint with the Phatte Black Mode and the results are beauty to my eyes. If you have been contemplating placing an order, contemplate no more and order now. You won't be disappointed (plus we have a 1 year money back guarantee, not that anyone ever uses it, but it is there).
Update: An added bonus will be given to the first 25 orders for the Death Valley Booklet in the form of a second 6x8 fine art print. Both prints will be from images in the Booklet. This second print will not be available after the the first 25 orders.
If you want to be among the first to be notified, and have a chance to get the Booklet, the two prints, and more, add your name to the "Death Valley pre-order list" by emailing me now: alain@beautiful-landscape.com Simply type "Death Valley Booklet" in the subject of your emai and send it along. There is no obligation to buy.
Reminder:A Booklet of my work from Death Valley this spring will be available in about 7 to 10 days. The Booklet will be 6"x8", 23 pages and will feature 15 different photographs, including Zabriskie Point the April Print of the Month. Many photographs are full page and 3 are double page spread panoramas. The Death Valley Booklet will come with a signed 6x8 Fine Art Photograph printed on the Epson 4800 with ImagePrint. Booklet + Print will be priced below $50 including shipping worldwide. Only 50 Booklets will be available.
While I will not take orders until the Booklet is in my hands, I am accepting pre-orders at this time. Simply send me an email with "Death Valley Booklet" in the subject line. There is no obligation to buy. However, when the Booklet is available you will be first to be notified and to have a chance to place your order. It is possible that the Booklet sells out that way, a good reason to email now: alain@beautiful-landscape.com
April 14th
Great news: in response to the many requests I received I decided to include the Master File for Zabriskie Point with all orders for the April Print of the Month. There has been a slight increase in cost ($30) to cover the cost of the CD and to be fair to those who placed their orders right away.
Prices for previous prints of the months and for regular prints have also been increased by 10 to 20%. I did not have time to announce this increase, so if you were contemplating a purchase I will honor the previous price until April 20th. However, you will have to place your order directly through us, and not through Paypal, since all the Paypal buttons have been updated.
Epson lost a Class-Action lawsuit claiming Epson was responsible for having too much leftover ink in their "empty" ink cartridges. The settlement requires that Epson refunds part of the purchase price of any Epson printer ($45 per printer I believe). Any owner of an Epson printer can register for this settlement at this link.
April 13th
A new poll is available, this time asking your opinion regarding what you consider to be the most important aspect of a fine art photograph. You can see this poll as well as the previous polls at this link.
April 12th
All three parts of my interview with James Morrissey are now available. Part one focuses about my background, part two addresses my approach to business, and part three details my views on the environment. Read the entire three-parts interview by visiting James website now.
April 11th
An essay by David White is published today in the Thoughts & Photographs series. Titled A response to Of Cameras and Art David's essay is a response to my most recent essay Of Cameras and Art, essay which was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers last week.
Incidentally, a special subscription offer to Briot's View is available for a limited time: subscribe to Briot's View this month for only $19.95. This is an offer for the subsription only, without the CD. If you do not want the CD, or if you prefer trying the subscription first and getting the CD later, this is the ideal time to do so. Briot's View subscribers receive my latest essays over email in PDF version. These essays are not published on this site, and are much longer than the articles I publish here. They average from 15 to 20 pages or more.
You receive two never-published essays when you subscribe: Of Cameras and Art and Being and Artist in Business part 1. You then receive new essays throughout the year, as they are published. Upcoming essays include Being an Artist in Business part 2, The Eye and the Camera, Vision and Inspiration, Paradigm Shift plus many more. Subscribe today at a unique price at this link and become part of an exclusive group of photographers. Scroll down the linked page to see the offer.
April 6th
The April Print of the month page is now online, together with a free gift for the first 4 orders: a CD with the original file and adjustment layers I created to optimize this photograph. Visit this link to see the "before and after" version and find out all the details of this unique offer. Update: sold out
A new poll is available, this time focusing on how much time, on average, you spend optimizing your photographs. Optimizing is a term I use to describe the work we do in the Raw converter, or in the scanning software, as well as in Photoshop or other image processing software. You can see all the polls on this page.
April 4th
My selection for the April print of the month is now featured on this page. A detailed description of how this image was created, as well as ordering information, will be available in the coming days. If you really can't wait and have to order it now simply email or call us.
April 3rd
An essay by ., 2006 Marketing Seminar Participant is published today. Titled How to Study Photography Marketing, this essay explains how the Marketing Seminar helped Matt and his wife Marci take their photography business to the next step.
Incidentally, we are offering the Marketing Seminar again next year on February 10 and 11, 2007. You can find all the detail and sign up now on this page. We are also offering the Expressive Print Seminar the week end before that, on February 4-5, as well as a new, never-before-offered Seeing Seminar. Details on this 3rd seminar, which will focus on learning how to see creatively, will be available soon.
The three seminars are designed to complement each other. Attending all three will allow you to study first how to see, second how to process, optimize and print your photographs and third how to sell your work. We offer the seminars over a one week period to make it convenient for you to attend all three. Note that discounts are available if you attend 2 or all 3 seminars. These discounts are detailed on the Seminar description pages.
Update: James Morrissey conducted a three-part interview of myself during which we addressed subjects that I had not discussed before. Part 1 of this interview is now available on James website at www.nwpphotoforum.com. Parts 2 will be published this Wednesday, and part 3 this Saturday. Not to be missed if you want to learn aspects of my life and photography that I don't normally go into in my essays.
Note that the text on James website often appears too large. To fix that simply type command (Mac) or alt (PC) minus (the minus sign on your keyboard) to reduce the text size. Then don't forget to type command/alt + to go back to your normal font size.
April 2nd
My latest essay in the Reflections on Photography and Art series, essay titled Of Cameras and Art, was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers today. If you are a subscriber and you did not receive this essay, let me know. If you are not a subscriber yet, this is the perfect opportunity to subscribe to my essay series and to support this site. We do not accept commercial advertising, so your purchases are our only form of support. Find out more about Briot's View by clicking here now.
Of Cameras and Art is part 1 of a 2 (or possibly 3) part expose (with the last e pronounced "zai") about the relative importance of the artist and the camera. Part two --The eye and the Camera-- focuses on the differences between what we see and what the camera captures. Part two is ready and will be emailed to Briot's View subscribers in mid-April. Part 3 does not exist yet, but if it does (and there are powerful signs that it will) it will focus on the importance that Vision and Inspiration (my tentative title for this essay) play in the creation of stunning photographs.
April 1st
A new essay titled Cropping and Composition is being published today in the context of the Thoughts and Photographs series. This essay focuses on one of the crucial areas of fine art photography: composition.
March 31st
A new image from Navajoland is now featured on this page. I always hesitate to photograph Monument Valley yet another time, still I continue to create images that are new to me, images I have never seen before. It seems the light opportunities there are endless, because so much of what can make this scene unique depends on the weather and the light. In a way, Monument Valley is but an immense stage on which light and weather play, year round, staging each act in ways we can only guess at and creating an array of artistic possibilities that are not even close to having been exhausted, let alone fully explored. I shall return.
Shallow men believe in luck, believe in circumstances -- it was somebody's name,
or he happened to be there at the time, or it was so then, and another day would have been otherwise.
Strong men believe in cause and effect.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Click here to read other quotes
March 29th
My essay on Composition, number 1 in the Photography & Aesthetics series, was translated in French by Henri Peyre and published today on Galerie-Photo.com under the title Comment Composer un Paysage. If you are not familiar with Galerie-Photo.com note that it is the leading French site for large format photography. An interview of myself was published on the same site a few years ago.
Incidentally, while we are on the subject of translations, my essays have now been translated in 8 different languages (scroll down to the end of the linked page). If you are interested in translating my essays, you are welcome to do so. You can use the online version for your translation, or I can send you a PDF file with text & photos. Don't hesitate to email me: alain@beautiful-landscape.com
March 28th
A new image from Navajoland graces the home page. Navajoland continues to inspire me, allowing me to create images that I have never seen before. Do note that the web only allows you to see a rough estimate of what the actual fine art print looks like. My prints have a luminosity, texture and richness of tone, not to talk about the quality of the details, that simply cannot be reproduced on the web. We show the Navajoland Portfolio, as well as other fine art prints during each workshop, as well as in our studio by appointment and of course at shows and gallery exhibitions.
March 26th
A Polls page is now available. The permanent link is at the bottom of the right sidebar colum on each page of this site. Visit it to see the results of previous polls. From now on, only the current poll will appear on this page. Note that if you haven't voted yet, you can do so now both on this page and on the Polls page.
March 25th
I have been selected as an Image Master by DxO. You can read a description of my workflow, as well as an interview, and see a selection of photographs processed in DxO 3.5 on the DxO Image Masters site. Click on my name to access my DxO Image Masters page. If you use Safari, the Apple browser, note that the DxO Image Masters page will not load in Safari. It will however load on a Mac with Firefox, Explorer, or other browser. Update, 3-31: this issue has now been fixed and the DxO Master Page now loads perfectly in Safari.
![](New Site.data/2006 Images/dxo_image_master.gif)
The home page photograph has been replaced by a new version of the photograph which apeared here the past few days. This second version was composed from two photographs assembled into one. The two photographs were taken with this intended goal in mind. You can see, and compare, both versions on the Best of 2006 page.
March 22nd
We returned from our March Navajoland workshop yesterday evening. A photograph taken during the workshop is now featured on this page.
A new poll is available, this time asking you what is your favorite way to clean the sensor on your digital camera or back. This is an important aspect of digital photography. By the way, if you haven't yet, this is a good time to read my Arctic Butterfly review.
March 17th
A poll is available today about which Raw converter is your favorite. As you know, there are more and more Raw converters available, and the choice is becoming quite difficult to say the least and mind-numbing to say the worst. After voting, make sure to visit my Raw Converters Comparison essay on which I compare 4 different Raw converters, in 7 Quicktime movies, with more converters coming up soon.
March 16th
Due to a cancellation, we have one seat available for the April 7-9 Antelope Canyon workshop. We also have a couple of seats left for the May 5-7 Antelope Workshop. The Itinerary and description are the same for both workshops. Only the dates are different. If this workshop has your name on it let us know immediately as this seat won't last long. Update: sold out
A new essay titled Becoming a music Producer was published today in the Thoughts & Photographs series. It details my experience publishing the Navajoland Music CD by Travis Terry.
March 15th
Wholesale pricing is now available for Travis Terry Navajoland music CD. If you are a retailer, call or email for wholesale pricing and minimum order quantity. Please indicate the name of your store and/or your website. If you are a Beaux Arts Affiliate, please know that purchasing Travis Terry Navajoland CD's wholesale will give you a higher profit margin.
March 13th
The poster of Travis Terry playing at Sunrise over Canyon de Chelly is now available for purchase, together with a special offer when you order CD and poster together.
The March Print of the Month is Monument Valley Shadows. I will have a description of how this photograph was created when orders for the Navajoland CD slow down.
March 12th
The response to Travis Terry's Navajoland CD has been overwhelming and has kept up continuously busy since I announced it 3 days ago.
An mp3 sample of Navajoland is now available on the Beautiful-landscape Podcast. This sample features excerpts from all 9 compositions on the CD. Enjoy!
March 10th
Music samples are now available on the Navajoland Music CD page. The CD features all new musical compositions, without any repeat of the compositions on Travis' other 2 CD's. Listen to the samples now. They are in mp3 format and can be downloaded to any mp3 player if you like.
March 9th
We returned from our Death Valley workshop late last night after a week of incredible photographic opportunities and after spending a very enjoyable time with workshop participants. Thank you to all of you for making the workshop such a success.
I will have photographs from the workshop online soon. However, at this time I want to announce something which I have been working on for several months.
Today marks the announcement of the Navajoland Music CD, featuring the Native Flute Music of Travis Terry and produced by myself. This is my first release as a music producer (I own the copyright for the music, designed the CD covers and produced the CD) and I am very excited about this new endeavor. The CD is available right now on the CDs Page, and a description is available on this page. Actual photographs of the CD case as well as music excerpts will be posted as soon as possible.
The first 4 orders will receive an 11"x17" poster signed by Travis and myself at no extra charge (4 is the Navajo traditional number: the four seasons, the four stages of life, the four directions, etc.). Posters will later be available for $15 each.
March 1st
Poll - We have a new poll for you today. No right and wrong answers, just a way for you to find out what areas of landscape photography visitors of this site find the most challenging. The poll results are displayed after you type in your answer:
February 28th
A number of issues related to viewing the Quicktime Raw Converter Comparison movies have been fixed. If you visited the Raw Converter Comparison page and were unable to see the movies, take another look because you can now access the files from both Mac and Windows.
February 27th
Five movies comparing Raw Conversion in Adobe Camera Raw, Capture One and Pixmantec RawShooter have been added to the Raw Converter Comparison Movies page. There are now a total of 7 movies on this page, covering four different Raw Converters. This is one of the most complete visual coverage of Raw Converters available anywhere. This multimedia essay is number 36 in the Thoughts & Photographs Series.
Print of the month update: the February 2005 print of the month is a runaway best seller. Thank you to the hundreds of collectors who emailed in their orders. All prints have now been shipped, and we apologize for the delay. If you haven't placed your order yet, you still have three days to do so.
February 26th
A second movie detailing my workflow in DxO is now available. I have also created a Raw Converter Comparison Movies page where both movies are currently accessible. Additional movies featuring Capture One, Adobe Camera Raw and Pixmantec Raw Shooter will be posted soon, so Bookletmark this page and come back often.
February 24th
A movie detailing my Raw conversion workflow in DxO is available by clicking here. This is the first of a series of movies which will feature a comparison between several raw converters. I use DxO in my work, when I need the unique image corrections it offers. Incidentally, I am also one of the DxO Image Masters.
Note that this movie was recorded while working with DxO version 3.0. The current version is 3.5, but the interface is the same, so everything you see in the movie is applicable to the latest version.
February 22nd
We are busy cutting custom museum-quality mats for many photographers and artists who are getting ready for the 2006 selling season. This is the time!
Today we are introducing a new warranty on our mat cutting service. We have, in effect, offered this warranty to our mat customers for years, but we are making it even better. If you are working on your portfolio, or have been considering either matting your work or improving on the matting presentation of your work, this is the perfect time to take a look at our mat cutting service.
Your FIVE unique warranties on any mat cut by us
We guarantee that your mats will be cut to the exact sizes you give us or we will re-cut the mats at no charge. Simply return your mats to us for a free exchange.
We guarantee that the craftmanship of all your mats will be done to Museum Standards.
If we are doing a custom design for you, we guarantee that this design will be exactly similar to the design you give us. If not, we will recut your mats at no charge to you.
We guarantee that our Portfolio Toolkit supplies will work with our mats and portfolio cases.
We also guarantee that we will help you with matting & framing your photographs after your purchase. Simply call or email us if you need us to help you.
February 19th
The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to get started on photography projects that you have been contemplating for a while. There is no better way to do this than by creating a portfolio of your work. Portfolios stand out as an achievement, showcase your work, and are the ideal way to present your work to clients, galleries, museums, publications, etc.
We offer all the supplies and instruction you need to complete a world-class portfolio, from hand made portfolio cases to portfolio toolkits and instructions. Take a look at all these by visiting these links and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need personalized help.
February 17th
A Calendar was added to this site today, showing upcoming workshop dates, phases of the moon and hollidays. You can see this calendar on the new Calendar Page. An RSS Feed is available for this calendar, making it very convenient to keep track of upcoming workshops.
February 16th
We have one opening for one on one consulting. Usually openings fill up in a couple of days, if not faster, so if you are interested contact us right away. Update: filled
February 14th
The home page photograph was updated with a photograph created in one of the locations we will be visiting during our upcoming Death Valley Workshop.
The Fine Art Expressive Print seminar was very successful and I want to thank all those who attended for their participation. I will have excerpts from both the Fine Art Expressive Print and the Marketing Seminars on my Podcast soon.
February 7th
I selected Horseshoe Bend for the February Print of the Month. Horseshoe Bend is one of the many beautiful areas you will be photographing during the 2006 Fine Art Photographers Summit.
Print prices have now all been updated.
February 6th
1-Marketing Seminar
The Marketing Seminar this weekend was a huge success. Thank you to all those who attended and decided to focus on their photographic careers rather than watch the Superbowl. There will, hopefully, be re-runs of the Rolling Stones performance.
We will be offering a second Marketing Seminar. The dates have not been set yet, but if you want to participate email me to get your name on the pre-registration list. No obligation of course - you will simply be first to be informed.
2-Print Prices
On a different note, print prices will go up this week. I originally planned to do this on January 1st but I was unable to due to my busy shedule. As part of this increase, 11x14 mat size photographs, both framed and unframed, will be discontinued. This will apply to both regular-priced prints and prints of the month.
If you have been planning to order an 11x14 mat size photograph, please know that we will honor all orders for this size placed between now and the time at which the order pages are updated. The update will take place anytime between today and the end of the week.
Don't delay. After that, the smallest size you will be able to order will be 16x20 mat size. Some print prices will go up as well, including 16x20, by 10 to 20%.
3-DxO 3.5 Review
Finally, my review of DxO Optics Pro 3.5 is available. This review was announced on Luminous-landscape this weekend, but I couldn't announce it myself because I was teaching the Marketing Seminar. If you haven't read it already by following the Links on Luminous-landsape, you can do so now by clicking here.
I received your marketing CD today and was very pleased. It is well worth the price and loaded with great information that I look forward to using next year.
Steve Sears |
February 2nd
New photographs were added to the White Sands and Bosque del Apache Worskhop page.
February 1st
The new White Sands and Bosque del Apache worskhop was officially announced today. This is the first time we offer a workshop to this location which I have been photographing for years.
Today also marks the official announcement of our annual event: the 2006 Fine Art Photography Summit. This is the 4th year we are organizing this event, and this year Uwe, Natalie, Bettina and I will be joined by Joseph Holmes who is our 2006 Fine Art Summit Guest Instructor. Joseph is a world-class photographer, an expert in color management, and the creator of the Holmes Colorspace, which I use almost exclusively in my workflow. If you find that getting the right color on your print to be a challenge, you won't find a better person to get answers and solutions from.
This year's event is also 1 day longer, giving you more time for tutorials, field photography, print reviews and 1 on 1 work.
A pre-announcement was emailed on Monday to previous Summit participants and to photographers on the Summit Waitlist. This means this event is already partially sold out. Seats are limited, so If you want to join us you need to sign up now. All the information on how to do so, as well as a detailed schedule, is on this page.
January 29th
The home page photograph was taken at a remote location in the Sonoran Desert, namely: my back yard ;- ) Natalie and I spent part of yesterday and today creating the riverbed you see in the photograph, and found it photogenic enough to photograph it. Incidentally, Natalie and also did most of the landscaping. Art does not stop with photography or painting, but extends to many other areas of our lives. We have artistic hobbies.
January 28th
Several new workshops were announced today. Visit the Workshops Page to discover all the details. Among other news we decided to continue the Weekend Workshops in 2006. This will be the 4th year for this very popular workshop series. You can attend either one or two days, over a weekend. We offer 3 different weekend workshops this year, including the Arizona Wildflowers workshops, which was fantastic last year and which we are making even better with a new location.
January 26th
Raw Developer is an affordable Raw Converter for the Macintosh platform delivering high-quality conversions. My review of Raw Developer is now online.
Part 1 of Being an Artist in Business is finally complete and will be emailed to Briot's View Subscriber shortly. Part one of this 3-parts "essay" took me nearly a year to write. It is 20 pages long, and calling the 3 parts a book would be a lot more accurate. If you are not a Briot's View Subscriber, or if your subscription has expired, make sure to either subscribe or renew so you receive this unique essay. It is certainly worth your attention since, to my knowledge, there is nothing like it available.
The April Antelope Canyon Workshop is sold out.
January 25th
The available 1 on 1 consulting opening has now been filled.
January 24th
Last call: only one seat left for Antelope Canyon in April. The Expressive Print Seminar is sold out but we still have one seat for the Marketing Seminar.
The home page photograph was updated with a new image from the Mohave Desert.
January 23rd
The available seats for our upcoming workshops have been updated in each workshop page. the maximum openings left for any workshop is 3, several only have only 1 seat left. You can access all the current workshops on this page.
Incidentally, I have one opening for the 7-sessions, one on one consulting program. As always, attendance is on a first come, first served basis. Openings in this program fill out as soon as they are announced, so if you have been waiting for an opening, you need to call or email us now.
January 22nd
A new audio file is available for the podcast, part 4 of our discussion on selling art. Plus, all the audio files are now available in mp3 format instead of quicktime format previously. This means you can now listen to them on your iPod if you like.
January 21st
A number of issues regarding the new Podcast have been fixed, including two files which were similar. There are now 4 different audio files available. The podcast is a big success and I plan to continue uploading new files regularly. After the current series on business a series on inspiration will be offered. If you enjoy listening to Natalie and I you will love listening to Briot Speaks CD-1 which contains 4 hours of conversations on the subject of Being Artists in Business.
January 20th
A podcast is now available on this site. This Podcast currently features 4 entries, and I plan to add additional files monthly. A detailed description is available on the new Beautiful-Landscape Podcast page. You can subscribe via iTunes or via any podcasting software.
January 16th
Briot's View CD-2 is being published today. This new CD contains all the essays I published since the publication of Briot's View CD-1.
There are two ways you can order Briot's View CD-2:
First, by renewing your subscription to Briot's View. Briot's View CD-2 will be shipped to you when you renew, at no extra cost. If you renew your subscription early, you will not lose any time on your subscription as we will extend it for one year starting the month you originally subscribed. You can renew your subscription on this page.
Second, by ordering Briot's View CD-2 on this page.
The home page features a new photograph from my expedition to the Coso Range.
January 13th
I selected Sabino Saguaros as the January 2006 print of the month. Find out how I created this image and how to order it on this page. The print of the month is offered at a special price during the first month. The price does go up afterwards but each each print remains part of the Print of the Month collection. This collection, now in its 4th consecutive year, features 35 different images.
January 12th
A review of the Arctic Butterfly was published today. The Arctic Butterfly is a revolutionary spinning brush used to clean digital sensors.
The four new galleries announced yesterday have been updated with additional photographs.
January 10th
Four new portfolio galleries were added to this site today. Scroll to the end of the Porfolio Gallery page to see them. These galleries feature a selection of my work from 1983 to 1997. An account of how this work was created in available in the new Briot Speaks CD-1 and in the upcoming Being an Artist in Business essay which will be published shortly.
January 8th
Three essays, in PDF format, were emailed to Briot's View Subscribers yesterday:
Reflections on Photography & Art - 1 - Introduction
Reflections on Photography & Art - 2 - Art & Science
Reflections on Photography & Art - 3 - Subject Matter & Print size
If you are a Briot's View Subscriber and did not receive these essays let me know.
Numerous subscriptions are ending this month or ended in December. If your subscription needs to be renewed you will be receiving an email shortly. You can also renew right now on this page. Two special offers are available for renewing subsribers.
If you are not yet a subscriber you can subscribe now at this page. A number of exciting essays will be published this month and next month. Your subscription helps support this site and allows me to continue writing my essay series. Natalie and I are thankful for your support.
January 6th
My essay on Personal Style was recently translated in Greek and published in the Greek photography magazine PhotoEidolo. An account of this publication, together with photographs of the many full page photographs featured as illustrations, is now online as part of the Thoughts & Photographs series.
January 5th
My essay on our just-completed expedition to the Coso Range is now online. Titled The Coso Range it details my experience photographing in the Coso Range on 5 different trips, and provides insight on how I created the rock art photographs on this specific trip, in particular my use of the Canon 24mm tilt-shift lens on the 1DsMk2.
January 4th
Natalie and I spend the new year in the midst of unspoiled wilderness, photographing rock art that had never been professionally photographed before. We returned yesterday night. The first photograph from this expedition is featured on this page. I will have a report on our trip shortly.
The New 2005 Work page is now complete and has been renamed Best of 2005 Gallery. A New 2006 Work page will be featured shortly.
Happy New Year!
December 28th
The home page photograph was updated with a photograph from the Barrio Historico created this weekend.
December 26th
Today I am publishing a new essay in the Thoughts & Photographs Series. Titled Reflections on Studying Landscape Photography, this essay, written by Jacqueline Stoken, addresses among other subjects the relationship between art and science. This relationship is also the subject of my first essay in the new Reflections on Photography and Art series published on this site and on Luminous-Landscape.com, essay which will be emailed to Briot's View Subscribers shortly.
In fact, and while I am on this subject, several essays were emailed to Briot's View Subscribers this month, the most recent one being Using Bill Atkinson's Profile Bouquet. If you are a subscriber and did not receive these essays make sure to let me know as I may have an email address which is no longer current.
If you are not yet a subscriber you can subscribe to Briot's View here. You will then receive my most recent essays in PDF format over email. Briot's View CD-1 which contains all my essays in PDF format, will be shipped to you immediately.
Finally, if you have been waiting for my Being an Artist in Business essay, the 11th and last essay in the Photography & Aesthetics series, you will be pleased to know that I am nearly done with the first part of this essay: My Story - Part 1. It will be emailed to Briot's View Subscribers in January. The complete essay will feature 3 parts:
1-My Story - Part 1
2-My Story - Part 2
3-How you can do it too
December 24th
Natalie and I wish all of you a Happy Holliday Season. Just as a reminder, the Holliday 2005 4 for 3 Print Special Offer does expire today.
December 21st
Briot's View CD-1 with subscription to my essay series is now one year old, and for those of you who subscribed when it was first announced at the end of last year, it is time to renew your subscription. An email will be sent to you soon, as a reminder, but in case your email address has changed, I am annoucing it here as well.
A Briot's View Renewal Page is now available on this site, along with two special offers that accompany your one year or two year subscription renewal.
If you renew for one year you receive, at no extra cost, the new Briot's View CD-2 which will be published in January. Briot's View CD-2 contains all the essays published since the release of Briot's View CD-1, over 40 new essays, all in PDF format.
If you renew your subscription for 2 years, you receive not only Briot's View CD-2, but also Briot Speaks audio CD-1, our latest release with 4 hours of conversations between Natalie and I on the subject of Being Artists in Business.
Finally, if you already purchased Briot Speaks, and wish to subscribe for 2 years, you can do so at the cost of the 2 year subcription minus the cost of Briot Speaks.
Again, all the information on how to renew is on this page. I also want to take this opportunity to thank all Briot's View subscribers for their support and their continued interest in my work and my writings.
December 20th
I have been adding photographs to the Student Gallery regularly over the past several months. I just added new images today in fact. If you have not visited this gallery recently, do so now by clicking here. There is some beautiful work there. And, if you attended a workshop and have not yet sent me a selection of your work, consider doing so. I will feature your work in the gallery within a short time of receiving it. Email me jpegs, quality high or 7, 500 pixels wide or tall maximum: alain@beautiful-landscape.com
December 18th
The home page photograph was updated with a photograph taken in the Tucson Barrio. For once, it is an abstract rather than a "realistic" image. I rarely do abstracts, but on this one occasion I just couldn't help. I was with photographing with Mark, during the Barrio Workshop earlier this month, when we found a fence made of corrugated aluminium sheets covered with what can best be described as a photographer's dream come true. I don't know exactly how much time we spent photographing it, all I know is I filled several CF cards on the 1DsMk2 and had to stop because the rest of the group had abandoned us.
Personally, I think this image rocks. But again artists are not known for being able to look at their work objectively ;- )
December 17th
The Holiday 2005 Print Special Offer ends on December 24th. There is still time for you to order the photographs you like and even have them delivered before the 24th but you must hurry. Print prices will go up on January 1st, as they do regularly, by 10 to 20%. Not only are you getting a special offer -4 prints for the price of 3- by ordering now, you are also beating the price increase. How much better does it get?
December 15th
The Artist in Residence Program is sold out for Spring 2006. We had a huge amount of interest this past week, and all three available seats for Spring 2006 are now taken. If you are interested in this program, we are now accepting applications for fall 2006. Or, you can sign up for the waitlist by emailing alain@beautiful-landscape.com in case there is a cancellation (unlikely but we never know).
Update: two new audio files have been posted to the Briot Speaks Announcement page.
December 14th
Briot Speaks, a new audio CD featuring 4 hours of conversations between Natalie and I on the subject of Being Artists in Business, is being released today. You can order it directly from this site, just like any of my other CD's, from the Tutorial CDs Page. You can also read a detailed description of this new and unique CD here. If you have been waiting for my account of Being an Artist in Business, the wait is over. Also note that my upcoming essay will not duplicate the contents of the audio CD version. Both feature entirely different materials.
December 12th
An essay by Elwood Spedden, Navajoland 2005 Participant, is being published today in the context of the Thoughts & Photographs series. In this essay Elwood narrates the opening of his first photography show. Click here to read Elwood's account of this important event in the life of a photographer.
Being Artist in Residence was one of the highlights of my photography career. The best part was being able to spend time by myself and focus only on my photography. I simply loved it. M.G.
It's 1 on 1 consulting for a week. Plus you get to focus on your photography and nothing else. And then the landscape. Incredible. And not well known either. I emerged with a much stronger personal style. I am now working on my Palavayu portfolio. K.L.
You can’t go wrong with this program. J.T. |
December 10th
Brian Pawlowski emailed a second installment of his experience photographing in Antarctica. Not to be missed if you enjoyed part one of this unique travelogue emailed from the Shokalskiy Russian Icebreaker somewhere in Antarctica.
December 9th
The December Print of the Month is Round Rock Clouds. Find out all the details about this image, including an account of how I created it, on the December Print of the Month page.
The Navajoland portfolio is wonderful.
I can only imagine the amount of work involved in creating something of this magnitude.
M.B. |
December 7th
A unique Holiday 2005 offer is available on my CD collection until December 15th. This is the first time I offer Alain's CDs below regular prices. If you have been considering ordering these but were hesitant to do so, this is the ideal time. Make a gift to yourself or to someone you love by clicking here. Please note that this link is only accessible from the home page of this site.
December 6th
The home page photograph now features a new image from the Sonoran Desert.
Brian Pawlowski, author of Notes on Photographing a Nautilus is currently attending Michael Reichmann's Antarctica workshop-expedition. A couple of days ago I received an update from Brian, sent from somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. I am publishing it today in the Thoughts & Photographs series under the title From Aboard a Russian Icebreaker in Antarctica.
December 2nd
An essay by Brian Pawlowski, student extraordinaire, is being published today. Titled Notes on Photographing a Nautilus, Brian's essay may be the most complete account ever written of Edward Weston's Shell, 1927. This is a long essay, with multiple links, certainly something to peruse and reflect upon during this long early-winter weekend. Enjoy.
December 1st
Because they were traveling away from home, several collectors were unable to take advantage of my Thanksgiving special offer. So, I decided to offer a new Christmas Special Offer. I also decided to include the Navajoland Portfolio in this offer, by offering it at a special price until December 24th. If you have been considering purchasing the Navajoland Portfolio, you will not find a more exciting offer than this one.
Update: only 1 seat left for Navajoland
November 30th
An essay titled Opening a Fine Art Gallery, written by Jason Byers, is being published today in the context of the Thoughts & Photographs series. I met Jason in Chinle, Navajoland, where we both lived and photographed. Jason studied photography and marketing with me. He is the first of my students to open his own gallery. I believe you will find his account fascinating. Note that this is part 1 of a two part series. Part 2 will focus on operating a fine art gallery.
The home page photograph was updated with a second photograph taken during the 2005 Digital Summit
November 28th
An essay on How to use WhiBal as a lens shade -yes, you read correctly, I said as a lens shade- was published today. Don't miss this secondary yet very useful aspect of this well-known color-balancing accessory.
November 26th
We are pleased to announce the Beautiful-Landscape.com Affiliate Program. By becoming a member of this program, and using pre-designed announcements and banners, you can earn a percentage of each sale made from your site or over email. The referral program applies to the sale of our Tutorial CD's, Posters and Print of the Month collection.
Here's how this program works:
1 - You start by signing up for the Beautiful-landscape.com Affiliate Program by clicking on this link.
2 - If you have a website you can place a pre-designed affiliate banner on your site. You then earn a percentage for all purchases made by visitors who click on this banner .
2 - If you do not have a website you can send a URL link via email to friends and relatives. Again, you will earn a percentage for purchases made by anyone who clicks on this link and places an order.
You can also combine both web banners and email links for maximum effectiveness.
3 - Our referral fees are very generous. You immediately start at 20%. After 25 sales are made through your web site or email links, your percentage goes up to 30%, then to 40% after 50 sales and to 45% after 75 sales. In short, after 75 sales you are operating at wholesale level if we do not include shipping costs (wholesale is traditionally 50% of retail).
Joining this program is extremely simple. Simply click on this link and follow the directions. Once your affiliate application is complete you will have access to the banners and links to use on your site or over email. You will also have access to a FAQ answering the most commonly asked questions and to a complete breakdown of all the sales and traffic generated through your links. You will be informed via email of all the sales generated through your links as well.
Referral fees are paid on the first of the month, preferably via Paypal through an automated process, or by check if Paypal does not work for you.
You can also use your referral fee as a credit towards a purchase, either CD's, prints or workshops. In this case we will reduce the price of your purchase by the amount of your credit.
And of course, if you have any questions, you can email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com
November 25th
My 2005 Digital Summit Summary was published on OutbackPhoto.com. Since the Summit is organized by Uwe Steinmueller and myself we thought this was most appropriate. Uwe is the publisher of outbackphoto.com
It was the highlight of my day to see Alain’s photographs of the San Juan.
I am deeply touched by his work in general, and to see such beautiful images from this place that I love and have the fortune of getting to know so well left me speechless.
I sent the link on with a note to my husband and friends to stop whatever they are doing and look at the San Juan Portfolio.
To me Alain captures the living and breathing of this place.
I have gone back to look at several of his images after thinking about them.
Kristen |
November 24th
Natalie and I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for visiting this site, for collecting my work, attending our workshops and studying photography with us through my essays and CD's. Your love of photography, your interest in our work and your support are very much appreciated.
My 2005 Digital Summit Summary is in the works and will be available shortly. It will feature several new images from Antelope Canyon. One of these is now featured on this page. I could not set up a tripod at this location because I was onto a steep wall. So I pushed the ISO all the way up on the Canon 1DsMk2 and took the image handheld. One of many instances where using 4x5 alone would result in a missed opportunity...
November 18th
An essay by Jeff Ball, 2005 San Juan River Workshop participant, is being published today. Titled Visualization Realized, this essay focuses on the completion of part two of the photographic process: the creation of a print expressing what we saw and felt in the field. Not to be missed if you want to become both technically proficient and able to express emotions in your work.
November 17th
We just returned from the Digital Summit and the home page photograph now features an image created during this event, in Lower Antelope Canyon. This photograph was optimized using the techniques we studied during the Summit.
The 2005 Summit was a great success and we will soon start planning the 2006 Summit. In the meantime, if you missed this event and want to study image optimization and fine art printing, we are offering the Expressive Fine Art Print Workshop in February. In fact, because the Expressive Fine Art Print Workshop focuses solely on image processing and printing, we will be able to go even further in studying the techniques I use to optimize my images. So, even if you attended the Summit, consider attending this workshop as well.
I cannot thank you enough for your articles on photography and being an artist. Your series of articles addresses a wholly different level of contemplation bordering on philosophy.
I am only at the beginning of a long voyage, but it is an exciting voyage that brings me much pleasure and has already resulted in significant improvements in my work. To a great extent your articles on being an artist and developing your own photographic style are responsible for this milestone.
They have been immensely important.
R.T. |
November 9th
Hidden Ruin is the featured home page image for the time being. It is one of these locations that one dreams to discover. In many ways it may be the quintessential Indian Ruin: perfectly preserved, hidden away, known to no one, inaccessible and picture perfect. What more can you ask for? One of the many jewels in the Navajoland photographic crown.
November 8th
A shorter version of my biography, and -more importantly- a description of my current, three-pronged, endeavors, was published today under the title Who is Alain Briot?
November 7th
A print review is an essential aspect of studying photography and of improving your work. When you attend one of our workshops you have the opportunity to participate in a group print review, and this review is always one of the highlights of the workshop as it allows each participant to either hear other photographers reviews, have their own work reviewed, or both.
However, a group review can only go so far. If you are truly serious about becoming a better photographer, you also want to try a one on one print review. Why? Because only a one on one review will give you the opportunity to have my undivided attention, to focus solely upon your work, to answer any and all questions you might have, and to optimize your photographs so they print to the same world-class standards as mine.
This last point -print optimization- is actually the reason why I am writing this news entry today. So far, I focused on helping you with composition, marketing, image selection, personal style and much more. To this long list I decided, based on requests by several students, to add Print Optimization.
Here is how this new opportunity works: you mail or email me one of your photographs, either a scan or raw file or an image you have already worked on. Upon receiving your image I put it through the ringer, so to speak, to find out if I can improve upon it and if yes how. If I cannot, I let you know right away and you owe nothing. If I can, I proceed to make all the changes that I deem necessary in order to bring it to my standards, so it prints as well as my own photographs. These changes include, but are not limited to, contrast and color optimization, levels, curves, color space, profiles, sharpening, cropping and composition, dodging & burning, etc. etc.
A detailed description of this program is provided in this 5 page, downloadable PDF file. Because of my very busy schedule, I only have two openings for print reviews or optimizations at this time as my priority is to conduct reviews with my current students. So, if this program has your name on it, simply download the PDF file, fill in the registration form that comes with it, and if you are one of the two first two photographers to do so, I will process your registration. If not, I can, if you like, keep your registration in my wait list folder and process it the next time a couple of openings show up which, at this time, I expect to be in January 2006.
Of course, if you have any questions about this new program, feel free to email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com
Update: both openings have been filled
November 6th
Several readers have emailed to say they very much enjoy the new Flash galleries on this site. If you are among them, a flash gallery on the San Juan River is available at this link, in addition to the Student Flash Gallery.
Many have asked what our current projects are. Currently, we are busy preparing for the Digital Photographers Summit which takes place in Page this coming weekend. A major announcement about my work is scheduled for Friday evening, together with a welcome message and introduction to the Summit.
In December I will release an audio DVD featuring 4 hours of conversations between Natalie and I, in mp3 format, about Being Artists in Business. This is the audio version of my long-awaited essay on this subject. Two audio excerpts were published on this site a month ago. A written version will follow, although no publication date has been set yet. The contents of the audio and written versions will be different, because the two medium offer entirely different opportunities for sharing our experience and knowledge.
Spring 2006 will see the release of two new tutorial CD's. Further details will be provided as this project develops. I am about 30% done at this time.
A philosophical aside: I personally believe that it is not feasible to have both quantity and quality, and that instead one must choose one or the other. This is one of the aspects of Being an Artist in Business that Natalie and I discuss on the upcoming audio DVD. Personally, I chose to produce quality work and I have never looked back. The good news is you have artwork, tutorials and publications that are carefully planned and executed to the best of my abilities. The bad news is you have to wait. Based on the extremely positive response I constantly receive, and the worldwide readership and publication my work enjoys, I am convinced this approach is the most appropriate.
I will publish recent testimonials on Monday or Tuesday. Right now, I am going to attend an art show :- )
November 3rd
The home page photograph was updated with an image created by Neil Gundel, 2005 Navajoland Workshop participant. The two other participants in the photograph above are Chris Huck and Woody Spedden, from left to right. Other images by Neil are available in the Student Flash Gallery. If you attended a workshop don't forget to email me your photographs so I can feature them in this gallery.
November 1st
The 32nd Print of the Month was released today. I selected Navajo Sandstone Wall for this month's image. As with all previous prints of the month it comes at a uniquely attractive price and includes an account about how I created this image and what it means to me.
An introduction to my new series, Reflections on Photography as Art, is also being published today. Not to be missed if you want to become a well-rounded photographer by studying the artistic aspect of photography in addition to the scientific aspect of photography.
October 20th
The next installment of my current reflection on art is now online in a new essay titled Art and Science. If you wonder what the pixel count of a paintbrush is, join me in trying to find out. I make no claim that I will, but nothing says I cannot try. Furthermore, keeping a sense of humor can only help in what appears to be a challenging endeavor. What I do know, is that this essay is guaranteed to be enlightening and that I have not read anything like it anywhere.
Update - The Thoughts and Photographs series was renamed Reflections on Photography and Art. I feel this new title is much more in tune with what I am trying to achieve. The menu titles have all been changed. It will take a little longer for the button in the left sidebar to be changed but changed it will be, in due time that is.
October 19th
Landscape Photography is a two-parts process. Part one is the visualization and creation of new images in the field. Part two is the the creation of a print that expresses what we visualized in the field, what we saw and felt when we created each photograph. Both parts are equally important, and both parts present unique challenges.
For several years I have been offering field workshops that focus on part 1: the creation of new images in the field. For the first time next year, in February 2006, I am offering a seminar that focuses on part 2: how to create fine art prints that are faithful to our visualization of the image, prints that are not just technically excellent but also express how we feel about the landscapes we photograph.
In preparation for this seminar I have divided the process I follow in 14 unique and separate steps. These 14 steps start with the raw files, or the film scans, and end with a matted print ready to display. What those steps are is what the seminar is all about. This is not a regular "Photoshop Workshop". It is a seminar focused on teaching you exactly what I do to achieve my fine art prints, such as you can see on this site, as well as can be shown on the web (the real prints look much better). The goal of this class is to share my personal approach to image processing and fine art printing. In short, I want to teach you how you can achieve your vision for a specific image, or images, using the processes that I consider to be the best for obtaining the finest prints, bar none.
You can read a detailed description of this new Seminar here.
Incidentally, what I just wrote in regards to this new Seminar is directly related to my latest essay Thoughts & Feelings which discusses the two aspects of photography: art and science. This essay will be published later on today or tomorrow. Stay tuned!
October 18th
Continuing my exploration of art in the Thoughts and Photographs series, I am publishing a new essay today titled Art and Freedom. It is both a follow up to my two previous essays in this series, and a brand new start on a reflection about the importance of freedom in art. A highly recommended read if you feel that your creativity needs a boost or that somehow your work isn't as personal as you would like it to be.
Incidentally, this essay is number 20 in the Thoughts and Photographs series. Started in April of this year, this series is proving to be very inspirational to me and very well received by readers of this site. I plan to continue with next a reflection on Thoughts and Feelings, a follow up to the essay published today.
October 17th
The San Juan Flash Gallery is now almost complete. A second panoramic composition from the San Juan is also featured on this page.
The holliday season is getting closer every day. Now is the perfect time to beat the rush and place your order for these special images you have been keeping an eye upon, or for a set of my tutorial CD's, either for yourself or as a gift. Give us a call to place your order or use the Paypal shopping cart on this site. You won't be disappointed. .
October 15th
I'm on a roll: two essays in two days. Yesterday, the Desecration Panel. Today, Art and Facts. Both in the Thoughts & Photographs series, although very different in their content. This latest essay focuses on the subject of opinions versus facts. Not to be missed.
On a different note the October Print of the Month is now available. I selected Luminous Canyon as this month's image. Find out all about it on the October 2005 Print of the Month page.
October 14th
An essay titled The Desecration Panel is being published today. This essay is number 18 in the Thoughts & Photographs Series. A flash gallery, to which I am in the process of adding images, accompanies this essay.
October 11th
A major interview and a description of my current approach to landscape photography is published in the current issue of Pixmantec Photographer's Toolbox newletter. Pixmantec is the manufacturer of Raw Shooter Essentials raw converter and a sponsor of the Digital Summit in November. Click here to download Photographers Toolbox (1.1 mb download).
![](New Site.data/Ad_banners/pt_toolbox_september_ikon.jpg)
October 10th
We are back from the San Juan River Running Workshop which was fantastic. Thank you to the talented photographers who accompanied us on this river journey and made it a success. A first image from the workshop is featured on this page. Additional images will be published in the days ahead. We are planning to offer this unique workshop next year. Sign up for the waitlist so you don't miss it by emailing us at alain@beautiful-landscape.com
September 26th
A new photograph, from our 2005 Wild Horses & Northern Utah Workshop, is now featured on this page.
New photographs from the Barrio Historico were also added to the Weekend Workshops page. Only one more Weekend Workshop is scheduled for 2005. Don't miss it.
September 25th
My plan to post a new audio excerpt everyday for a week had to be revised. Audio files are much larger than photographs and their download is taxing my server's capabilities, forcing me to slow down the rate at which new files are posted to avoid a server crash.
A second challenge is deciding which excerpt to post. Natalie and I recorded another hour of conversation yesterday, this time about our experience living in Chinle. This is good stuff! I listened to it afterwards and loved it. Of course, I must be somewhat narcissistic, but still. I really enjoyed what we are talking about. Problem: I can only post of few minutes of it because audio files get so large. So, decisions, decisions... What is a photographer to do ?
Anyway, I have a new audio file online today. I decided to post an excerpt that comes right after the first excerpt. Therefore, this new file is the continuation of the discussion started in the previous file. If you have not listened to the first file, scroll below to listen to it then listen to this one: Alain and Natalie Briot discuss art and business-part 2
September 24th
A new version of Luminous Canyon was posted to the home page today. This is my 6th major revision of this image. At this point over 20 different layers and countless other adjustments were made to this image. These are subtle adjustments aimed at creating an elegant image that expresses how I feel about the scene I photographed. Unfortunately, the web versions, which have a drastically reduced size and color gamut, do not adequately show these changes. But, that's all we have to work with over the web.
September 23rd
As promised, an except about Being an Artist in Business is now online. This excerpt is in the form of a discussion between Natalie and I, in QuickTime format. The complete discussion is over one hour long, and additional excerpts will be posted later on: Alain and Natalie Briot discuss art and business-part 1
September 22nd
An improved version of Luminous Canyon was posted to the home page today. I am operating in artist mode hence the delayed posting of my Artist in Business excerpt.
September 20th
A second photograph from our Sedona Weekend Workshop is now featured on the home page. You can see the previous photograph by clicking on the one above to access my Current Work page.
September 19th
A photograph from our Sedona Weekend Workshop is featured on the home page. Our next weekend workshop is the Tucson Barrio & Sabino Canyon workshop on December 4th and 5th, 2005.
The except from Being an Artist in Business will be posted in the next few days.
Update: only one seat left on the October Antelope-Navajoland workshop
September 16th
Are you considering starting your own photography business? If you answered yes, here is an account from a New Zealand photographer who did just that: Bill Irwin. Bill's account contains valuable infomation on what it takes to be An Artist in Business. Don't miss it.
September 14th
The link to my poster collection was accidentally deleted when the menus for this site were redesigned. I have had requests for it so I am providing it below until I am able to add it to the sidebar columns permanently.
September 13th
As photographers we are curious about how different cameras compare to each other. This is understandable. After all, we want to make sure that we are using the best equipment and that we are spending our money wisely. This is particularly the case when dealing with state of the art equipment, which, as we all know, also happens to be the most expensive.
I recently conducted a shoot at Point Lobos during which I had the opportunity to compare the image quality of the Canon 1DsMk2 and of the Better Light Digital Back. During this shoot I photographed with Mike Collette, president of Better Light, and Uwe Steinmueller, publisher of Outbackphoto.com.
Well, the results are in, published today in a new entry of the Thoughts & Photographs series. Incidentally, the photograph I use as example in this essay is the September Print of the Month. Very enlightening, whether you plan to purchase one of these two cameras or not.
September 3rd
My latest essay, Whibal Review, was emailed to Briot's View Subscribers today. If you did not receive it email me now: alain@beautiful-landscape.com If you are not a subscriber this is the perfect time to join us. Information on how to subscribe is available here.
September 1st
Two of my essays, Being an Artist and Personal Style, were translated in German by Bruno Walther. Thank you Bruno. This brings the number of languages my essays have been translated to 7 (soon to be 8 as a Hungarian translation is in the works). You can find the links to all the translations here.
My first photograph of Point Lobos was updated to remove a red cast which I found objectionable after a few days.
Patriarch Cypress, Point Lobos, is the September 2005 Print of the Month. You can see the entire Print of the month list, now consisting of 30 different photographs, on the Print of the Month page
August 29th
The home page features a second photograph from our visit to Point Lobos, California.
August 29th
A new essay in the Thoughts & Photographs series is being published today. Entitled Extreme Image Enlargement it was written by George Jerkovich and features one of George's photographs taken-hand held at 1/8th of a second then enlarged to 30"x40". If you are interested in learning how to enlarge your own digital images this essay is not to be missed.
August 26th
A new Student Gallery in Flash animation format was added to this site. If you sent me your work within the last month or so it is now featured here. If you have not sent me your workshop images yet make sure to do so now and it will be featured in the new gallery. Very cool.
August 25th
The Photoshop Seminar announced two days ago was renamed The Expressive Digital Fine Art Print Seminar. This new title is more in accordance with my goals for the class which is to cover not only the work I do in Photoshop but also the entire workflow required to take a raw file or scan and achieve a print which expresses your feelings about the subject you photographed. I will have more on this complex and important aspect of photography in the coming days.
August 23rd
For years I have been asked to teach how I work in Photoshop. I finally got down to business and organized a Photoshop Seminar during which I will teach you exactly what I do to go from a raw file (or scan) to a matted, archival fine art print. I will walk you through every step involved from Raw conversion (or scanning) to color management, image preparation, profiling, printing, matting and a whole lot more. Find out all the details about this new workshop by visiting the Photoshop Seminar with Alain Briot page.
A new essay in the Thoughts & Photographs series titled Transformations and discussing how Point Lobos was created is now available.
August 22nd
We just returned from a photography expedition to California. A photograph created during this trip is featured above. Additional photographs will be published in the coming days.
August 5th
Two new portfolios on Route 66 and on Petroglyphs are online. The images in these portfolios were created with a Lensbaby 1.0 mounted on my Canon 1DsMk2. Check it out.
There are only 4 seats left for the Grand Canyon River Running Workshop next May. Yes, I know, it's 8 months away but you still need to make a decision now or it will be too late. This is the trip of a lifetime!
August 5th
Our long-awaited Marketing Workshop is officially announced today. Here are all the details. Don't delay in signing up as this unique workshop is in very high demand.
August 5th
The 12th installment of the Thoughts & Photographs series was published today and consists of an account of our June 2005 Northern Utah Workshop by Jeff Ball. Not to be missed!
Links and photographs were also added to the Students Work section.
August 3rd
I selected Light Ray, Antelope Canyon, as the August 2005 Print of the month. Antelope Canyon is also one of the fantastic locations we will be visiting during our unique Navajoland-Antelope Canyon workshop.
July 28th
Our first Fall 2005 Weekend Workshop will take place in Sedona on September 17th and 18th. Click here to read a complete description with photographs of the locations we will be photographing.
July 27th
A new photograph from Palavayu is now featured on this page.
July 22nd
The navigation menus, as well as the site name, were updated to a new, embossed look. The Students Work section (previously called "Links") was also updated. If you submitted your work, it is featured in this section, provided it is representative of the workshop you attended. If you did not submit your work yet, or if you want to submit new work, you can do so by emailing me jpegs, (300 pixels wide maximum and quality 7) at alain@beautiful-landscape.com. Workshop students can submit photographs created during workshops. One on one consulting students can submit personal work not created during workshops.
The home page photograph was updated with an image from Death Valley, the location of our upcoming Death Valley and Alabama Hills workshop in Spring 2006. A complete workshop description is available here.
Are you are considering selling your work, or starting your photography business? My Marketing CD, which contains a lifetime of photography marketing knowledge, will save you years of trial and error.
July 18th
A new Portfolio Page was created to present all the galleries on this site in one convenient place. Below is the Death Valley Portfolio icon used on the new Portfolio page.
![](New Site.data/portfolio logos/PL-Death_Valley.jpg)
July 15th
The home page photograph was updated with an image created yesterday evening. I will have an essay about it, in the Thoughts & Photographs series, soon.
July 11th
Two new photography opportunities are being announced today:
1 - Death Valley & Alabama Hills Workshop
This is the first time we offer a workshop in Death Valley and in the Alabama Hills. Located close to each other, both offer stunningly beautiful opportunities for photography.
2 - Palavayu Artist in Residence Program
The Artist in Residence Program is also our first offering of its kind, as well as a very unique opportunity. The program is based on the premise that it is necessary, at a certain point in our careers, to focus 100% on photography to see what we can really achieve with the medium. To this end we offer a program that offers a high level of freedom and autonomy, while still providing you with guidance and support from Natalie and I. The program can also include a marketing component.
July 10th
A Puzzle CD with 75 puzzles featuring my photographs is now available. The CD order page was also redesigned for easier access to the various features of each CD. Take a look.
July 8th
A second image from Palavayu is now featured on the home page. A unique opportunity for photographing Palavayu (no, not a workshop) will be announced Monday. Click on the home page photograph to see more images created this year, including Palavayu Sunrise.
There are 4 seats left in the Grand Canyon River Running Workshop.
July 6th
The home page photograph was created this morning at sunrise in a location called Palavayu, less than a mile from Petrified Forest National Park, in the Painted Desert area of Arizona.
July 4th
Happy 4th of July! The home page photograph, by Keron Psillas, was taken at Antietam National Historical Battlefield on July 3rd, 2005. A free Puzzle featuring this photograph is available for download by clicking here.
June 29th
My 1DsMk2 & 4x5 comparative essay generated a huge level of interest and some confusion, with readers thinking I stopped using 4x5 and even one person calling to buy my 4x5 equipment (sorry, I am not selling ;-). To get the record straight, so to speak, and explain exactly where I stand in regards to using these two cameras, I wrote a new essay for the Thoughts & Photographs series titled: Tools of the Trade. A link to my comparative essay is included in my response.
June 27th
An interactive table of contents is now available for Briot's View CD-1. You can download it by clicking here. If you have Briot's View CD-1, instructions on how to make this table work with your CD are included in the download. If you do not have the CD yet the table of contents will show you all the essays, articles, diaries and presentations available on the CD.
The Epson 4000 diary is now available on the CD as a PDF file. My latest essay -Ektaspace Color Space- is also available. Both will be emailed to subscribers today. Not a subscriber? Purchase the CD and become a subscriber here. A one year subscription to my essays is included with the CD.
If you want to see the photographs that are normally featured on this page click here, or click on the "2005 Selection" portfolio listing at the bottom of the left sidebar.
Workshop participants photographs were also added to the Links page. If you attended a workshop and emailed me some of your work, it is now featured on this page.
June 25th
Pierre Bellavance posted photographs of Navajoland workshop participants at work to his online gallery. If you were there, these are guaranteed to bring back great memories. If you weren't it is a wonderful insight into our workshops. Click here to visit Pierre's online gallery.
June 23rd
My 1DsMark II and 4x5 comparative essay was published on Luminous-landscape.com. A discussion on this essay is ongoing on the Luminous-landscape Forum. I wrote several entries to this forum thread to help explain specific parts of my essay.
Another photograph from our Wild Horses and Northern Utah workshop is now featured on the Home Page. This workshop was very successful and I will add photographs created by workshop partcipants to the Links page shortly.
June 18th
A new photograph from our Wild Horses and Northern Utah workshop now graces the home page. Also, the Grand Canyon River Rafting workshop is half full (12 participants maximum).
June 16th
A complete description of the Grand Canyon River Rafting Workshop is now available. I have also added new comments by Martin McLeish to Thoughts & Photographs entry number 9: The Learning Process.
Do you want to have freedom of access to your raw photographs? I do and threrefore support the Open Raw initiatiive:
![](New Site.data/pdf files/openraw_supp_51_white.jpg)
June 15th
A new photograph from our Northern Utah workshop graces the home page. Today's selection is a relatively rare (for me) black and white piece.
Printing black and white images can be challenging because it is easy to get a color cast on your prints or not get the blacks as deep as you would like. The solution? Use Inkjet Control. Why? The answer is in my latest essay Take control of your black & white inkjet printing with Inkjet Control. A PDF version of this article will be sent to all Briot's View Subscribers today. If you are not yet a subscriber why not join this exclusive group today? It is a guaranteed to improve your photography and to overdeliver. I originally promised 4 essays a year and I am already at number 7 for this year...
June 14th
Natalie and I are announcing our first 2006 workshop today, and certainly one of our most exciting workshops ever: The 2006 Beaux Arts Photography Grand Canyon River Running workshop, May 19 to 26 2006.
Priced at $4995 (with a special pre-reservation price) this unique expedition is open to 12 photographers only plus Natalie and I. It will take us through the entire length of the Grand Canyon, from Lees Ferry to Cove, nearly 300 river miles. This lifetime experience is chartered just for our group and will focus exclusively on photography. A detailed announcement will be available shortly. I expect this expedition to fill up quickly so if it has your name on it contact us now to reserve your seat: alain@beautiful-landscape.com • 800-949-7983 (USA) • 928-252-2466
June 12th
The June and July Prints of the Months are officially announced today. Since I pre-announced both the June and July prints of the month I thought this approach was the way to go. The special price for the June photograph will expire at the end of this month while the special price for the July Photograph will continue until the end of July. You can visit the June and July Print of the month pages, or place your order using the Paypal Shopping cart buttons below. Note that for your convenience a Paypal shopping cart is now used for all online orders. You can place your order with any credit card and do not need a Paypal account.
June 11th
Photographs from our Wild Horses and Northern Utah workshop, by Randy Mosteller, are now accessible from the Links page. Many other photographs by workshop participants were added as well so if you submitted photographs you will see them on this page under your name or the name of the workshop(s) you attended. If you have not sent me photographs yet make sure to do so as soon as they are ready: jpegs 7, 400 pixels max. dimention.
A new installment in the Thoughts & Photographs series is also available: A once in a Lifetime Experience. Written by Jan Tofte, Navajoland Workshop participant, it shows that attending a workshop can be much more than what you may expect. Highly recommended reading.
June 18th
Sunflower Sunset, Northern Utah, is proving to be a huge success with visitors to this site. So, following the same approach I took last month, I decided to make it the July Print of the Month ahead of time. Note that prints of this image will be made on the new Epson 4800, which now replaces my Epson 4000. If you want to see what the combination of HDR and 4800 can do, this is a unique opportunity. Plus, you will get one of my most beautiful photographs.
What camera did I use? A Canon 1Ds Mark 2 with Canon's 17-40 lens. Why not 4x5? Well, stay tuned until tomorrow when I publish a comparative review of the 1DsMark 2 and 4x5. Subscribers will be receiving the PDF file right away. If you are not yet a subscriber, this is the perfect excuse to become part of this exclusive group and receive my latest articles the day they are published. My next review will be a comparison of the Epson 4000 and 4800. If you are in the market for this new printer, you don't want to miss it. Subscribe to Briot's View now. Your subscription helps support this site and Natalie and I appreciate your business.
June 9th
A new essay in the Thoughts & Photographs series is being published today. This essay focuses on the work of Martin McLeish, April 2005 workshop participant and is titled The Learning Process. Just like the previous essay in this series, it is a must read.
A second photograph from the workshop is now on the home page and a third new image is accessible when you click on the home page image.
June 8th
The first photograph from our Wild Horses and Northern Utah workshop now graces the Home Page. Click here or on the photograph title to hear a musical piece by Georg "laughing bear" Baumann. It will take a few seconds for the music to start playing. You can email Laughing Bear at laughingbear@gmx.de The combination of image and music is purely accidental. I created this image this past week and received the music today. Let us know how you like it.
June 6th
Why attend a workshop? There are numerous reasons why and I go over some of them in my Workshop FAQ. However, eventually the most important reason is because what you will learn during a workshop cannot be learned any other way. At some point you have to practice and study photograph in the company of other like-minded photographers and under the guidance of dedicated teachers.
Today I am publishing (with the author's permission) an email I received from Howard Warren, May 2005 Navajoland workshop participant. If you are considering attending one of our workshops this is a must read.
May 27th
A new image for the Navajoland workshop now graces the home page. Also, a new special offer is now featured on the CD's page. This offer now includes all 4 CD's, including the Portfolio CD & Toolkit. This site is supported solely by the sale of CD's, portfolios, workshops and fine art prints. If you enjoy my essays, photographs and regular site updates, order one of our products. Your business is very much appreciated.
May 26th
Beautiful-landscape.com is not just about myself. It is also about you, the visitors, and about Beaux Arts Photography students and workshop participants. Above all it is about photography as art and this is what brings us all together. Rather than focusing solely on technique (which is very important, don't get me wrong), we also focus on the artistic aspect of photography.
To this end I offer a unique collection of tools, supplies and essays all designed to help you approach and practice photography as an art form.
Today I am going one step further by introducing the first essay published on this site which is not about my work but about the work of one of our May Navajoland Participant. Titled Becoming an Artist this essay is not to be missed. And if you have attended a Beaux Arts Photography workshop, either recently or in the past, I welcome your submissions, especially if you have something to share about what you learned during your workshop.
May 25th
A second photograph from the Navajoland workshop now graces the home page: Yaateh, Good Morning in Navajo. Click on it to see other images from this workshop and from earlier this year.
May 24th
We just returned from our May Navajoland Workshop. The home page photograph now features a photograph from the workshop. Travis played for us at Sunrise in Canyon de Chelly while we photographed, an event we will not forget anytime soon!
We are offering a similar workshop this fall. Come listen to Travis and photograph with us. You will talk about it for years to come. Click here to hear Travis' music. His first CD is included in my Navajoland portfolio.
May 19th
My new Grand Canyon photograph, featured above, has become extremely popular in the few days it has been online. Many have emailed or called to place orders. In a decision that I have never taken until now, I decided to make it the June Print of the Month nearly 11 days ahead of time. Your photograph will be shipped within 7 days. Thank you to all who have already placed an order and to those who are placing their order now.
May 18th
The Beaux Arts Portfolio CD and Hand Made Portfolio Cases are ready to ship. I now have a page dedicated to this unique and exciting product. If you placed a pre order your cases will be shipped either this week or next week (we are conducting our Navajoland Workshop at the end of the week). If you want to add the Beaux Arts Portfolio Toolkit to your order just let us know: alain@beautiful-landscape.com or 800-949-7983. If you are attending one of our upcoming workshops we can bring your portfolio cases & toolkit to the workshop so you don't have to have them shipped. Both Portfolio Cases and Toolkits are in limited quantity so place your order now to get one.
An introduction to the Thoughts and Photographs series is now available. Also, comments by Uwe Steinmueller were added to Thoughts & Photographs: Literal versus Expressive Representations.
May 16th
We just returned from a photography expedition to Grand Canyon. The home page photograph was updated with an image from this shoot.
The 10th essay in my Aesthetics and Photography series was published on Luminous-landscape.com over the weekend. If you have not read this essay yet here is the link:
If you have read it already this is a good excuse for a new read. Response to this essay is overwhelmingly positive. What do you think?
I just published a new installment in the Thoughts & Photographs series titled Literal & Expressive Representations.
May 28th
Why attend a workshop? There are numerous reasons why and I go over some of them in my Workshop FAQ. However, eventually the most important reason is because what you will learn during a workshop cannot be learned any other way. At some point you have to practice and study photograph in the company of other like-minded photographers and under the guidance of dedicated teachers.
Today I am publishing (with the author's permission) an email I received from Howard Warren, May 2005 Navajoland workshop participant. If you are considering attending one of our workshops this is a must read.
May 27th
A new image for the Navajoland workshop now graces the home page. Also, a new special offer is now featured on the CD's page. This offer now includes all 4 CD's, including the Portfolio CD & Toolkit. This site is supported solely by the sale of CD's, portfolios, workshops and fine art prints. If you enjoy my essays, photographs and regular site updates, order one of our products. Your business is very much appreciated.
May 26th
Beautiful-landscape.com is not just about myself. It is also about you, the visitors, and about Beaux Arts Photography students and workshop participants. Above all it is about photography as art and this is what brings us all together. Rather than focusing solely on technique (which is very important, don't get me wrong), we also focus on the artistic aspect of photography.
To this end I offer a unique collection of tools, supplies and essays all designed to help you approach and practice photography as an art form.
Today I am going one step further by introducing the first essay published on this site which is not about my work but about the work of one of our May Navajoland Participant. Titled Becoming an Artist this essay is not to be missed. And if you have attended a Beaux Arts Photography workshop, either recently or in the past, I welcome your submissions, especially if you have something to share about what you learned during your workshop.
May 25th
A second photograph from the Navajoland workshop now graces the home page: Yaateh, Good Morning in Navajo. Click on it to see other images from this workshop and from earlier this year.
May 24th
We just returned from our May Navajoland Workshop. The home page photograph now features a photograph from the workshop. Travis played for us at Sunrise in Canyon de Chelly while we photographed, an event we will not forget anytime soon!
We are offering a similar workshop this fall. Come listen to Travis and photograph with us. You will talk about it for years to come. Click here to hear Travis' music. His first CD is included in my Navajoland portfolio.
May 19th
My new Grand Canyon photograph, featured above, has become extremely popular in the few days it has been online. Many have emailed or called to place orders. In a decision that I have never taken until now, I decided to make it the June Print of the Month nearly 11 days ahead of time. Your photograph will be shipped within 7 days. Thank you to all who have already placed an order and to those who are placing their order now.
May 18th
The Beaux Arts Portfolio CD and Hand Made Portfolio Cases are ready to ship. I now have a page dedicated to this unique and exciting product. If you placed a pre order your cases will be shipped either this week or next week (we are conducting our Navajoland Workshop at the end of the week). If you want to add the Beaux Arts Portfolio Toolkit to your order just let us know: alain@beautiful-landscape.com or 800-949-7983. If you are attending one of our upcoming workshops we can bring your portfolio cases & toolkit to the workshop so you don't have to have them shipped. Both Portfolio Cases and Toolkits are in limited quantity so place your order now to get one.
An introduction to the Thoughts and Photographs series is now available. Also, comments by Uwe Steinmueller were added to Thoughts & Photographs: Literal versus Expressive Representations.
May 16th
We just returned from a photography expedition to Grand Canyon. The home page photograph was updated with an image from this shoot.
The 10th essay in my Aesthetics and Photography series was published on Luminous-landscape.com over the weekend. If you have not read this essay yet here is the link:
If you have read it already this is a good excuse for a new read. Response to this essay is overwhelmingly positive. What do you think?
I just published a sixth installment in the Thoughts & Photographs series titled Litteral & Expressive Representations.
May 12th
As promised the 4th installment of my Thoughts & Photographs series, titled I & I , was published today. I will most likely be re-writing it later on today so you may be privvy to part of my writing process throughout the day. I also revised the previous 3 installments so if you enjoy this series a second look is in order.
May 10th
The home page photograph has been updated with an image from our Antelope Canyon workshop this past weekend. While the workshop focused on Antelope Canyon, and while we captured stunning images of light shafts (among many other images), I was fascinated by the wildflowers growing along the rim of Antelope Canyon. So, while workshop participants were inside Antelope Canyon, I spent time photographing along the canyon rim. The result is Navajoland Spring.
On a different note today marks the pre-release announcement of the Beaux Arts Photography Personal Portfolio Toolkit. Hand made, custom Portfolio cases in 16x20 and 11x14 sizes will be available for purchase from this website later this month.A Portfolio toolkit will be available at a separate cost. This toolkit will contain all the tools you need to create your own portfolio: signing pens for matte & glossy prints, eraser, archival glue, archival photo-corners and a new Beaux Arts Photography Portfolio CD featuring all the files you need to learn, study and create your own portfolio.
I will have a complete write up on the contents of this exciting release when the first portfolios are ready to ship later this month.
Museum Quality Custom cut mats will also be available for those of you who desire to mat their photographs. Those are already described on my Custom Matting page but special packs of 5 or 20 mats will be available for portfolio owners.
The 16x20 cases will be the same color as my Navajoland Portfolio case while the 11x14 cases will feature an off-white, woven natural cotton cloth cover, the same cloth used for John Sexton's portfolio cases and on the cover and slipcover for Ansel Adams at 100. Both are elegant, top of the line, exclusive portfolio cases that will showcase and do justice to your work and to the amount of effort you put into creating fine art prints. Each case takes a day to complete and would cost over $600 if you ordered it individually yourself. We are able to offer them at an affordable price because I have been ordering cases for my own portfolios for a long time and therefore benefit from a privileged relationship with the craftmen who create them.
Email or call with your pre-order information at alain@beautiful-landscape.com • 800-949-7983 (USA) • 928-252-2466
(intl). Your credit card will not be charged until the portfolio cases ship, which will be later this month. We only have a limited quantity of both portfolio cases so place your order now if you want to be sure to get one.
Update: Only one 16x20 portfolio case left for May delivery. Other pre orders for 16x20 Portfolio Cases will ship in June.
May 5th
The May print of the month was announced today and is accompanied by an account of how I created this stunning image. Also take a look at the Navajoland Movie, it's a great excuse to take a break and if someone says something just tell them to watch the movie. I can't imagine how anyone wouldn't be mesmerized by the beauty of both the images and the music.
And, if you enjoy watching movies here is a second one, this time showing you some of the features of my new Composition CD
May 4th
Half of the seats have been taken for the new Antelope-Navajoland workshop. To see the photographic potential of this area watch this Movie on Navajoland
The movie is based on Alain's Navajoland Portfolio. We will be photographing most of the areas depicted in the movie
May 3rd
We are opening a new workshop for registration today: the Antelope-Navajoland workshop, Oct. 21-26. If you missed the 2005 Digital Sumit this new workshop follows a similar itinerary. It is a combination of our Antelope Canyon and Navajoland workshops. Seats are limited to 12 participants so sign up today if you want to be part of this exciting photograhic opportunity.
![](New Site.data/2005 Images/Antelope_Navajoland_200.jpg)
May 2nd
Martin McLeish, who participated in our April Antelope Canyon workshop, has posted some of his images from the workshop to his online gallery.
I have become a better and more thoughtful photographer as a result
both of the workshop and of reading the articles, followed by the work in the field.
Thanks for the inspiration and the teaching
Martin McLeish
The April Antelope Canyon was a great success. I wrote two online articles about professional Landscape Photography in the field which you may find helpful if you are attending one of our upcoming workshops.
May 2nd
We are opening a new workshop for registration today: the Navajoland-Antelope Canyon workshop. If you missed signing up for the digital Sumit this new workshop follows a similar itinerary. It is a combination of our Antelope Canyon and Navajoland workshops. Seats are limited to 12 participants so sign up today if you want to be part of this exciting photograhic opportunity.
May 2nd
The home page now features a second image from an area of Northeastern Arizona called Kyaatataypi. I will have a write up about this image very soon.
May 1st
The home page now features a new image from an area of Northeastern Arizona called Kyaatataypi. I will have a write up about this image later on today.
April 29th
Details and screen shots of of the files, movies and PDF files on the new Alain's Composition CD-1 are now available. These go a long ways towards showing you precisely how this CD works in terms of teaching you composition.
April 27th
Learn Composition like you never learned before with Alain's Composition CD-1. This new CD consists of tutorials, Photoshop files and original photographs and comes with a set of 8 viewfinders in just about every photographic format. Find out all the details here.
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![](New Site.data/2005 Images/Viewfinders_300.jpg) |
April 21st
Only 2 seats left for the Wild Horses and Northern Utah Workshop June 3rd to 7th.
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Aesthetics & Photography
![](New Site.data/2005 Images/Wildflowers_matted_200.jpg)
Print of the Month |
Epson R1800
Review |
What's New?
featuring art quotes
Site last updated April 21st |
Subcribe to Alain's newsletter and receive a free PDF file of
How to Calculate the Best Exposure with Film & Digital Capture
![](New Site.data/2005 Images/R1800_essay_200.jpg)
April 14th
Being an Artist, the most eagerly awaited article I ever wrote, is being published today. It is 25 pages long and took me over 3 months to write. If you are a subscriber it was emailed to you already (if you didn't receive it email me). If you are not a subscriber this is the excuse you have been waiting for. Click here to subscribe now and Being an Artist will be emailed to you immediately. Thank you to all of you for your support and your encouragements while I completed what I consider to be my most challenging essay so far.
![](New Site.data/2005 Images/Being_an-Artist_cover.jpg)
Available by subscription to Briot's View CD
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April 12th
The home page photograph was updated with a second image created during our Antelope Canyon workshop. Read my thoughts on this unique image here.
April 11th
The home page photograph was updated with an image created during our Antelope Canyon workhop this past weekend.
April 5th
We now have a pre-announcement list for the 2006 Fine Art Digital Summit. List members will be notified by email when the 2006 Summit is announced and will be able to sign up ahead of everyone else. There are no obligations attached with being on the list.
To have your name added to the list send an email to(alain@beautinul-landscape.com
with Summit 2006 in the subject line . While we do not have a completed schedule yet we do plan to make the 2006 Summit as exciting as this year's Summit!
April 3rd
The Antelope Canyon Digital Summit is now sold out. Thank you to all who registered. We look forward to seeing you in Page.
March 30th
Workshops Update - As of today there are available seats on the following 2 worskhops. All other workshops are sold out:
Wild Horses & Northern Utah: 4 seats available
San Juan River Rafting Workshop: 3 seats available
March 29th
The Navajoland Workshop is now sold out.
Only 4 seats left on the Wild Horses and Northern Utah Workshop as of today.
March 28th
The Home Page photograph was updated with an image created during this weekend's Sonoran Wildflowers Workshop.
March 24th
Only 3 seats left for the Antelope Canyon Summit.
March 22nd
Only one seat left for the May 2005 Navajoland Workshop. If you have been waiting to sign up this is your last chance. Here's the link to this fantastic workshop.
Natalie and I lived in Navajoland for 7 years and will take you to some of our favorite locations. This is not only the opportunity to study and improve your photography, it is also your chance to discover Navajoland with two of the most knowledgeable guides you'll ever meet.
March 18th
Introducing the Beaux Arts Photography Reward Referral program: refer a friend and get 10% off your next purchase from us! All the details are here.
March 18th
Gift certificates are now available. They never expire until redeemed.
Gift certicates are the ideal solution for when you do not know exactly what someone wants. Let them decide!
March 16th
We are just back from our Sedona workshop. The home page photograph was updated with an image I created during the workshop.
Orders placed just before or during the workshop will be shipped this week and next week. We received hundreds of orders during our absence and we appreciate your patience while we fill them all. Natalie and I appreciate your business 110%.
This site now features a separate Latest News page (you are reading it now). A Selected News Highlights section is available by scrolling down on the Home Page.
March 10th
I am announcing the publication of a second CD of my writings today: Alain's Marketing CD-1. If you enjoyed Reading Briot's View Articles CD-1 you will love reading my essays about Marketing Photography. Note that none of the essays on this new CD are available on the web or anywhere else for this matter. All the contents are new. If you do not have Briot's View yet a special introductory price is available for both CD's. Find out all the details here.
March 8th
Antelope Canyon Summit participants benefit from a special rate at the Country Inn and Suites, the Summit Hotel: $55 for a two double beds room and $65 for a Kind Size bed and/or a room with a view onto Lake Powell (+tax).
To get this rate simply call the Courtyard Marriott in Page at 928-645-5000 and mention code BEAO.
March 7th,
The March 2005 print of the month is here. You cannot afford not to have a look at it (really). The close up detail on the Print of the Month page alone is worth the visit, to say nothing about my description of how this stunning image was created. Here's the link
February 26th
Only one weekend workshop left but a good one (maybe the best) because it focuses on Sonoran Desert Wildflowers and because this year was the wettest years in decades. We expect a record year for flowers. Join us. You will tell stories about it. Our regular Saturday workshop is full but we added an extra one on Sunday March 27th (Easter Sunday) to celebrate this event.
February 21st
The 2005 Fine Art Digital Summit will be held in Page, Arizona and will include field workshops to Antelope Canyon as well as Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelly afterwards if you choose. This is our first workshop to include field photography, conference-style tutorial sessions and hands on printing sessions. Paper, ink and fees to Antelope Canyon are included in the workshop fee. You will return from this event with Fine Art prints ready to mat and frame!
Also notice my new Home Page photograph which I created this past Saturday while leading Weekend Workshop #6 to Jerome, Arizona. Would you like to learn how to create similar images? Then consider attending a workshop. There is, as you know, no better way to learn how to improve our photography. Our new format workshops now include new teaching materials designed to make your learning experience even more useful.
February 7th
The February Print of the Month, number 23 in this collection, is available. This month's issue features Paris's most famous landmark, the Eiffel Tower. Find out all the details here.
January 21st
Today we are announcing our new Custom Mat Cutting Service. Do you need mats to present your photographs? Have you been putting off matting your work because of the difficulty finding top quality mattang in the specific sizes you need? Here is the solution you have jeen waiting for.
January 18th
A new Workshop to Antelope Canyon is being announced today. Expect it to fill quickly. If you have been waiting for this announcement and are on our waitlist click here and register now.
January 17th
Photographs of the Navajoland Portfolio contents have been added to the Navajoland Portfolio Page today. If you have not seen the Navajoland portfolio yet take a look to this work of art now.
![](New Site.data/Navajoland Portfolio/Portfolio_contents.jpg)
January 14th
Thank you to all those who visited us during Portfolio Week. Natalie and I very much appreciated your enthusiasm, your passion for fine art and your support. Thank you also to those who pre-orderd Porfolio 2. The Navajoland Portfolio is now shipping. If you have not placed your order yet this is the ideal time to do so.
Today I am also announcing the 22nd Print of the Month. This month's release is a beautiful snow scene from Canyon de Chelly. Read all about it here.
January 9th
My new Briot's View CD, which includes my just-relased article How to develop a personal style, is a huge success. Did you get your copy?
January 6th, 2005
How to Develop a Personal Style, Article number 9 in the Aesthetics and Photography series, is now available. Click here to find out all the details.
January 3rd, 2005
The New Year is here! Natalie and I send you our best wishes for 2005.
Porfolio Presentation Week is a huge success and we can only accept a couple more reservations. All other appointments for that week have been cancelled. It will be difficult to reach us during that week so make sure to contact us before January 8th to schedule an appointment or if you need to call us for any other reason.
December 27th
The release date of the Navajoland Portfolio was pushed back to early January due to delays in the fabrication of the hand made portfolio case. The good news is that the pre-release price will continue to be available until the first portfolio ships. You can see all the details of this superb Portfolio here.
December 22nd
January 10 to 15th is Portfolio presentation week. We will be presenting the Navajoland Portfolio at our studio. Presentations are by appointment only and reservations are necessary. Call us now to schedule your visit. The studio visit fee will be applied towards the Portfolio or towards any other purchase including workshops or prints.
New photographs were added to the links section where workshop participant images are displayed. Photographs were added for the Antelope Canyon Workshop and Sedona Workshops. Photographs by Brian Pawlovski were also added to this site today.
December 15th
Have you ordered your Briot's View CD yet? If not, don't delay. This CD is guaranteed to help you improve your photography. Take a look at the 40 different articles, diaries and presentations included in it. Only $19.95 including shipping anywhere in the world. All articles are in PDF format.
Thank you to all who came to see our show at Westworld.
December 8th
A new poster was released today: Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon National Park. This is the third poster I produced and the second I designed. This new poster is sold by the Grand Canyon Natural History Assotiation in Grand Canyon National Park. We delivered their first order yesterday. It was snowing at the Grand Canyon while we were there by the way.
The poster is available directly from this website for $22.95 including shipping anywhere in the world. Click here to see a large-size version. The actual poster is 20"x39". This image is also available as a fine art print here.
![](New Site.data/Posters/Bright-Angel-Poster-200.jpg)
December 5th
We will be exhibiting at the Westworld Art Show, in Scottsdale, Arizona, this weekend: Friday, Saturday and Sunday (December 10, 11 & 12) . Westworld is a high end Juried Show featuring over 300 artists. Stop by and see us. Here is a map showing you how to get there. Westworld is represented by the red star at the center of the map.
December 5th
My articles are now available on CD Rom. I published this CD to make all my articles available in one convenient location. I also published it so you can have all my articles available as PDF files. PDF make printing the articles a breeze and allow you to read them anywhere, on any platform, without being connected to the internet. The CD includes all the articles published on luminous-landscape.com, all the diaries published on outbackphoto.com as well as previously unpublished articles. The articles have been reformatted to make them more convenient to read. The diaries have been indexed with a table of content to make it easy to find a specific entry or topic. Click here to order this new CD now. Price is only $19.95 including air mail shipping anywhere in the world.
November 29th
December 2004 marks the release of my first Museum Collection Portfolio: Navajoland. Consisting of 25 photographs in a 16x20 hand made portfolio case, and accompanied by Native American Flute Music from Travis Terry, this portfolio showcases my favorite images from Navajoland. It is released in a limited edition of 50 portfolios only.
The portfolio will start shipping later in December, in time for Christmas. At this time I am offering a unique pre-release special offer price. Find out all the details here. The portfolio was originally announced at the Fine Art Digital Summit in November and many copies are already sold. I recommend you order your copy now as you may find that the edition is sold out by the time it ships.
A quicktime movie showing the contents of the portfolio, and the Native American Flute music that accompanies it, is also available.
![](New Site.data/Prints of the month/Navajoland-Cover-crop200.jpg)
November 20th
Get ready for an extraordinary event next month. The December "Print of the Month" will be a unique release, not a single print, as has been the case so far, but an entire portfolio: the Museum Portfolio Collection number One. Which images will be included, how will it be presented, what else will be the hand-made linen case? To get answers to your questions, and to benefit from the unique Pre-Release Price, email me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com. So far, this stunning portfolio was announced only to the Fine Art Digital Photographer's Summit participants (another reason to attend the Summit). The portfolio is released in an edition of 50 only and many are already pre-sold. Get your name added to the pre-release list today (no obligation to purchase but you will know all the details before the Portfolio is announced on this web site).
Incidentally, I have been so busy the past two months that I have been unable to send my regular email newsletter. If you are on my email list I want you to know that you have not been forgotten and that you will receive news soon. If you are not on my email list get your email added now by clicking the link above or emailling me at alain@beautiful-landscape.com. And if you want to get the latest news about my work visit this website often and read the "latest news" section.
November 17th
We are just back from the Antelope Workshop which followed the 2004 Fine Art Digital Photographers Summit. Both the Summit and the Workshop were a huge success. Thank you to all of those who participated in these two unique events. You helped us make this year's event a landmark to be remembered! If you did not attend yet, next year's event will be even better. We are working on an exciting "New Format" Workshop & Summit combination. Next year summit will be opened only to a handful of participants. Join my email list to receive advanced announcement about this New Format event.
Incidentally, my April 2005 Antelope Canyon Workshop is sold out. There are still seats available in my other workshops.
November 10th
The Workshop Participants Pages were updated today. If you attended a workshop this Fall and emailed me photographs some of your images are now featured on the respective workshop page. Visit the links page to see images created by workshop participants. A list of each workshop I have offered so far is available on this page, and each workshop page features images created by workshop participants. If you attended a workshop and have not emailed me photographs yet, it is not too late to do so. Send your jpegs (400 pixels wide at quality 7) to alain@beautiful-landscape.com
November 5th
The November 2004 Print of the Month has just been announced today: Celestial Sunrise. What an inspirational image! Find out exactly how I created this photograph by clicking here now. You can also own this image by purchasing it at a very special price. If you want to discover how good of a printer the Epson R800 really is, then click here now because this photograph was printed on the R800.
November 2nd
The home page image has been updated to one of my most recent images Celestial Sunrise. This image is a world's first. While this location has been photographed before, I have not seen this exact composition and timing captured by anyone before myself. If you want to photograph this unbelievable location yourself (together with many other hugely photogenic places) join our 2005 WIld Horses and Northern Utah Landscapes workshop. An alternate version of Celestial Sunrise is visible on the workshop page together with other photographs from this very rarely visited area of the American Southwest. Click here now to see them all.
Also, new photographs were added to several of the workshop pages. Visit each workshop links, at the top of this page, to see these new images.
October 7th
The September and October prints of the months are being released today. I was too busy to announce a print last month so I am announcing two this month. The special price offered on each Print of the Month applies to both of them. These two images are quite different from my usual style. Find out how I created these images here.
October 7th
The September and October prints of the months are being released today. I was too busy to announce a print last month so I am announcing two this month. The special price offered on each Print of the Month applies to both of them. These two images are quite different from my usual style. Find out how I created these images here.
October 6th
The Digital Fine Art Photographers Summit is coming up fast. Do you want to learn and improve your printing and image processing skills? Do you want to discover the latest printers, software, calibration tools and much more from the top companies in the field? Do you have difficulties matching what you see on film or in your raw converter, on screen and on print? If yes, you need to attend. Why wait any longer to fix problems that have been holding you back? Click here and find out how you can improve the quality of your work right now.
September 5th
Natalie and I are announcing five new workshops for Spring and Fall 2005. These include three brand new, never offered before, workshops. One of them is perhaps the most exciting workshop you will ever join: a seven-day river running photographic adventure down the San Juan River where you will be able to photograph seldom seen Anasazi ruins, rock art, river scenes and canyon country landscapes. A second workshop will take you on a grand discovery tour of Sedona, Spirit of the Southwest. A third workshop, our new Wild Horses and Northern Utah Landscapes workshop will give you the opportunity to photograph true wild horses, stunning and hard to find landscapes and rock formations, as well as river landscapes, rock art and much more. Finally, if you have been waiting to sign up for our next Navajoland or Antelope Canyon workshops this is your chance to do so before they fill up again. Now in its third year, our workshop series is an opportunity to expertly study photography, build up your portfolio and have a wonderful time with like-minded photographers. Discover our 2005 workshops by clicking here and make sure you sign up right away as these exciting photographic adventures are limited to 12 people maximum and do fill up fast.
September 3rd
New and extremely exciting workshops for 2005 will be announced in a few days. These will include a multi-day river running workshop, a wild horses photography workshop, and much more. We expect these new workshops to fill up very quickly. If you want to be among the first to be notified join our email list now by clicking here and ask to be added to the waitlist. Email list subscribers are the first to learn about new workshops. Some workshops never make it to our website because they fill up right away.
Also, the Weekend Workshops Series will be terminated in June 2005. They will be replaced by multi-day workshops which will combine several Weekend Workshop destinations. If you enjoy the leisurely, single day approach of our Weekend Workshops series, and if you have been delaying signing up, you need to do so now -- this is your last chance. Visit this link and send in your registration today.
August 15th
New photographs by Ken Krahn, Antelope and Navajoland workshop participant, were posted today. Find out the photographs you can create by joining one of our workshops! We still have a few seats available in the Antelope Canyon workshop following the 2004 Fine Art Digital Summit.
August 7th
The August Portfolio Collection Selection is being released today. It is titled Bright Angel Trail, Grand Canyon National Park. Find out why this is one of the most unique photographs in my entire collection.
July 25th
Essay number 7 in the Aesthetics and Photography series in now available on luminous-landscape.com. I am now working on number 8 in the Aesthetics and Photography series: How to create a Portfolio of your work. Click here to see the list of all the articles available on line.
July 17th
This site's transformation to a frameless web site is now complete. If you have bookmarked this site you may find that some bookmarks no longer work. This is because some browsers bookmark frame sites with a link to each frame. If you encounter this problem simply create a new bookmark.
July 16th
This site is undergoing some improvements and you may experience difficulties loading pages while this process is ongoing. We are in the process of removing the frames html design on every page as well as improving the design of all portfolio pages. We apologize for any problem this may cause.
July 11th
The Print of the Month is now the Alain Briot Portfolio Collection. Each new photograph is offered for one month or less at a unique price, then made available at a higher price year round. This collection continues to grow with the addition of photograph number sixteenth Snowstorm at Spiderock. Click here and discover this beautiful photograph now.
June 17th
The June 2004 Print of the Month is now available. This month's photograph is the perfect companion to last month's photograph. Click here to discover which image I selected for your enjoyment.
June 16th
What are you doing on November 13 to 16th? Have you considered attending the 2004 Fine Art Digital Photographers Summit offered on those dates? Find out all the information about this unique event here. A workshop to Antelope Canyon is offered as part of the Summit.
Do you have questions about our workshops? If yes, visit our new Workshops Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
June 3rd
The workshop members portfolio section (in the "Links" section) was updated today with a number of new images created by workshop participants. If you submitted photographs, or if you want to see the work created by workshop participants click here. There is no better way to see how you can benefit from attending a workshop than to look at the images you can create.
May 27th
Due to server problems a number of emails sent to us this week did not reach us. If you emailed us earlier this week or late last week and have not heard back from us you need to email us again. We are not ignoring you, we simply did not receive your email. We normally respond to emails the same day we receive them.
May 24th
The print of the month collection is now the Alain Briot Portfolio Collection. The benefit to you is that all the previous "prints of the month" are now available at a new, and much reduced, special "Portfolio Collection Price. From now on each Print of the month will be added to the Portfolio Collection after the one month special Print of the Month offer is over.
The print of the month price will continue to be lower than all our other prices, including the Portfolio Collection prices.
Discover the Alain Briot Portfolio Collection now. Plus, place an order for any Portfolio Collection photograph between now and Memorial Day and receive a FREE Alain Briot Grand Canyon Poster with your order!
May 17th
I experienced problems with my email number over the past week and had to get a new email number. If you emailed me an order or a registration form in the past 5 days please email it again to 207-226-6168 or call me at 800-949-7983 to place your order or register over the phone. Thank you.
May 10th
The May 2004 Print of the Month, number 14th in the Print of the Month special offer series, is available. This is a unique special offer as it consists of a photograph plus a free . . . . . Click here to discover out all the details now!
May 5th
The workshop participants portfolios were reorganized into new categories for easier viewing. Attending a workshop is the best way to improve your photography and save yourself years of trial and error. Admire the photographs created by workshop participants by visiting this page.
May 3rd
Two new portfolios from Workshop Members work were added to the Links section today. Visit these portfolios now to see the images you can create during our workshops. The portfolios were also edited for content today.
April 26th
The Fall 2004 Weekend workshops were announced today. Visit this page to find out our exciting offering of favorite locations for Fall 2004. We also have seats available in our other workshops, visit this page to discover our complete workshops series.
April 15th
The Latest Briot's View article - my review of the new Epson R800 printer- was published on Luminous Landscape today. This article mentions my March Print of the Month special offer. I am extending this special offer until April 30th because the article was published in April but written in March.
April 15th
We are working on the Fall 2004 schedule of our popular Weekend Workshop series. We have a pre-announcement here. Some of the dates are not available yet but we will have those online shortly. Email us if you want to be the first to know everything about this new workshop series.
April 14th
Photographs from workshop participants in our Antelope Canyon and Navajoland workshops were added today to the links section. If you were on one or both of these workshop this will bring back pleasant memories. If you are considering attending one or both of these workshops take a look at what you could be photographing!
April 7th,
The April 2004 Print of the Month is being released today. This month's photograph is a companion image to the March print of the month and features a second image from my Paris photography excursion this past December and January. Find out all the details here now.
April 6th,
Uwe Steinmueller and I are proud to announce the 2004 Fine Art Photographers Digital Summit. This event is held in Phoenix, Arizona, on November 12 to 14th. Find out all the details here
March 24th,
Photographs from the Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden were added to the Canon 300D portfolio today.
March 21st
A new portfolio of Paris Photographs was added today. This portfolio shows my current selection of images from the body of work I created in Paris in December 2003 and January 2004.
February 25th
I am pleased to announce the Digital Photography Workflow Handbook by Bettina and Uwe Steinmueller. Find out all the details of this 360 pages downloadable PDF here.
February 21st
Announcing the February 2004 print of the month. If you have read my article A Rebel in Paris you definitely do not want to miss this new release! Find out all the details about it by clicking here.
My latest article A rebel in Paris has just been published on Luminous-landscape.com Click here to find out why, at moderate print sizes, a Canon 6mp digital file can equal a 4x5 transparency in quality and resolution!
January 20th
Two new publications were announced today:
- First, the fifth article in my Aesthetics and photography series:
How to Select the Best film for a Specific Image with both Film and Digital Capture on Luminous-landscape.com
- Second, the start of a new diary:
Alain's Canon 300D Journey on Outbackphoto.com
Both are recommended reading and are guaranteed to hold your interest.
Do what you love
All images and texts are copyright © Alain Briot 2007.
All rights reserved worldwide.
No reproduction of any sort by any means are allowed without written authorization from Alain Briot.
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