Having a show of your work is an important event. Having your fist show ever is an even more important event. Elwood Spedden just had his first show, and as I write, in early December 2005, his show is still on display. Here is Elwood's account, in his own words.
If you have been considering having your own show, this account will help you find out what is involved. If your already are showing your work, Elwood's account may bring back some memories.
Alain Briot
My first show
I have a gallery show in Fort Collins from November to December 2005. Last night was opening night and there was a really nice wine and cheese reception. My show coincided with the usual first Friday of the month gallery walk in Fort Collins when large crowds get to see the latest in art from primarily local artists.
While it is tough to be objective about one's own work, I was very pleased with how the exhibit was displayed and with the reception I got from the audience's comments about my work.
Here are a few images which at least give a view as to what the exhibit was like.

Gallery display 2
Elwood Spedden
Exhibition Statement
Every month in Fort Collins, CO an art event is held fondly called The Gallery Walk. The event is located in what is called "Old Town" which is home to most of the town's galleries. The main purpose of the event is to showcase the talent of artists local to Fort Collins. The reception on the night of Gallery Walk includes wine and refreshments at the galleries as well as the opportunity for buyers and interested viewers to talk to the artists about his or her work.
Elwood Spedden, a retired electronics executive and now full time landscape photographer, and a student of Alain Briot of Beaux Arts Photographic, was featured with 13 of his works at the Meko Gallery. Mr Spedden said that "I have spoken to investor groups of as many as 1000 persons and never have I been so nervous as I am tonight." It is one thing to talk to businessmen about your business but it is something entirely different to expose your personality and your inner feelings through your art. Every artist wants to be appreciated for his work and passion and the thought of so much potential rejection is intimidating. Fortunately the exhibition was well received and I am a very happy man. This was my first, but now I know it won't be my last event. I have been blessed to have Alain Briot as my mentor. Through his teachings I have learned to better see the image I am trying to create and thus express my feelings about various places, particularly those of the Desert Southwest..
Elwood Spedden

Gallery display 3
Elwood Spedden
Introduction Copyright © Alain Briot 2005
Essay, and photographs Copyright © Elwood Spedden 2005
All rights reserved worldwide