The Alain Briot Personal Style Master Class, first official announcement I am working on a major tutorial called the ‘Alain Briot Personal Style Master Class’ which will be available for purchase on this site in early summer 2012. The short ‘tips of the month’ included in my free newsletter are vignettes extracted from this…Continue reading The Alain Briot Personal Style Master Class, first announcement
Tag: photoshop
The 12 Advantages and Benefits of The Mastery Workshops on DVD Series
The 12 Advantages and Benefits of The Mastery Workshops on DVD Series Here are the 12 advantages of studying with the Mastery Workshop on DVD Series classes as opposed to learning some other way: 1 – You can study each lesson anywhere you want at your own pace. 2 – You can study each lesson…Continue reading The 12 Advantages and Benefits of The Mastery Workshops on DVD Series
Allocating your resources wisely
Allocating your resources wisely Success relies on a wise allocation of our resources. And while we all want to do ‘everything’ it is rarely feasible to do so. At least not all at once! By focusing our efforts we get more practice and we develop our skills more quickly. But as the old saying goes,…Continue reading Allocating your resources wisely
2012 Photography Curriculum:
2012 Alain Briot Photography Workshops Curriculum Developing a personal style is a process that starts with taking ownership of your artistic license. It continues with making specific aesthetic choices, very much like the technical choices you made when you purchased your camera equipment, software and other gear. The process of developing a personal style culminates…Continue reading 2012 Photography Curriculum:
Artistic License
Artistic License by Alain Briot Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions and intellect. Wikipedia 1 – Introduction A few years ago I wrote and essay titled Just say Yes. The purpose of this…Continue reading Artistic License
Can you sell my work ?
Can you sell my work ? I regularly receive emails from photographers asking me if I can sell their photographs. Typically these emails read like this: “I have a fantastic photograph of (insert location here), I know it’s worth a fortune (millions usually), I just need help selling it.’ Some offer to ‘take me in’…Continue reading Can you sell my work ?
Marketing Photo question – answer
1 – Question: “I have some opportunities to have some of my work shown at a couple of City Hall and similar venues. Am wanting to know if others have done this and if it is a good way to sell prints?” 2 – Answer: Any venue where the public is invited has the potential…Continue reading Marketing Photo question – answer
A visit to Michael Stoyanov’s Gallery
Yesterday we visited Michael Stoyanov’s gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona. Michael is a friend and we own six of his paintings. Here are some photographs taken during our visit: Natalie and Michael. We brought a small painting we purchased a while ago and Michael framed it for us. Natalie admiring Michael’s ‘Masterpiece.’ Read my book,…Continue reading A visit to Michael Stoyanov’s Gallery
About eBooks
About eBooks I recently started offering my books as eBooks. This decision was motivated by the fact that for many people eBooks are now the primary choice when it comes to books. While I personally prefer physical, printed books, there are a number of advantages to eBooks: – eBooks do not take any physical space. 100…Continue reading About eBooks
A new Sketching Gallery is available at this link. This gallery features sketches I created over the past couple of months and photographs of Natalie and I sketching. The September 2011 Print of the month features one of my favorite sketches from this period. You can see it at this link: