10 Reasons to attend the Fine Art Photography Summit

10 Reasons to attend the Fine Art Photography Summit 1 – Death Valley!  One of the most amazing photography locations on planet earth. You will have the opportunity to photograph Zabriskie Point, The RaceTrack, the Playa, Golden Canyon, Artist Point and many more locations. 2 – Jeff Schewe. Study Lightroom and Photoshop with not just…Continue reading 10 Reasons to attend the Fine Art Photography Summit

Happy New Year 2019!

Natalie and Alain Briot wish you a Happy New Year! May your photography projects get completed, printed and exhibited and may your photography goals be reached, whatever they may be. And if you need help, we are here and will be here all year long 🙂 http://www.beautiful-landscape.com

Artistic Lightroom Mastery Workshop on DVD & USB

Coming soon: The Artistic Lightroom Mastery Workshop on DVD & USB. A pre-announcement list is open. Just respond to this email to be added to this list: alain@beautiful-landscape.com You will be first notified when this new Mastery Tutorial is available and you will benefit from a super special offer that saves you over 20% and includes…Continue reading Artistic Lightroom Mastery Workshop on DVD & USB