2021 Mastery Workshops new versions plus Flash and Adobe Reader updates

Mastery Workshops Flash and Adobe Reader updates I created new 2021 versions of all eleven Mastery Workshops on USB/DVD as well as all Summit Recordings, Marketing Seminar Recordings, Master Files collections, Podcast and Summit collections and all the other tutorials available on USB or DVD. These new 2021 versions are necessary because Apple and Adobe…Continue reading 2021 Mastery Workshops new versions plus Flash and Adobe Reader updates

2020 Antelope Canyon Workshop with Alain Briot – 1 seat available

Antelope Canyon is a I-must-photograph-it location. If you have not photograph it you owe it to yourself to do so.  if you have already phtoographed it you need to return to create new images and improve those created during your previous visit. I have photographed Antelope Canyon over 100 times and during each visit I continue to find new images.

We take you to Antelope Canyon and to many fantastic locations, including Horseshoe Bend, the Hoodoos, the Teepees, other slot canyons and much more.  Discover the full itinerary as well as the pricing, scheduled dates, lodging and more at this link:

Death Valley Photography Summit with Alain Briot and Jeff Schewe

Death Valley Fine Art Photography Summit November 1st to 4th 2019 in Death Valley National Park, California Organized by Alain and Natalie Briot With Jeff Schewe, 2019 Guest Instructor We will be teaching the latest versions of Photoshop and Lightroom The Summit is followed by a three-day Photographic Vision Field Workshop to the Eastern Sierra…Continue reading Death Valley Photography Summit with Alain Briot and Jeff Schewe