You dont need a larger audience, you need a more qualified audience.

1 – Introduction In recently received this question about my Fine Art Photography Marketing and Business Success Seminar “I don’t see a lot of materials about how to reach a broad audience  in the seminar contents.” Fact is, there is a lot of information on reaching your audience in the Fine Art Photography Marketing and Business Success…Continue reading You dont need a larger audience, you need a more qualified audience.

Advanced Adjustment Layers Mastery Workshop on DVD or USB card

This new and extensive tutorial will be released this fall. Right now a pre-announcement list is available. To get on the list simply email me at with the words ‘advanced adjustment layers’ in the email subject. You will be added to the list and will benefit from special offers and lower pricing when this new tutorial…Continue reading Advanced Adjustment Layers Mastery Workshop on DVD or USB card

Selling your work like a pro – becoming part of the 20%

Selling your work like a pro: becoming part of the 20% 1 – Introduction I am often asked for recommendations by students who want to sell their work and generate income from the sale of their photographs.  Usually these questions come from photographers who have tried to sell their work and have been unsuccessful and are…Continue reading Selling your work like a pro – becoming part of the 20%