Artistic Lightroom Mastery Workshop on DVD & USB

Coming soon: The Artistic Lightroom Mastery Workshop on DVD & USB. A pre-announcement list is open. Just respond to this email to be added to this list: You will be first notified when this new Mastery Tutorial is available and you will benefit from a super special offer that saves you over 20% and includes…Continue reading Artistic Lightroom Mastery Workshop on DVD & USB

Mastery Workshops Special Offer Holidays 2017

The Holidays 2017 Mastery Workshops on USB/DVD Super Special Offer is live. This offer will save you 20 to 40% and more off my regular pricing. Several gifts and new products are part of this offer. Check out all the details on the Special Offer Page: Get the new Master Files Examples Collection #2…Continue reading Mastery Workshops Special Offer Holidays 2017