My Consulting & Mentoring Programs I offer two options for Consulting and Mentoring: First, One on One Consulting over the phone: Second, One on 1One Consulting In my studio: After the first consulting call with a student I always pause and ask myself if I want to continue working with each student. My decision…Continue reading One on One Consulting and Mentoring Program
Month: February 2017
Four categories of photographers selling their work
Four categories of photographers selling their work Selling your photographs is a serious decision. How you approach this decision depends on your personal goals. I have been studying and teaching he sale of fine art photography for a long time. One thing I found is that most photographers fit in one of four different categories.…Continue reading Four categories of photographers selling their work
My Philosophy
My Philosophy 1 – Introduction This essay focuses on my approach to fine art photography. In order to explain how I do what I do I thought it was important to describe my philosophy in regards to art and photography. As such this essay describes the aspects of art and landscape photography that are essential to my work…Continue reading My Philosophy
You dont need a larger audience, you need a more qualified audience.
1 – Introduction In recently received this question about my Fine Art Photography Marketing and Business Success Seminar “I don’t see a lot of materials about how to reach a broad audience in the seminar contents.” Fact is, there is a lot of information on reaching your audience in the Fine Art Photography Marketing and Business Success…Continue reading You dont need a larger audience, you need a more qualified audience.
The power of marketing
The reason why most photographers can’t make a living from their work is because huge efforts are necesary to convince them to spend money on marketing but no efforts are required to get them to spend their money on cameras and gear. The problem is that just about any camera can take a sellable photograph,…Continue reading The power of marketing
Be good at marketing what you do, not just good at what you do!
Be good at marketing what you do, not just good at creating photographs ! 1 – Introduction To make a living in photography, or in any business, you must be good at marketing and selling what you do, not just good at what you do. When I started doing photography full time, hoping to make a…Continue reading Be good at marketing what you do, not just good at what you do!
How to reach your full potential
How to Reach your Full Potential Our focus for all our instructional materials is to help you realize your full potential by showing you how to raise your standards. There is always another level to reach and we all need help finding out what that next level is and what we need to do to…Continue reading How to reach your full potential