Fourteen Commandments for Fine Art Photography Marketing

The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be. David Ogilvy Introduction Marketing is a challenge for most photographers. This is because it has very little to do with creating art. Many artists abhor marketing their work. Most have never studied marketing. I know. I was one of those artists. When I started…Continue reading Fourteen Commandments for Fine Art Photography Marketing

Creativity Top 12

Creativity Top 12 How to stand out from the crowd  Introduction Standing out among the ever-increasing number of photographers is becoming more and more difficult.  Gear and software are getting better and better.  Prices for photography hardware, software are consumables are getting more and more affordable.  Technical training is readily available. Information about locations that…Continue reading Creativity Top 12

Fifteen Remarks on Fine Art Photography Composition

Fifteen Remarks on Fine Art Photography Composition by Alain Briot Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein Moonset at Sunrize, Zabriskie Point, Death Valley, California Introduction What are the most important aspects of composing a Fine Art Photograph?  The answer to this question certainly varies from photographer…Continue reading Fifteen Remarks on Fine Art Photography Composition


A new Sketching Gallery is available at this link. This gallery features sketches I created over the past couple of months and photographs of Natalie and I sketching. The September 2011 Print of the month features one of my favorite sketches from this period. You can see it at this link: