
Also available as eBooks by clicking here
Scroll down fore description, pricing and ordering
1 - The Books
I have authored four books:
1 - Mastering Landscape Photography (245 pages)
2 - Mastering Photographic Composition, Creativity and Personal Style (370 pages)
3 - Marketing Fine Art Photography (315 pages)
4 - How Photographs are sold (194 pages)
The print quality of these four books is beautiful and the text is illustrated with numerous photographs, many of them never published before in print. There are over 350 photographs and illustrations in each book.
The layout is professionally done. I am naturally "picky" but I must say I have found nothing to object to in the layout, the printing or any other aspect of the books.
2 - Testimonials
- Testimonials from readers of my first book
- Testimonials from readers of my second book
- Testimonials from readers of my third book
- Testimonials from readers of my fourth book
3 - Signature and dedicace
Book signed by the author are collectible and have a higher value than non-signed books. To insure the value of your investment we guarantee that only books purchased from me will be signed. Books sold in bookstores, etc. are not signed.
All the books ordered from this page are signed. If you want your book(s) dedicated to someone else, just let us know over email immediately after placing your order.
4 - Free Shipping (US Only)
Whether you order the books alone or with a Companion or Master Print, your order ships free. We do not charge shipping to US destinations. You pay the exact amount indicated in the table below.
5 - International orders
Shipping is added separately to all orders shipped to International (non-US) destinations. If you live outside of the US or overseas we will calculate the shipping costs for your shipping destination and you will receive a separate Paypal invoice for shipping after you place your book order.
Here's how to order:
1 - How Photographs are Sold
180 pages, 6"x9", full color
Price includes US shipping
2 - Mastering LandscapePhotography
370 pages, 8.5"x11", full color
Price includes US shipping |
3 - Mastering Composition,
Creativity & Personal Style
370 pages, 8.5"x11", full color
Sold Out
Available as eBook
Sold Out
Available as eBook
4 - Marketing Fine Art
370 pages, 8.5"x11", full color
Signed and dedicated
Price includes US shipping |
All 3 books
Mastering Landscape Photography
Marketing Fine Art Photography
How Photographs are Sold
You save $15
Price includes US shipping
All 3 books are signed |
If you prefer not to use Paypal, you can place your order over the phone by calling us
at 800-949-7983 or 928-252-2466
Not sure if you want to order during this special offer?
Here are all the benefits you receive:
You receive the following 5 unique benefits when you order during this special offer:
1 - You receive $50 off your next workshop registration, including the Digital FIne Art Printing Summit! *
2 - Your book is signed
3 - Books signed by the author are collectible and have a much higher value than non-signed books. To insure the value of your investment we guarantee that only books purchased from this site with be signed.
4 - Your order ships free . You do not pay extra for shipping (US orders only).
* The $50 off any workshop registration is only available for owners of books signed and purchased from us.
Proof of purchase is required. Offer does not apply to books purchased from other vendors.
This offer does not apply towards workshops you are already enrolled in or towards workshop transfers.
The $50 offer does not apply to books, mat board, Portfolios, Folios, prints or other products.
It apply only to workshops and Mastery Workshops on DVD sold at regular price
The $50 off offer cannot be used in combination with other offers and carries no cash value.
Orders shipped to Arizona are charged 9.8% sales tax
Text and Photographs are copyright © Alain Briot 2023
All rights reserved worldwide